The Book reader

Submitted into Contest #91 in response to: Set your story in a library, after hours.... view prompt


Holiday Happy Kids

The library was very silent and there wasn’t anyone inside. The librarian was very sad that nobody came to the library. It was night and closed the library. The next morning, the librarian came and opened the library. One man came and he asked if he could read in the library. Then he paid some money, took some books and the librarian noticed that he was a very slow reader..

The librarian was going to see if some people would come or not. The man started reading and he was only on the first page for half an hour. The man turned just one page and he closed the book. He took the small book and started reading. Then another man came to the library.

 Then the two men started talking.

The slow reader said, “My name is Rohan. How should I call you?”

The other man answered, “My name is Mohan.”

Mohan got a call and told he had some work so he gave some money to the librarian and left the library.

It was breakfast time so Rohan went and bought some food and came to the library.

He was eating in the library and was reading books. The librarian slept for some time in the library. Rohan finished eating and finished that short book. Then he was taking some other short books but he had seen an awesome novel. The librarian just woke up and saw Rohan taking the awesome novel which was only for paid members. Librarian told Rohan that it is for paid members . Rohan told he would pay and read this book. 

The librarian said “ok”. 

And he paid money for the novel and started reading the novel. It was awesome. He was reading it very slowly. But the novel was only half, the other half of that was not there. He told the librarian that the half novel is not there. The librarian told Rohan that it will be somewhere in the shelf. Rohan and the librarian started searching for the novel. It was under the table.

 Rohan said, “Got it, librarian.”

and the other half was very big.

 It was lunchtime. Rohan wanted to finish the novel so he brought lunch to the library. He couldn’t finish the second half. So he planned to take some other book but he paid money for the novel.

He started eating lunch. When he finished his lunch, he felt so sleepy. So he slept in the library itself. The librarian saw that he was sleeping. 

The librarian switch on the fans on and the lights off. The librarian also slept well. 

It was evening and two of them woke up and Rohan started reading. After some minutes he finished reading the novel. He talks sometimes with the librarian and takes someone to read for so much time. He was thirsty and he went out of the library and brought some water bottles and the librarian was going to close to the library because he thought that he was gone. It was night 9:00pm and it was dinner time the librarian was eating dinner and he shared food with Rohan.

He has finished reading all the books he had taken. He was very tired but he was very happy to be there with the librarian. The librarian was also happy that a man had come to his library and the librarian thanked Rohan for coming. It was hours he stayed there so he returned home with some books in the library and told everyone to go to the library.

He also came daily to the library and bought some books and read some books and talked to the librarian everyday.The librarian was happy that many people were coming to the library. The librarian thanked Rohan and gave him some books from the library.

April 30, 2021 06:04

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Madison Smith
18:25 Jul 09, 2021

Hi! Good job on your story! A couple recommendations: work on showing more rather than telling (show that he's a slow reader by describing how he reads or the passage of time), sentence length variation (this will improve your flow), and adding a climax (this will be what your story builds to). Those are just some suggestions if you were looking for areas to build on. Overall, keep writing and enjoying your craft!


The Cold Ice
10:04 Jul 10, 2021

Oh thanks but my editing time was over so I cannot edit it.thanks. Hi how are you


Madison Smith
21:24 Aug 18, 2021

Ah, gotcha. Yeah, I'm prone to finishing my story at the very last second before it's due lol And I'm good! Kinda went radio silent for like a solid month cause I was working and haven't written in a hot second, but I'm chilling. Getting ready for school. You?


The Cold Ice
03:31 Aug 19, 2021

Wow how many times of job you are kinda busy right. We have online class no school


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Prakash Amboiram
06:07 Jun 04, 2021

Good story. Keep writing. You will improve by writing.


The Cold Ice
06:08 Jun 04, 2021

Thanks. Yes I will improve


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Julian Race
08:26 May 28, 2021

Brilliant story line, great flow well done :-) Julian


The Cold Ice
04:19 May 29, 2021



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Dhwani Jain
16:38 May 27, 2021

Hello It was a nice concept...although I found the writing style a bot redundant with grammatical errors on the way. You might want to review the story. I am assuming that you are from India...Which city?


The Cold Ice
05:01 May 28, 2021

Thanks. Yes I am form India and in the south. Where are you?


Dhwani Jain
05:15 May 28, 2021

New Delhi


The Cold Ice
08:15 May 28, 2021

Oh nice I am from tamilnadu


Dhwani Jain
08:29 May 28, 2021

Great! Please check my stories too... I've also got a blog :


The Cold Ice
04:20 May 29, 2021

Ok I will


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Julian Race
16:30 May 27, 2021

Thought you might like this


The Cold Ice
05:01 May 28, 2021

Oh ok ( would you mind liking my story)


Julian Race
08:24 May 28, 2021

Sure if you read and like mine but only if you like it, I actually pressed the like, but maybe it didn't register the first time :-)


The Cold Ice
04:19 May 29, 2021

Ok. Thanks I read your story


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Akshaya Sutrave
14:32 May 16, 2021

Hi! New thread (from your previous message) And I'll read this story soon!!


The Cold Ice
04:42 May 18, 2021

Ok thanks


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Ryan LmColli
14:20 May 11, 2021

Great story: Pls join this link...


The Cold Ice
02:50 May 12, 2021



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Ramie Creates
15:36 May 09, 2021

A really straight forward and to the point story. I like how the librarian and rohan became friends.


The Cold Ice
03:34 May 11, 2021



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Aloe Plant
05:17 May 08, 2021

Though I do enjoy the thoughtful way in which you write, I think the story would flow much better with more descriptive words and less, "They did this." Of course, keep that, if that's your preferred method of writing. One major critique I have is the lack of ending. If I am missing something, please do enlighten me, but I think this kind of story would do well with a repeat of the beginning as an ending, as it feels slightly like an essay. Other than that, I love this sweet and simple story you wrote! ~ P.S, I know this came a little late...


The Cold Ice
08:01 May 08, 2021

It’s ok. Thanks. My editing time is over.


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Keerththan 😀
04:19 May 07, 2021

It was a great story! The characters were very comical. Loved the story. Wonderful work. Keep writing.


The Cold Ice
04:38 May 07, 2021



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Arwen Dove
06:29 May 06, 2021

Cool story!


The Cold Ice
13:39 May 06, 2021



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Satvik Gupta
10:13 May 05, 2021

wow, This story was very nice, in the start I was feeling very bad for the librarian, but at the end i was happy to see librarian and Mohan.


The Cold Ice
13:59 May 05, 2021

Thanks.(would you mind liking my story)


Satvik Gupta
03:25 May 06, 2021



The Cold Ice
04:54 May 06, 2021

Thank you


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Corey Melin
22:41 May 04, 2021

A pleasant read. Simple and nice. As time goes by it will get easier and easier to write, but have to keep writing and let the imagination flow. There are always bumps in the road, and criticism from ones who in most cases are hypocrites. luckily, in most cases it's just constructive criticism.


The Cold Ice
04:16 May 05, 2021

Oh yes.thanks it will be easy when we write. Thanks you.


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Ella Garrett
20:27 May 04, 2021

I couldn’t stop reading! Very good story. :) Make sure to read my new ones too.


The Cold Ice
04:16 May 05, 2021

Oh thanks.ok.(would you mind liking my story)


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Tommy Goround
00:07 Aug 06, 2023

Clapping. This had a great perspective and voice


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