From Mena Arkansas to Colombia South America

Submitted into Contest #59 in response to: Write about a character arriving in a place unlike anywhere they’ve ever been.... view prompt


Drama Adventure Thriller

I was willing to help an effort in the Reagan era for the CIA witch ended up leaving me in Colombia South America. Where I under went some dame messed up stuff no kid should have to endure. I was forced into a willing participate by none other than my pastor Fred J Foster. He flew me to Barks Dale AFB from Colombia South America where I waited days on end for him to come back. After leaving me at the Air Base he flew away in the plane we arrived in. Thankfully the soldiers on base brought me food every now and then to the plane I was waiting in. Till my pastor came back not to get me but to drop my body out somewhere else to his surprise I was alive and pissed for the trouble. Then two FBI agents had to come verify that I was who I was. No homecoming nice to see your alive just inhale this nitros oxide inhaler till you go to sleep and get back to louisiana. They did not want to hear the truth till after they found questionable cargo in the plane with me. Which they waited till I got older and was at Barks Dale AFB the day none other than Oliver North was to be a guest speaker. I got on Olivers plane 123a transport against the security's discussed. I talked to him and gave no guest speaking that day he canceled it. Seems I brought up some pretty messed up stuff for us both that day. That is when the FBI showed me they kept the two bags of cargo found with me. Said I had to explain and go with them. I denied that explanation did get some paperwork out of the cargo. Now I could not think of a better thing to do. Im not fearful of my past or my pastor now that he is in the ground God rest his soul. Losing the childhood and living the messed up adult life that followed has not been easy. My life changed in Mena Arkansas that day I flew out with a cartel leader Pablo Escobar strait up to the horizon to high for a kid till he turned off the motor then glided down over the Panama Canal to see the South American coast in silence for the first time quite a sight for a kid in the 1980s no real compensation for living the life after I got back. There is a Star that made it even with me and the government. For that I do feel blessed, and thankful for a nation of freedom to live in rather I'm living the best or not the USA is the best nation. In Colombia South America along the equator in the mountians, there are stone pits where they put the dead so the fowls of the air can eat the flesh and meat on the bones of the dead. You might not think that the CIA has been there or even desired to take pictures of it but along side it was a gated in house structure that the cartels kept the enslaved drug trade people in they waited there till needed in the drug effort women, men and children in the late 80s used to help smuggle drugs to America and the pit was always full of unwanted workers. No place for todays youth stuck behind a screen pushing buttons. What do you balance the suffering of the heart and mind with at the cause of defending freedom? All I've found is Time, but it continues to tilt the scale of my humanity. Some weights of humanity take up to much time for only one human to bear. That's why God allows America to share its burden of freedom with those strong enough to protect it. God bless America. Beware of black helicopters the ride is fun but what you have to do to be in them is costly. Flying in the plane as a passenger with Oliver North is only beneficial because of his skill as a pilot. He did not like the cost of what was going on in Colombia either he just happen to be the only trust worthy pilot with the skills to land and take off in a 123a transport plane. Seal did not have those skills on the short red dirt runways in the mountains of Colombia South America something else the movie American Made left out. Oliver does have strong morals unlike Seal and the rest of the crew he had that's why they flew Cessnas and he flew the military hardware. They filmed the demolition of the drug farm in Colombia on the army transport plane flown by Oliver North I was on this plane a little blond haired boy in the 80s. There were people running out in fire towards the equator line out the back of the gated in property. There was a satellite transmissions building that transmitted a broadcast signal to the pentagon I have been in the satellite room on the property it filmed the runway and road on the property so any thing coming and going would be filmed. Any one that was in that farm got missiles from a jet fighter that came from an aircraft carrier that at the time was off of the coast of Peru. The army transport plane Oliver North flew would pull up to the sky to gain altitude while the jets would come in then nose dive so the projectionist could get a good view. I watched it all front row with the CIA. Escobar himself flew me from Mena Arkansas to show me his cocaine production sites and back to Mena in one day. Then CIA Stephen Shaffer convinced me to come back after school started to go back with him and Escobar to Colombia again so he could take pictures for the CIA that president Ronald Reagan would see. He did not trust Escobar and said he would probably kill him and through him out the plane but if I went and he brought me back he would trust him and go later to take pictures like he said. I disobeyed Escobar and told him truth about when I was caught on the outside of the fence of his compound by or of his cartel killers. That's when he made the decision to leave me there. I had no idea that doing would cause me the torture of watching people get killed and chopped up even watched the killers take there livers then cook and eat them for food it was traumatizing. Not as much as the meeting the CIA and FBI setup for me on government land to be there guest of honor at the Cross Roads where a stage and podium was set up in front of chairs on dirt and gravel then to the side swivel chairs like bar stools with backs on them for the top men of the CIA that work in the Pentagon all there to hear and talk with me about my concerns and issues for the messed up parts they were testing me before they would let me go back to the population this test would prove the CIA pays the most in life for there mistakes because there is no story to go behind there deaths the FBI is the same but usually you will here about there deaths the CIA doesn't even mention most of there's. I found no life lost can be brought back or compensated for and this we share as a bond from people they lost to people I lost. The CIA that was there was responsible for the planning of the situation that ultimately I became involved in and they were there to answer for me any questions or issue that I might have had. Before we went to this property we all had to sign contracts that protected love ones if anything happened but they told me that contract I signed was for my future. Turns out it was in case of the event of my death I was not amused but I later in life found great respect and honor in there efforts to forge this country ahead into a better safer America and World for everyone's benefit and they take loses on massive scales to do this no one sees the real length they will go to achieve this for us all but that day I came as close as any person wants to get, is forced to get, or even could have got. Some parts are to personal to talk about but lets just say sacrifices were made beyond the limits of comprehension for a 3rd grader to understand. The CIA and FBI made me Captain of the Suicide Squad.😈 I know the Government does care very much for what happened to me and I will always be greatfull and feel very privileged for the title they bestowed to me. As a child and young adult I had a lot of conflict with exactly what it meant to be the Captain of the Suicide Squad but as a older adult finally mature and capable of handling all the my short comings of my youth. I patriotically praise the CIA and FBI and certainly the government for there support and forgive myself of the time it took me to figure out who I really am and look forward to what great accomplishments of the present and future may hold for our great nation certainly anything I can do to help or participate in this great American privilege to be a citizen with my title I will embrace.🇺🇸         

July 29, 2019

Dear Mr. Love,

Thank you for your generous words of encouragement and your prayers. The firm resolve of the American people to face challenges boldly is a great blessing to our country.

Our Nation is experiencing a new tide of optimism and renewed faith in the American Dream. I remain confident that together, with trust in God, we will continue to build a stronger and more prosperous country for future generations.

I appreciate you taking the time to write. Your support means a great deal to Melania and me.

Sincerely, Donald Trump

That was an email he sent to me.

He is a very good and compassionate President we are very lucky to have him in office and as a citizen of our great nation I'm looking forward to four more years of progress especially now that we need him more than ever.🇺🇸

September 11, 2020 19:29

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