Adventure Fantasy Inspirational


It's been three days since I got lost in this forsaken desert, because I took a wrong turn trying to reach the ocean, so I could go to the island from the legends, which was supposed to hide the great gem of Thoth.  My camel got scared away because of a snake, threw me off its back and so I am stuck here.

I don't even know why I started this journey to begin with, the only thing I know is that I was looking for shelter, a place where I would stop feeling as lost and wounded as I feel now. Meanwhile, I also hurt my foot on a cactus and was bleeding pretty bad, all while the sun made my head feel like an egg in a frying pan.

And I thought I found shelter, but maybe that was just another trap, because all of a sudden, in the middle of the desert, which was home only to snakes and cacti, there were dozens of pyramid-like mountains reaching towards the sky. I thought to myself: "There can't be any shelter here, these mountains can only be hiding something even worse than snakes, maybe beasts or...", but then all of a sudden, I had the idea to try to climb up one of these steep rocks, hoping to find at least a cove I could spend the night in. As I was climbing up, there indeed was a cove, which I rested in, but also something even more interesting - a narrow door, hiding in plain sight, the same color as the rock surrounding it.

Well, since there was no other escape from this situation, and the desert was stretching endlessly in each direction, might as well go through the door and down - since I had nothing to lose anymore and also barely any attachments to this world left, except to my dear parents, who would mourn the loss of my life. "There is no way out but in" - as the wise men say.


Opening this door was a courageous act, since I couldn't know what I would find behind it, could be treasure, a trap, or certain death - but I knew, before becoming an explorer, that this was not an easy path, nor did I want to take the easy, normal path in life, it just didn't compute with who I was in the deepest parts of my being: free as the wind, infinitely curious about the hidden truth, never wanting to be tied down to any self-imposed image about myself and always in search of the Highest.

As I went down, I found stairs, which had to be man-made, or so I thought at the time, and with nothing else to light my way but a silly flashlight, I discovered many ancient symbols on the walls, surrounding the spiraling stairs - symbols like the Flower of Life, the Ankh, meaning Eternal Life, words in an ancient or alien language, which I did not understand, but also the lotus and the all-seeing Eye. At first, I thought that this was a remnant from a civilization that was somehow connected to the ancient Egyptians, but I was on the other side of the world and there was no way that the Egyptians had the means to arrive in this isolated place and leave their mark, also the lotus was a Buddhist symbol, and how in the world could these two completely different cultures be related, or even be found here in the southern hemisphere?

As I went further down through the darkness, there was suddenly a vicious laughter from a distance, which sent chills down my spine. I thought I was completely alone here. My curiosity was stronger than my fear and I had no intention of going back up, without discovering what in the world was hiding down there, so after an hour I finally arrived at a spacious, dark room. At first glance, I only saw two mirrors, one smaller than the other, directly opposing each other, and the Flower of Life painted on the floor in the middle of an octagonal room.

As I approached the smaller mirror, two little dark creatures appeared behind me and then in front of me a few times, still viciously laughing and smirking at me, their bodies completely made of darkness, it felt like they could absorb me entirely, had I spent a single minute opposing them. But then a divine idea came to me - they stayed far away from the mirrors, so I took the smaller one in my hand and held it directly in front of them, which made them run away in an instant. I was so relieved, that I instinctively stepped into the center of the Flower of Life and then the most amazing thing happened, a white light started shining from the center and I was submerged in it, as if a different reality called me to come forth.


When I woke up, I felt better than I did in years and everything around me seemed to be so much brighter than on Earth. I knew right away that I was on a different planet because the center of the Flower of Life was indeed a portal, not just my hallucination from exhaustion. My foot was healed as if by miracle and pure, loving energy was streaming through my body and energy centers - maybe this reality was providing me with this healing energy.

Looking around, there was plenty to see - I was on the edge of what seemed to be a city, but there was no feeling of denseness, no trash on the sidewalks, actually, no sidewalks to begin with, just beautiful earthy and marble pathways, no concrete at all - because everything was so much more advanced than I ever saw on Earth, and I saw a lot traveling all around the world. Nature and city were indeed one here: the vehicles were flying, not on fuel, but on some advanced method unknown to us, "people" were levitating and there were also some teleportation devices, where you could simply walk in and choose your desired destination, the buildings and houses were intertwined with the trees and plants, but most of all, what was so stunning to me, was that there were no square-shaped buildings and streets, everything was round and had arches that followed the shapes of nature, everything was white, transparent and full of radiant energy.

As I walked through the city, as amazed as I could ever be by one, I met one of the beings that were living here - Gyan, and we had the most interesting conversation about the nature of duality, reality, and Oneness. His aura is filled with grace, positivity, and equanimity, and his exterior is mild and fierce at the same time, with dark hair and eyes, dressed all in white.

I asked him, after explaining the state the Earth is in right now: "How come you are so advanced here on Sirius? What happened in your history that took you this far?"

He replied gently: "We reached a threshold where most of the inhabitants no longer believed in the false story of fear and hate our governments were telling us. Most of us, which was a crucial point, opened ourselves up to the innate well-being, which is always present anywhere in this Universe because the essence of Source is present everywhere, and we realized that we are the ones blocking ourselves from it. The true light of Awareness is always already present everywhere and in all of us and it is ever-loving, ever-forgiving, radiant, and pure."

After he mentioned the Light of Awareness, it made me wonder how can one reach that state and whether it was even possible to do so in our dense 3D reality.

He explained: "The most simple way to reach it is by stopping your thoughts and struggle. Simply stop believing in anything that doesn't feel good, anything that society taught you that makes you feel anxious, and allow yourself to recognize your pure, naked Awareness, which is the container of all experiences, which doesn't blink at dark or light. This naked Awareness is just veiled with all the contents of the mind and the outside world, which is why so many people fail to see it, but you can purify yourselves, just like we did on Sirius."

Our conversation went on for a while later, but he somehow reassured me that not everything was lost on Earth, that there was a way out of the mess we created, and most importantly that Source is never not present, we have to connect to that energy, to that reality, if we want to transform our lives and the planet we live on. I wanted to stay on Sirius, but something did not feel right about it. I needed to go back to Earth and allow my mission to unfold...

April 26, 2024 20:42

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Daniel Legare
14:50 May 03, 2024

I wonder what didn't feel right about being on Sirius! Was it just the protagonist thinking it wasn't right because they should go back to Earth, or was it a feeling? Keep writing!


Sofija Ribaric
06:04 May 04, 2024

Yes, exactly, because she needed to go back to Earth. Thank you 😊


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David Sweet
21:46 Apr 27, 2024

Interesting beginning. I would be intrigued to know what happens next. Welcome to Reedsy!!


Sofija Ribaric
18:20 Apr 28, 2024

Thank you, I'd love to write the sequel😊


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