Adventure Christmas Friendship

It's a wintry morning and Dee closes her door. Another new week at work and it is Christmas in three days. She will wrap the gifts of her colleagues this afternoon. She enters the big grey building; her workplace for nearly fifteen years as a Forensic social worker; on ground floor she decides to be brave and walks six floors to her office. She always takes the lift, but on a Monday she chooses the stairs as a ten minutes fitness

Out of breath she reaches the sixth floor and grasping for fresh air. Good morning Captain Dee, Loud shouts from the lift! Dee waives with her left hand as a sign of greeting Sergeant Louw; too out of breath to speak. She walks down the six metre passage what seems like the long walk to freedom; reaching her office where she opens the door. She notices a little white broken shell on the floor as she placed her briefcase on the desk. She hangs her grey Melton jacket at tje baxk of her door. Then she sees what looks like an egg shell. Oh no! I hope it is not a dead bird!

"How on earth did an egg shell landed in my office"

She picks up the egg shells, only to hear a soft chirping from the back office. She walks to the office door and opens it softly

A little white box wrapped in colourful red and pink paper with a white ribbon. The box had no lid she notice. Inside is a little grey bird with big brown eyes staring at her. She picks up a small white envelope and opens it.

"We at the Unit wishes you a Merry Christmas" we know how much you misses your sister with her sudden and tragic passing and felt the need to give you this little one as a companion. We hope she will beings you so much joy and laughter as you gives to us and everyone around you.

She picks the bird from the box and holds it gently in her right hand. A birdie? What do I do with it; what does it eats? Where will she sleeps. All the questions pops up in her mind as she walks to her drawer, hoping to find an answer in there

She puts the bird back in the little box and starts to cut paper in thin strips as a way of warming the birdie. She opens her internet and starts to Google what she can feed the bird. She nearly vomited as she sees the sentence "worms" breadcrumbs is good yes. She reads through an article on how to understand and nurture a bird

She grabs her bag and takes out her lunch; she noticed chicken and salad and starts separating the chicken into little strips to feed the bird.

She places birdie on the soft brown carpet and sits next to birdie. We should give you a name ofcourse

I like Blinky; shall I call you Blinky?

She slowly reaches the tiny beak with her lips and jumped up as Blinky grabs the piece of chicken from her mouth.

Dee burst out laughing and realizes that Blinky is hungry And chicken is indeed her favourite food. She fills a small saucer with water and keeps it at her beak and surprisingly Blinky gathers a few drops and keeps her head backwards throwing the water down her throat.

She takes another piece of the chicken and closes her eyes almost immediately.

Dee got up and placed the left over chicken in the fridge. She washes her hands and starts to do her daily tasks. While sitting at her desk she decides to overnight Blinky in her back office until she is comfortable to travel to a new home. Days passed and Blinky is aware of the surroundings. She easily climbs from her box and sits on the corner of the desk where Dee is busy working. She spreads her tiny wings and chirps walking from one corner to the other. Dee paused for a while and stares at Blinky. She really is growing fast!

Dee studies more insight about birds and soon she understands the routine of a young bird

Weeks passes and Blinky is now a handsome young bird with grey and red feathers. She is trying to fly, but it seems she still needs a lot of practice.

During the days as Dee leaves her office, Blinky will jump from the desk and follows her just about everywhere in the building and soon her Commander and colleagues falls online with Blinky

Come on Blinky; you can walk faster now. Dee puts Blinky on her shoulder and walks patiently down the stretched passage. Blinky chirping in an adult manner now.

Three months later Blinky is ready to fly and Dee takes her to an empty office while opening the windows on the sixth floor

Blinky, you know I am your mommy since you were born. What you must know is that I am human and you are a beautiful bird who should fly freely with your buddy family high in the skies

Today mommy wants you to spread your wings and fly. Blinky looks at Dee and chirps at Dee with her wings widely spread

It is okay Blinky. I will always be here if you wants to come pop in.

Blinky chirps loud into her ear and Dee opens her right arm placing it on the window frame. Blinky walked slowly to the end of her arm and opens her wings; then she flies to a big tree just outside the window. She sits next to a bird and chirps along with it

Dee walks back to her office knowing that Blinky is now where she belongs

........Months later as Dee is busy checking her emails she notices a bird sitting on her office balcony and rushes her tired legs to the window.

A loud chirp and a very huge grey bird staring at Dee

Blinky! "You came back"

Soon another bird arrived and then three tiny little birds

Blinky found herself a family

And so the day ended for Dee, while Blinky and her family chirping the day away

The End

December 23, 2020 21:30

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Mariya Khan
01:13 Jan 01, 2021

Loved it!


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Lydi B
19:34 Dec 31, 2020

What a sweet story of this woman caring for a surprise baby bird. It has great potential with the love from her coworkers and her kind nature. Seeing her effort pay off and her bird return happy and healthy is a lovely ending. My suggestion would be to leverage some of the conflict you set up with Dee having trouble up the stairs. Perhaps the bird has her running around, but she does so because she loves it? I would also suggest signing up for the Reedsy course on dialogue punctuation. I was a bit lost to know when dialogue began and ended....


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