Submitted to: Contest #49

Non-refundable time

Written in response to: "Write a story that takes place in a waiting room."

110 likes 44 comments


My scarf was plastered around my moist neck but was as comforting as a warm duvet at sunrise. Yawning, I swipe off grains of gravel on my numb knuckles, beneath them were their imprints stamped on like a disapproving tattoo. Distant sirens played in the background constantly; something always buzzing up. I chuckle to myself, a room full of masked people, annoying but kept the mystery. 

You could say we are all lost people, wanted to be found…. So we decided to play hide and seek. 

“Look at me…” I mutter to myself. 

I wore khaki uniform and soldier-like boots, they were smothered in mud and had dried into solid, uneven blocks. It’s even harder to breathe through this mask; and I used to think gas masks were the last thing anyone needed at that time. 

Out of the corner of my eye, I observe the man sitting next to me (which in all honesty is funny to me- we HAVE to wear masks but sit next to eachother). My eyes travelled up his body. He wore incongruously large boots (Timberland PRO Direct- definitely not penny picking every detail) accompanied with black jogging bottoms and a vest. By his proud posture, he looked like he was the man every girl would gawk at. Let me set the scene for you: 

“The sunlight roasts the multicoloured marshmallow-like cars that jiggle on its chocolate pretzels upon various roads. In the driveway stood a man, stripped off to a tight t-shirt and Bermuda shorts, his muscles popped right out. Suddenly, the girls heads turned as droplets of water showered above him; each droplet streaking his glistening body.” 

My mouth is almost too dry to speak. One ear listening to the tête-à-tête of people and one twitching along to the music through my headphones. The waiting room is a weird place with mixed emotions but confusing ones; are people in here for an interview or visit friends at a reasonable places. 

I stared at the black-framed wall clock for the ninth time this hour, scrutinising the second hand, which seemed to linger an extra minute at every passing second. I took my gaze off of the clock, silently vowing to not look at it once more until absolutely necessary, and pulled out my 300-page essay on building and construction. Skimming through the the pages filled with highlighted rows of sentences, some of which have words circled with blue ink and several arrows pointing to small notes jotted down on the margins of the text. Keeping my book on my lap, I caught a glimpse of the wall clock out of the corner of my eye and turned around instantly to see how much I had left. Staring at the clock as my jaw dropped as I mentally calculated that I had less than five minutes to get ready for my interview, 

Something to distract me? I look around and then pause on the man next to me. No, no… don’t Kat. Don’t. You know that when you do, something bad will always happen. 

“Hi, how are you?” I say to the man next to me. 

No response. 

“Okay… nice talking to you.” I sarcastically whisper, smiling at the palm of my hands. “When did life become this stupid.” 

“When a big celestial garbage truck dumped 8 billion living, self-aware beings onto a remote, isolated planet called ‘Earth’ and said, “okay, everyone… have at it!” The man next to me laughs whole-heartedly as he pulls out his headphones. 

Headphones! Kat, you idiot!

I laugh away and lightly snort, which fuels on our conversation. 

“I’m so sorry,” I laugh.

“It’s fine… it was cute,” he says breathlessly. 

We hold each others gaze, addressing each others features, I stared at his walnut-like eyes- innocent and beautiful. My eyes rested on the tattoos that played peekaboo up his sleeves. 

“Mrs. Phoebe Lewis?” The receptionist powerlessly called. 

Grasping my purse, I smile at the man, “It was nice talking to you.” 

He holds out his hand to shake, I move forward with my elbow and gingerly tap it. 

Striding the distance between her and the chairs, I felt my heart deflate, “well that moment was over too soon…” 

“You can go in to see her now. Are you sure you don’t want to…” she said. 

Abruptly cutting her off,  “No, no. I’ve waited long enough.” 

I walk down the hallway and into the room. 

“Mrs. Phoebe Lewis. What a delight, A-grade student and top worker!” The man says from behind the desk. 

“That would be an over…” I say as I look at his extra-polished name tag- Mr. Johnson.

“No… no. You’re an angel for our company.” He interrupted.

