The Boy The Man The Serial Killer

Submitted into Contest #58 in response to: Write a story about someone feeling powerless.... view prompt


Adventure Drama Thriller

In life we seem to forget about our past. For me that is not an option. I must everyday think relive and reopen a terrible wound call my childhood. Even though I have been a man for quite some time. It's the inner me that cannot be left out. Something about it just doesn't seem right to let it go. From the rape to the abuse and killing I just can't forget. Neither do I feel I should forget. I stopped feeling self conscious about it and finally opened up. Maybe now I can finally get the peace about my life I deserve. Still it does remain hard to deal with. Especially when I see everyday people around me night and day. People I feel like I should have been more like instead of my childhood differences separating us as much as they usually do.

I do feel powerless to get the recognition I deserve sometimes mainly because of my family friends church and school first sexually abusing and manipulated me from the beginning of my childhood. Rape never sets well with kids. This in itself is hard for children to get thru much less get over growing up. Introduced to death, suicide, kidnapping, and murder before I ever went to kindergarten. During the kidnapping in 1981 I was injured by a rhino horn that pierced my skull from the top and poked out between my eye and ear on the side of my head. Missing my face but taking part of my brain due to the damage that the horn and the operation made getting it out. Given to the serial killer Ottis toole to be kept till my visible surgery wound healed. Escaped during that time and my family that gave me up to be kidnapped now forced to take me back by the FBI. Then in a couple of years yet again taken from the country to Colombia South America by Pablo Escobar and left during a picture taking trip with the CIA agent Stephen Shaffer. Once again left to the abusing ways of the world to survive learned more unnecessary information about the human anatomy. Then delivered to Barks Dale AFB and left to be found by the soldiers on base during a training exercise. Then delivered to the government land were I was offered a job to be a serial killer to help get ride of some of the less viably alert people in society by the FBI with protection and five thousand dollars a month. A choice of any metropolitan area in America all I had to do was chose. When I remembered what Ottis Toole said when I got him aressted by escaping. He said the FBI told him he would never go to jail so I thought about it and made a decision that they were using him and lying to me about the same thing. So when I refused the one hundred agents already assigned to me committed suicide in front of me then there heads were cut off each one by a machine closely resembling a cryogenic way of cutting the head off. Then the bodies loaded in vans and a eighteen wheeler tractor trailer much like a chip truck for logging. Taken to a factory with swinging double doors in the front of the office when you walk in much like a butcher shop or meat packaging plant or building. To be processed and stored right there in metal pits like a bunch of round swimming pools stacked up on huge shelf's that spaned the entire building in side. Once again brought back to the family that could not get rid of me. They forced themselves to embrace me in a shattered attempt to offer me a place to belong yet the constant torture of there lies and withholding the truth that we both knew to be absolutely true drove me a little more insane each time it came up. Then the Bible made of human skin arrived and once again in my childhood trying to grow up I lost it all over again. Placing guilt were pointing the blame to the right people should have been done. Then before Middle School was over a trip to Barks Dale AFB brought Oliver North in my life again he actually talked to me and offered some of the only real help I would ever get a chance to partake in but my guilty conscience wouldn't let me accept it. Stephen Shaffer had no problem taking advantage of the money he offered to me. Mena money. Then before I would graduate High School the FBI once again showed up in my life to offer me a spot in Ottis Toole's biography before his death of pancreatic cancer in prison. I didn't want to grow up with the fame of being sexually abused by a serial killer. Now however it doesn't bother me at all. In high school at the time I thought I was going to have a chance at a normal life but I just got the chance for a normal failure of life which brings me to where I am at today living at the home I murder people to get back to from the third grade. I never thought I would see it again when Stephen Shaffer and Pablo Escobar flew off and left me in Colombia but I did what I could once I realized I would be coming back. I tried walking back all I had to do was head north but I gave up and went back to the Cartel housing and waited for the plane ride that would take me home. Now I spend my days watching TV and trying not to remember all the blood guts and glory it takes to be an American citizen. Which I praise God I am. 🇺🇸

What is your true life American story of how you grew up into the failure or success you are?

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I would be happy to know your Truth. The Captain of the Suicide Squad Dennis Homer Love Jr

September 06, 2020 21:09

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