Double Life (pt 3)

Submitted into Contest #93 in response to: Set your story at a party that has gone horribly wrong.... view prompt


Fantasy Fiction Friendship

For once this story actually relates to the prompt.

This entire series was inspired by Ivy Carter and Lone Wolf, here are their links, go check them out they are so amazing!

Ivy Carter:

Lone Wolf:

โ€œBye mommy!โ€ I shout as I burst out the door, my bag full of party supplies. I skipped the field and ran straight towards the entrance of the enchanted forest, my heart fluttering in excitement. As I crossed the barrier, a shiver went down my spine. Something was wrong, I could feel it, so I sped up my pace.

I arrive at the pond, but the water seems a bit murkier than usual. It is said that the enchanted forest can sense when something is wrong, but it was also said that the animals were dangerous and mystical. Only thing Iโ€™ve encountered is Wolfie, and sheโ€™s not dangerousโ€ฆ although she could be.

โ€œWolfie!โ€ I shout, roaming the area around the pond. After a few minutes, I give up and sit down by the pond, washing the dirt from face. I gaze into the murky water, an unsettling feeling wshing over me. I get up and grab my bag, walking through the forest to Wolfieโ€™s cave. 

As I near my destination, I hear shouting, and I instantly start running.

โ€œWolfie!โ€ I shout, adrenaline shooting through my body. I recognized some of the voices, fathers of the little kids in the field that would come home with bags full of

wolf meat.

I sprint through the forest, my bag banging against my back as I nearly run into one of the hunters. Startled, he lowers his crossbow, his eyebrows raised in surprise. 

โ€œAbigail! What are you doing here?โ€ he exclaims. I glance forward to see Wolfie backed up against the cave, growling at the 5 hunters that surround her. 

โ€œNo!โ€ I shout, lunging forward. A pair of hands hold me back, and I struggle against them, screaming to let me go. I look behind me to see my bleary eyed mother, sadness and fear etched on her face.

โ€œSo itโ€™s true, Abigail?โ€ she mumbles, her voice cracking. โ€œYouโ€™ve been running off every day to spend time with this- this- monster!โ€

โ€œSheโ€™s not a monster!โ€ I yell. โ€œSheโ€™s my wolfie mommy!โ€

She gasps, her green eyes glistening with tears. โ€œDonโ€™t you speak such nonsense, Abigail!โ€

โ€œDonโ€™t worry, Ivy,โ€ says one of the hunters, his crossbow trained on a growling Wolfie. His eyes seemed oddly familiar, bright and amber-like, his black hair spilling in front of his face. Behind him I see another pair of amber eyes that quickly duck behind the hunterโ€™s legs.

โ€œYou!โ€ I shout at the boy, recognizing him as the one who would always watch me when I was in the field. โ€œWhy are you here?โ€

โ€œIโ€™m the one that told them,โ€ muttered the boy. โ€œI followed you every day into the forest.โ€

My blood ran cold, tears spilling down my cheeks. I thought nobody knew, I thought I was carefulโ€ฆ

My mother holds me by my bag now, the straps wrapped tightly around my shoulders. The hunters train their crossbows at Wolfie once again.

โ€œGet out of here, Alaska,โ€ she growls, her bright blue eyes cautious and unfaltered. 

โ€œNo!โ€ I yell, struggling against my motherโ€™s grasp. โ€œI canโ€™t leave you!โ€

โ€œYou donโ€™t need me,โ€ she hisses. โ€œGo, scram!โ€

At that moment, an arrow whizzes through the air, and the world seem to go in slow motion. I wretched myself out of the straps and run towards Wolfie, whipping my head around to face the hunters right as the arrow pierces my body.


I groan, my head aching, fingering the thin fabric draped over me. I instantly shoot up, then lay back down as a rush of blood floods my head. A sudden pain shoots through my arm, and I look down to see bandages wrapped around my shoulder. I glance around the small infirmary, sunlight peeking through the wooden walls.

โ€œMommy!โ€ I shout, tears spilling down my cheeks. The door instantly opens, my motherโ€™s worried face red and puffy. 