“Would you like me to read about the economic views on construction or would you like my views on construction?” 

“Your views.” 

“Mmm okay.” 

As I spoke he paid close attention to my words and nodded with little comments of agreement. 

“What are your views on cops then? I take it very serious.” He says.

“Okay well. Huhum.” I say as I clear my throat. “Some say there are good cops and bad. But I say that’s an oversimplification. The can be honest, courageous, corrupt, devious, malicious, altruistic, cunning or stupid. My dad was a cop and he was all of those things.” 

Mr. Johnson lightly chuckles and rests his hand over mine, “the job is all yours.” 

I stutter and feel my head whizz in surprise, “Umm… uhh… umm.. oh thank you. Thank you so much!” 

“You’re going to have a partner. I’ll introduce you two both to eachother.” He said. 

He called in a man by the name of Steve. I look over at the man. 

“You!” We say in unison. 

“I’m glad actually.” I say and hug him. 

“You know eachother?” He asked. 

“We.. uh. We spoke in the waiting room.” He says. 

“Enjoyable I presume.” He says on a sour note. “I’ll be visiting you two on your sites, make sure you’re always on you’re A-game.” 

“Sure.” I whisper. “What have you done Kat? You’ve created a triangle of love.” 

I like both! 

Posted Jul 11, 2020

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110 likes 44 comments

Scout Tahoe
17:00 Jul 30, 2020

Steve and Kat are both amazing characters, and the entire time I was wondering where you'd take them. I was on the edge of my seat on this line: '“It’s fine… it was cute,” he says breathlessly.'
Thanks for your amazing stories that add a twist of lime and spice to my life. I don't want to pressure you, but I'd also love some feedback on my new story Silver Blades and Memories. No worries if you're busy writing your fantastic stories! :)


Yoomi Ari
10:01 Jul 31, 2020

Thank you so so much and for gripping onto the characters! It’s currently Eid so I’m celebrating, I’ll make sure to check your stories out!! :D


Scout Tahoe
14:50 Jul 31, 2020

Thank you!


Sam T.
15:39 Jul 24, 2020

This was a fascinating, enjoyable read as always... your writing is incredible! Also, you're a BTS fan? That's cool :)


Yoomi Ari
16:02 Jul 24, 2020

Thank you Sam!! :D I’m a BTS fan... to be honest I’m a fan of everything K-...
K-Pop, K-dramas, I should just become Korean!! 😅


Sam T.
16:32 Jul 24, 2020

Welcome ♡ and that is pretty cool ! I'm a fan too :)


Yoomi Ari
20:34 Jul 24, 2020

:D yeees you’re a fan! You don’t know how much I’m screaming at this screen right now😊


Sam T.
22:03 Jul 26, 2020

Aww yay!! Always nice to find someone from the same fandom 😊


Yoomi Ari
10:32 Jul 27, 2020



Djenat Remmache
22:25 Jul 23, 2020

Great story !

Do you mind reading my stories and give me feedback ?


Yoomi Ari
15:48 Jul 24, 2020

Thank you:) sure!


Zyönnah Isiguzo
15:49 Jul 22, 2020

I just couldn't stop laughing. Nice read! Do you mind checking out my story? It's called Her Dark Brown Eyes. Thanks!


Yoomi Ari
21:33 Jul 22, 2020

Thank you and sure, will do:D


Raquel Rodriguez
15:49 Jul 20, 2020

This story is so good! The imagery is fascinating, and I could imagine the guy in a t-shirt and Bermuda shorts. I loved the dialogue in the story!

If it isn't too much trouble for you, can you check out my new story?


Yoomi Ari
09:54 Jul 21, 2020

Thank you!! :)


Eve Naden
22:46 Jul 19, 2020

I love the way you weave the narrative voice so expertly. I'd love an anthology series on TV about your stories. :)


Yoomi Ari
23:12 Jul 19, 2020

Thank you and even I once hoped when I was younger to have an anthology series on tv about my stories! :D


Nancy Drayce
18:49 Jul 19, 2020

Beautiful story! I really liked her personality! ♥

Would you mind checking my recent story out, "Olive Green Eyes". thank you in advance! ♥


Yoomi Ari
20:15 Jul 19, 2020

Thank you!! :D


19:00 Jul 17, 2020

You've brought all the awkwardness and general discomfort of a waiting room into a very clear light. I could feel the excruciatingly slow tic of the clock. Great story. I especially enjoyed the wandering fantasy segment, I always zone out in waiting rooms.


