Funny Drama Thriller

A Korean rap song.

I was  in the mall, I was coming from a restaurant. Soon a call came "Hello,yes.." 

"Hey Galley," It was my sister's call. Stella "We are having a birthday party tonight."

"Of whom?" I asked as it was a sudden surprising news for me.

"Our cousin Jondie. Actually his parents told us today that they are coming to our house and for us it was out of the blue."

"Yeah seems like that to me too."

"So where are you now?"

"Under the sea, the monster running wild inside of me…." I sang a song faded by Alan Walker in reply to this as I was feeling excited. As we both laughed. "Good one.." My sister Stella said. " I am coming home." I replied.

"Okay, come quickly.. As you know we will not celebrate birthday without you.."


"Okay by.." I then ended the call, and walked towards an elevator. I was on the 10th floor. As I stood outside waiting for an elevator. Then there was a guy who stood  beside me. I looked at him and Oh God, that guy was a bully in my high school. His name was Sire. Sire looked at me. "Hey dork! Whats up?" 

"Excuse me?" I said.

He laughed. He was holding a brown packet.

"How come you are here?"

I didn't answer, "Just came here for shopping?" He asked and I nodded. 


"You girls are made to waste time shopping…"

"And you guys are just made to waste your precious energy by speaking rubbish.." I said.

There were two elevators. People were standing outside the elevator. And I and Sire were the one waiting for the elevator on the other side. People got inside as the elevator reached up.I kept pressing the button irritably.

Our elevator was taking too much time. "I guess I have to take stairs, ?"

I spoke to  myself.

"Go ahead! .." Sire said to me as he listened to what I spoke. I looked at him hard. My stare made him feel back off.

And then we wait for a few seconds and then the lift reaches up. We went inside. 

"God my heels…" I said. He looked down and said, "Girls and their uncomfortable heeled shoes. Still they used to wear it and that doesn't make sense."

And then the elevator stopped, the door opened and that guy left."Thank God he left. I guess I had to take it off."And as I was taking out, there was a power outage. "What happened… ? What happened to the lights" I said frantically.

Lights out? I thought. "Oh God...no…" I said.  I opened the mobile light and the elevator was illuminated with a small light. I tried to open it. As I banged on the door, shouting for help. 

"Hello! Is anybody there?" I shouted but there was no reply. I frantically press all the buttons. But it didn't work. 

The elevator was stuck on the 7th floor. "God what the hell.." I said. I kicked the door so that it could budge. "I shouted as I again kicked the door several times. I stayed calm and took a deep breath in a pitch dark elevator.

I then looked around for the camera and I spotted it. I faced the camera and shouted for help. Then I made a call to 911." But no one responded. It was 5 am

I then sat down feeling like giving up. 

"Just stay calm and wait.." my gut feeling says to me.

"My family would be getting worried about me…" I said to myself I then took out an mp3. My new mp3 my cousin gifted me. I then turned on the mp3 for the first time and the korean song came to which I was in love with its beat that made me feel distracted.

Meanwhile I started watching pictures from the mobile in the gallery store. 

Then I noticed their lyrics with full concentration. As a  rap came in a song in which a rapper was telling how I got stuck in an elevator. Every time a rapper was repeating that Korean word I prayed. 

I then slide the screen randomly for another picture. And there came up a picture in which prayer was written on it telling  a prayer if you are stuck in an elevator. My eyes were completely widened with astonishment. That was a miracle I wondered. Actually I don't believe in spiritual things so I didn't have any idea about it.

I recited that prayer to him.  It was 10:30pm. "Now give it a try.."  My mind whispers into my heart. I pressed all the buttons but it didn't help. I kept on reciting that prayer. I then screamed for help as I banged on the door.  And finally there was someone passing by that elevator.

I heard footsteps and we were glad. I hopefully banged on the door. But actually that person was deaf. Finally the light then came but the elevator was not moving. "Keep praying keep trying…" I said to myself,

 I then made a call to 911 but still there was no signal. I then kicked it and then pressed the bell button continuously. And miraculously someone responded to it. I then told them that I am stuck in an elevator on the 7th floor. And they said that they are coming for help. I let out a relief sigh.

While they were trying to open and fix the elevator. My stomach then growled as I  sat down and I began to eat parcelled food. Soon the doors were opened and I was out.

I could easily breath in relief. It was too suffocating inside. Fresh air blew some strands of my hair.

I then looked at the time and it was 11:30pm. I felt extremely sad and hopeless that the birthday party might be over now. I hailed a taxi.

When I reached home. I was right. The party was over. There was no one. Only Stella was there sitting in a living room. "Party is over?" I said.

"No they will come tomorrow. They encountered some kind of problem. But where were you? So late you came."

"I was stuck in a elevator but now I am okay. Thanks to that Korean rap song."

September 10, 2020 08:54

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