Sky and Misty Two Different Elementals

Submitted into Contest #83 in response to: Write a fantasy story about water gods or spirits.... view prompt


Adventure Fantasy Friendship

I wake up to the sound of Amber cooking who knows what. I walk quietly into the living room and sit on the couch comfortably peering into the kitchen. I then hear a noise that sounds like an elephant, and a snake yelling at one another. I freeze in terror of what might be lurking behind me.

I feel something run up my arm making me feel numb and tingly. I scream at the top of my lungs fearing the worst. “You fail.” I hear a faint voice behind me in say it a rasp tone. “Fail what?” I retort knowing it was Tera behind me. I turn around to look at her directly in her light green eyes.

Tera swings a rubber snake over her shoulder and stares right back at me. “When there is a snake you stop moving and let it pass.” Replies Tera scowling at me. I watch her move towards the kitchen making her red hair swish.

Once I recover from Tera's attack, I turn the TV on. I pout “No good channels?” Amber's sudden voice scares me into a ball. “Oh, I am so sorry Sky I didn't mean to scare you.” Amber's sweet voice calms me down, so I uncurl myself.

“Made your favorite!” She says, as she hands me a plate of pancakes and toast. “Thank you!” I squeak, before I devour the toast. “No problem.” Is Amber's sweet reply.

I quietly watch Amber put some Mesquite wood into the fireplace and light it with her hands. The smell of Mesquite wood fills my lungs, so I can't help but smile. I hear an alarm go off and watch as Amber suddenly gets tense. “Sky outside now!” Amber yells at me as the sound of the alarm gets louder.

I rarely went outside, and even if I did, I didn't go past the fence, but I knew that Amber wanted me to go past that by a whole lot. I listen to her and rush outside into the daylight. I stop by the fence for a good two seconds, before running past it. I almost cry, as I rush into the forest to the point that I can't see the comfy little cottage in which I called home.

I trip over a tree branch that was laying on the ground. I sit up to catch my breath and brush myself off. I then hear a rustle in a nearby snailberry bush. I carefully walk over to the bush and move it to the side. I see a young girl about my age with her bright blue hair pinned up in a crown braid. “Hi, I'm Misty a water elemental! Who are you, oh wait let me get you something!” Misty runs off leaving me by myself.

I stand in pure shock, as I stare after her. She soon comes back with a handful of Wistale flowers, handing two to me. “You asked my name earlier, and it's Sky.” I say, taking a sip of the sweet juice of the Wistale flower. “Oh right, nice to meet you Sky!” Misty gleams brightly.

I can't help but smile at her. Misty smiles back before dragging me deeper into the woods. “Where are we going?” I ask halfway out of breath. “To Kaycliff Falls of course!” Misty responds energetically. I tug Misty slightly making her stop. “Is something wrong bestie?”

I stare at Misty shyly. “What is Kaycliff Falls?” I ask trying to understand. Misty stares at me with a thoughtful look on her face. “Are you a Human?” Her question makes me giggle slightly. “No, why would you think I'm a Human?” I ask snorting quietly. “Well, only Humans would not know that Kaycliff Falls is a city.” Misty responds looking up at the puffy white clouds in the sky.

“I don't read much.” Misty blinks at me before nodding. For some time, the two of us travel quietly through the forest. “So why?” I look at Misty confused. “Why, what?” Misty turns to me. “Why do you live here in the forest?”

I stare at a nearby tree blankly. “I guess I was scared of what was outside my safe home...” I drawl on the syllable 'home' facing Misty again. “Oh... I'll show you around then!” I giggle at her enthusiasm. “I would love you too show me about.” I gleam at her.

She smiles brightly at me, as we wander outside the forest. I gasp in awe at the petite community in front of me. “Like what you see?” I look at Misty who was admiring as well. “Yep...” It seems to be the only response I can pull off.

“This is Glow Town.” Her voice sounds like a bird tweeting in a language I could understand. I can't seem to find words to make a response. “If you like this, you'll love Kaycliff Falls!” I stare at her, questioning with the expression I make.

She just smiles at me, dragging me down the hill towards the village. “Why are we here?” I wait to ask this question, until we walk up to a small two-story house. “We need a ride and DJ has the perfect thing for us.” I shy behind her when she knocks on the door.

A young man opens the green door his blonde hair tucked beneath a blue baseball cap. His blue eyes glisten in the sunlight, I almost didn't notice because I hid further behind Misty. “Oh, Misty what can I do for ya?” Misty gave a friendly smile.

“Hi, we need to borrow your Scwalit.” DJ nods walking past us and into the backyard. We follow, to see a strange creature eating the grass. “When you’re done tell him to go home.” The creature snuggles against DJ.

Misty thanked DJ, helping me onto the red furry creature. Its head turns backwards to look at me. “Awe he likes you!” I try not to tremble as I pet the things head. Misty pulls herself up onto the Scwalit making her blue crown braid leap.

“How'd you meet him?” Misty steers us down an open path. “Can't remember, but I'm pretty sure I've known him since I was three.” Her eyes shine as I watch the forever stretching horizon. “How old?” Misty looks at me. “Eighteen.”

The Scwalit's skinny tree like legs made the ride smooth. “And You?” “Twelve” “Hey I'm twelve too!” She smiles, a cheeky smile on her face. The Scwalit jolts causing me to grab Misty's waist in panic.

She laughs at me, the Scwalit turns its head to look at me. “I'm fine.” I mutter, my face heating up in embarrassment. The Scwalit faces forwards again and continues through the grassy field.

“So how far is it?” Misty hands me a tattered map of Soakamora. “We're here.” She points at a piece of the map. “And our destination.” Her finger glides across the map pointing at a labeled part that says Kaycliff Falls. “Takes four hours.” I try to hide my disappointment.

“Well, I’m going to take us down the river, which only takes two.” I feel the color of my face drain. “This thing can’t hold us and swim!” Misty laughs smiling brightly. “Duh, that’s why I’m going to use my water abilities.” I let out a sigh of relief.

At least we wouldn’t drown with Misty around.

February 27, 2021 13:58

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