Yoomi Ari
21:15 Jul 18, 2020

I always zone out in waiting rooms; could we be lost twins😱 Just joking :)... you never know though! Thank you and I feel the same way about the awkwardness. You’re looking at something else and then they look in that place too and then they think you are a psychopath.
I’m high off of ramen so don’t mind me! Thank you for your comment and acknowledgements. That is definitely some time you’re not going to get back after reading this🤪
Thank you,


Cheri Jalbert
19:13 Jul 14, 2020

Another wonderful read! Loved the dialogue. The pace kept us hooked. Loved this!


Yoomi Ari
10:55 Jul 15, 2020

Thank you Cheri!! :D


Corey Melin
23:30 Jul 12, 2020

Loved the dialogue on this story. Enjoyable read


Yoomi Ari
18:14 Jul 13, 2020

Thank you Corey! :)


Batool Hussain
13:13 Jul 12, 2020

Hello Bee! The story is so good and the title would make anyone want to read it:)

I would love it if you could check my new story as it has been long since you last gave feedback!


Yoomi Ari
19:43 Jul 12, 2020

Thank you Batool! And I’ll check out your new story; sorry!!! In writers block... 😊


Hawwa Yusuf
16:27 Aug 03, 2020

nice story keep up the good work!!!


Yoomi Ari
18:06 Aug 03, 2020

Thank you!


Alby Carter
19:29 Jul 31, 2020

Woah, awesome story!


Yoomi Ari
21:14 Jul 31, 2020

Thank you Nerdy Girl... no offence 😅


Alby Carter
02:17 Aug 01, 2020



Yoomi Ari
19:19 Aug 02, 2020



Nico K
18:33 Jul 29, 2020

Hey! Love this story- but it could use some polishing. First off, I like how you included some of the things our very own world is going though right now- the cops, the masks, etc. Nice touch! Something to keep in mind, though, when you're writing about sensitive subjects like those, to keep it much more subtle and more under the surface, so if the reader looks deeper they can interpret what you were trying to say. If it's your intention to keep it on the surface though, and make it much more prominent, this is a nice way to do it! You could work on some of your grammar; I spotted some mistakes; and you could work on the dialogue a bit more. It flows a little choppily, but with some polishing, you'll be good to go! :) I saw you like kpop, btw, I'm a fan too! Could you also maybe check out one of my stories? It'd mean a lot!


Yoomi Ari
19:17 Jul 29, 2020

Thank you for the advice and suggestions, I’ll keep that in my mind. I’m in LOVE with k-pop!!! :D


A. S.
06:38 Jul 27, 2020

This story was so much fun to read! I particularly enjoyed your description of the man next to her. Good job! Would you be willing to read my story? Thank you!


Yoomi Ari
10:33 Jul 27, 2020

Thank you and sure!! :)


Jade Young
11:10 Jul 24, 2020

I loved your pacing and the dialogue. This was a fun, light hearted story that I really enjoyed reading. I look forward to reading more from you in future :D

I wrote something completely different for this prompt, and would like to get your view and opinion on on it. It's called "Traces of Lavender". Whenever you get the time, feel free to check it out.


Yoomi Ari
15:53 Jul 24, 2020

Thank you so much!! Would love to read your story:D keep on writing🖤🤍


Deborah Angevin
22:24 Jul 15, 2020

A really good story; I enjoyed reading it, Twilight!

Would you mind checking my recent story out, "Orange-Coloured Sky?" Thank you!


Yoomi Ari
16:45 Jul 16, 2020

Thank you and sure! :)


Tvisha Yerra
21:45 Jul 12, 2020

Aww, cute story!


Yoomi Ari
18:12 Jul 13, 2020

Thank you!! :D


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