Adventure Fiction Thriller

Allow me to take you back in time.Back in time to when a thirteen year old young boy existed.His name was Kongo and he was as unique as they came.You are probably thinking "ooh he must have had superpowers."Well I guess you could say that,but his superpower came nowhere close to swinging from building to building or throwing a hammer only he could yield.His superpower was the ability to change his mind faster than the speed of light.In short,he got bored easily and so the journey to end the boredom began.

The initial motivation kicked in and into his grandmother's garage he waltzed."What do we have here?"uttered Kongo as he was looking down on an old dusty bicycle.He took off his shirt,used it to dust the bike then realised that he had just used his shirt to dust the bike,the same shirt his grandmother washes for him,the same grandmother who takes no nonsense...from anyone.The boy surely was not about to face "John Wick " with a dusty,dirty shirt.He decided to fake a bike accident(literally) to account for the dirty shirt and maybe gain grandmama John Wick's sympathy.I guess the saying is and has always been true after all"the stricter the parents the sneakier the kids".He put his shirt back on,got on the bike and down the hill he paddled.The accident was fake but the injuries were real and so was the pain.And so he quickly discovered.Grandmama Johnny felt sorry for him and took care of the injured Kongo like a newborn baby.Since it was mission accomplished,he couldn't care less about his injuries.In his opinion they were far much better than those he would have acquired had he not came up with his "genius" "fake" accident idea.

The accident did more than just save him from a whooping.It gave him something to occupy his mind with."When I was on the bike all I could focus on was the ride itself.My blood was was boiling,Palms sweating.oh man I wanna feel that more often."mumbled kongo to his partially immobilized self.The love for biking was immediately evoked from within him and he had Adrenaline to thank for that but he did not know the 'Adrenaline' part so let me just keep quiet.

Seventy two hours later when he could finally move a bone his grandmother said "go outside and stretch those feet".But he heard "Go get on the bike and chase the wind" and so he did.Within days his mobility had completely returned and with it came a new development....his grandmother was suddenly sending him places way too many times a day.You might be thinking "well that's what a kid is for" Well Kongo wasn't happy with that development and so he faked another bike incident so his grandmother could instruct him to never ride the bike again and so she did.He did that because he figured that no bike means no million errands a day.

The next morning he went out into the garden and while looking at the flowers,he suddenly thought that they were interesting.He took out his cellphone and started snapping away.Soon he had every one of the flowers in his grandmother's garden on his phone but no brakes on his new hobby.He decided to illegally explore his neighbour's garden.This went on until there were only three houses left.Then one bright Saturday morning he headed out into one of the three neighbour's garden.He was skilled but his skills nearly caused him his life.As he was snapping away he failed to notice a green Mamba that had wrapped itself around the stem of one flower that he was awfully close to up until his phone's flash went off and the Mamba reacted.He managed to get away unharmed but decided to leave the garden Photography in the garden.At least he had a picture of an open mouthed Mamba charging towards him with a beautiful flower in the background. 

That evening he took a pen and a notebook and decided to write about his "adventures".Thirty minutes into the writing he realised that for him to write about his adventures he had to sit down and think.Two things he couldn't just bring himself to do.So he quit.

He then took his cellphone and figured it would be much more easier to shoot a video of himself talking about his adventures than to actually write about them.Needless to say he never finished recording the video as it forced him to recall the events and "recalling them is tiring" do not look at me,those are his words.

He then started to think of Perfomance art as 'beautiful' which led him to join the drama club at his school.After a week in the club he started seeing his future self as an internationally acclaimed actor with more box office hits than Dwayne "the rock" Johnson.A day later he abandoned going to the club saying "things were getting way too serious" and on he marched.

He decided to look for a weekend job at the zoo,which he got.His role was simply to count the birds every morning and know everything there was to know about birds.For the next two weeks he studied every inch of the birds's lives.From their different mating dances to their different calls,he studied them all.

Soon he knew everything there was to know about birds and he had plenty of time on his hands.He'd collect bird data in the morning and that was it.At first he'd unknowingly find himself wondering into the most dangerous parts of the zoo.Then it became a habit.He was caught multiple times and it was explained to him multiple times that what he was doing was not a hobby but a suicide mission.

That fell on deaf ears.One Saturday he waltzed into an unoccupied Leopards enclosure.Completely oblivious to the fact that they were feeding in the next room he walked about inside,further and further away from the exit.As he was enjoying his field trip the home owners returned and a momentary staring contest ensued.Within ten seconds they were all over him.He lost his life,his grandmother lost a grandson and the world lost a thrill seeker.

I guess one can safely say Curiosity killed the cat,in this case Kongo.

January 29, 2021 22:47

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Nancy Drayce
19:13 Feb 18, 2021

Such a good take on the prompt! I enjoyed reading this one! The pace was really good, it wasn't rushed, the concept was really good too! The ending was a bit sad though :( I really like this "...do not look at me, those are his words." it was really sweet! All in all a great story! 💙🌟


Sun Set
19:32 Feb 18, 2021

Means a lot🥰I appreciate you...Thanks💯


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"You are probably thinking "ooh he must have had superpowers."Well I guess you could say that,but his superpower came nowhere close to swinging from building to building or throwing a hammer only he could yield.His superpower was the ability to change his mind faster than the speed of light.In short,he got bored easily and so the journey to end the boredom began." Wow, this story is really impressive. I love your writing style and the voice of the narrative. This story was very unique and interesting to read. The twist at the end was unexpe...


Sun Set
15:22 Feb 19, 2021

Thank you. You are well appreciated 🥰. Glad you enjoyed the read😁💙 ~Sun


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Correen Robinson
07:17 Feb 04, 2021

Nice take on the prompt! I like how you framed his changes of hobbies as a super power and the ending was funny.


Sun Set
10:29 Feb 09, 2021

Thanks 🌹


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