โ€œAbigail!โ€ she cries out, wrapping her arms around me. I wince as she touches my shoulder, and she backs away, her face flushed. 

โ€œIโ€™m sorry, honey. Are you okay? Does it hurt? Do you need more herbs?โ€

โ€œItโ€™s okay, mommy. It doesnโ€™t hurt that much,โ€ I lie. 

โ€œOh, good,โ€ she says, slightly relieved.

โ€œMommy, whereโ€™s Wolfie?โ€

She sighs, running a hand through her already messed up brown hair. 


โ€œIโ€™llโ€ฆ bring it in,โ€ she mumbles, walking to the door.


โ€œWhat?โ€ she asks, turning around.

โ€œSheโ€™s a her. You called her an it. Sheโ€™s not an it.โ€

โ€œRight,โ€ she says. โ€œHer. Iโ€™ll bring her in.โ€

I nod as she leaves the room, tracing the bandages on my shoulder. A few moments later, the door opens, and I smile as Wolfieโ€™s bright blue eyes peek through the door.

โ€œWolfie!โ€ I exclaim. She sits down next to my bed, her face emotionless.

โ€œAre you okay, Wolfie?โ€

โ€œMhm,โ€ she responds. โ€œPerfectly fine. After you got shot, your mother jumped up to help you. They decided to let me live, since you trusted me so much.โ€

โ€œOh. But look, Wolfie!โ€ I exclaim, pointing towards my injured shoulder.

โ€œThatโ€™s going to leave a nice scar,โ€ she comments. 

โ€œYeah! Iโ€™m going to have a scar just like you!โ€

She nods, a hint of a smile on her face. โ€œYou are a trooper. Grown men would be whining more than you are right now.โ€

โ€œThatโ€™s because Iโ€™m strong! And Iโ€™m only 9 years old!โ€

โ€œThatโ€™s good,โ€ she says. โ€œListen, Alaskaโ€ฆโ€


โ€œYour mother says you canโ€™t go into the forest to visit me anymore.โ€

โ€œWhat?!โ€ I exclaim, tears threatening to resurface. โ€œBut what about our party?โ€

โ€œThatโ€™s why I brought this.โ€

She pulled out a small bag from underneath the bed, cups and plates spilling out of it.

โ€œMy party supplies!โ€ I exclaim, bending down to set it up.

โ€œI donโ€™t know why you brought so many cups,โ€ Wolfie mumbles. โ€œNot like I can use them.โ€

I giggle, stuffing some red berries into my mouth. The door opens, the amber-eyed hunter standing in the doorway. The little boy stood behind him, cowering behind his fatherโ€™s legs.

โ€œTime to go, wolf,โ€ he grumbles.

Wolfie walks towards the doorway, her tail low, her ears droopy. 

โ€œGoodbye, Alaska,โ€ she says on her way out.

โ€œGoodbye, Wolfie,โ€ I whisper. I stuff the party supplies back in the bag, then feel something smooth and round. I smile as I pull out the small blue fruit, and I hold it in my arms as I drift off to sleep.


My shoulder is healed, although I cannot fully lift my arm nor sustain too much weight on my left hand. A ban was placed on wolf hunting in the enchanted forest, and I take great relief in knowing Wolfie is safe. I go to the field everyday now, and Iโ€™ve learned to play with the other kids. The whispers of gossip have stopped, and now they take great joy in asking countless questions about my arm.

But every so often, when the moon is full and the night is dark, I sneak into the enchanted forest to meet with Wolfie. We sit near the pond and stare at the moon, exchanging conversation during the few hours we have together. And whenever I head home, I always find a small fruit in my bag, blue and round just like Wolfieโ€™s eyes.

May 14, 2021 22:32

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yesss i would love too! was going to anyway cuz how can i not draw a butterfly character XD. Pencil drawing (colorless and better shading/quality) or digital drawing (colorful but less quality since im not as experienced with that). For your character id suggest digital cuz its so colorful but its your choice :)


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I love this Abbieeeee :DD it's really nice to read a happy story once in a while~ there's a LOT of sad stories on this site lol jsdhfsd can't think of puns AHHH GRATE ๐Ÿง€๐Ÿง€๐Ÿง€ job!!! ~ Amethyst


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Philia S
07:57 May 15, 2021

Hey Draci!! New story posted! If you want to read...


Philia S
05:10 May 19, 2021



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Philia S
12:00 May 19, 2021

Btw, what's your time zone? Mine is IST. So we can simultaeounsly come on the doc at a convenient time :)


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Philia S
12:00 May 19, 2021

Btw, what's your timezone? Mine is IST. So we can simultaneously come on the doc at a convenient time :)


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Philia S
05:11 May 15, 2021

YAY!!! Wonderful story, despite the 'action bubbles' XD Seriously though, I LOVED it!!!! Btw, I was slightly confused about why a hunting ban was imposed, like was it because they felt wolves weren't all that dangerous, or because they felt sYmPatheTic towards the wolves cause of you.. or Abigail :D


tysm for the feedback im glad u like it! It was partially a mixture of both, the people never really thought of the wolves as having feelings, just ruthless creatures you know? But after seeing how much me... er, Abigail... cared about Wolfie, it kinda changed their point of view on wolves :) plus, they knew abigail would never let them hunt wolves after that lol


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TJ Squared
22:38 May 14, 2021

so happy lol. i think it was still great despite the writer's block :) great job describing everything and the usual ;)


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Philia S
14:31 May 21, 2021

Draci!!!! ME WANTS THY HELP.... What hath thee planned for the rp? Me wants to know who is in the bushy bushy bush? Sorry, my brain begs to differ in what defines craziness, and this certainly isn't according to it^^^


you are in the bushy bushy bush XD you see me with the powers and you reveal your own powers- plus u notice Lukas and ur like "oh hey lukas" and im like "you know him" and yeah u decide after that lol


Philia S
14:47 May 21, 2021

Okay!! Here goes then, wish me happy landing, all I gotta do is WRITE!!! XD (recognize the song?XD)


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Philia S
08:25 May 20, 2021

Hey Draci, Did my part on the doc :) Btw, don't be pressured or exert yourself, it's ok, we'll complete it somehow. :) Love ya as you are <3


Philia S
12:29 May 20, 2021

:) Unfortunately, I can't open the doc rn since I can't access my account rn(I'm logged on only on the laptop so-) Anyhows, how are you?


Philia S
12:49 May 20, 2021

And I won't accept that as an answer, why 'ok'?! I mean you good? Or somewhat sad or something?(don't answer if you don't wanna, I'm just asking as a concerned friend :))


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Valerie June
02:35 May 20, 2021

Aw, this was much different that your typical style. By that I mean it has a โ€œhappyโ€ ending. XD I liked how Abigail sacrificed herself for Wolfieโ€™s; that was sweet. Think I can be the dead father if no oneโ€™s reserved him? Just kidding, just kidding. Lol!


yesss lol not my usual style, gave yall a break this time XD XD lol i was planning on mentioning more of the dead father but i woulnt have time to really continue this series too much :)


Valerie June
20:53 May 20, 2021

Yes, we all got VERY lucky to get that ending! XD I think you ended this off well. You can infer on what happens next with Wolfie and Abigail. :)


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11:04 May 18, 2021

I ALMOST cried... I love this! Abbie, let me tell you something. Keep scrolling Keep scrolling Abbie, you're an amazing writer and an amazing friend. You're beautiful. You're kind. You're- Oh my PB&J!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! I was about to type "you'...


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Marissa Reilly
19:44 May 17, 2021

Abbie, please don't hurt yourself. You are beautiful, you are worth it, you are amazing, and don't think otherwise. God made you the way you are for a reason, and if your mom can't accept that, then she needs a serious change. God calls for us to love one another, and that isn't loving you.


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omg i read the poem and i thought those thoughts too but pls dont your mom need to be affectionate to her daughter like dont


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Sunny ๐ŸŒผ
12:34 May 15, 2021

Someone explain why "This Is Home" by Cavetown started playing in my mind towards ending this story? Idk maybe it just fits the vibe. Also r.i.p Abigail's shoulder lmao, that's tough. It's sweet that she went to protect Wolfie though.


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