Bedtime Kids Fiction

Once upon a time, there was a couple named Albert and Alexa who lived in a town in a very small house. Albert was an ironsmith and Alexa was a housewife and expecting a baby. She was satisfied with everything they had but not Albert. He wanted more money to give his wife and their to be born child a big home and a luxurious life. In order to do so he spends most of his time on work. Sometimes he used to stay late to earn more.

On a fine Sunday morning, weather was deliciously mild and soothing. They always wake up before sunrise. Alexa asked Albert to go for a morning walk to which he agreed. They were walking slowly as it was her 7th month.

When they reached too far from their home into the forest Albert insisted they should go back as he has to be on work on Sunday too. Suddenly they heard a groan from near bushes. Albert went to see while Alexa stood there craning from the distance. In the bushes there was an old lady stuck from head to toe in thorny bushes wearing a purple cloak and a pointed hat. Albert helped her getting out. She was half as tall as Alexa. The old lady stood up and dusted her clothes. They asked her if she is okay to which she says, "Thank you very much gentleman. let me give you something in return." She took a wand out from her cloak pointing it at Alexa's belly and says, "Your child will be born with a golden luck. MAY THE LUCK BE WITH YOU". A white light shined through the wand which made them almost blind for a second. The moment they opened their eyes the witch was gone.

"We are never coming back here" Albert says.

"Agreed" Alexa gasped.

Days passed by. They were in a hospital where Alexa's delivery was happening. After the delivery, Doctors congratulated them for having a baby boy and for being their 100th successfully delivered baby's parents for which they were given 100 bucks from the hospital and no fees charged. They named him James. They were very happy and a little bit of shock as they remembered what that old lady said. They took him home and spent the money on a feast for their neighbors and relatives. Years passed by.

James has turned 18 today. On his 18th birthday, his father bought a fancy chocolate cake for James. They were sitting in their dining room. Some balloons were taped on the walls and a Happy Birthday poster made by her mother. They were happy with their simple and non materialistic life. After the dinner, Albert told James about the day they met with a witch.

"Must be a joke. I don't believe in magic or superstitions." James says ignoring the fact that he had never failed in any exam even after studying the least, had been in several accidents but never even got a scratch, never had a fight or bullied by anyone. But his parents were very superstitious and still remembers the light coming out of the old lady's wand.

Today James is graduating from high school. He is very happy that now he will have a job and can support his family. On the way back they stopped in a restaurant for lunch. James was looking at other customers. He has a habit of observing people. A man sitting beside them got furious and started shouting as the cashier messed up his bill and charged extra for items he didn't ordered. James went there and helped him to rectify as he saw him not ordering those items. The man was quite impressed by James and asked about him.

"We were here to have some lunch and celebrate my graduation. Wish I could get a good job." James said.

In respond the man gave him his business card and says, "If you are interested maybe we can help you as we need a finance executive. Give me a call if you are interested you don't need to give an interview." he said and walked out the restaurant.

James sat down with his parents and got shocked after looking at the business card as it was one of the top companies in country in which many people thinks themselves lucky to get even an appointment and James got a job without even an interview. They went home after lunch. That day even James was shook to his core that maybe his parents are right, maybe I am given a boon to be lucky.

Years passed by, James was getting promotions after promotions. He was living the most luxurious life and he sends his parent half of what he earns so that they don't have to work in their old age. One day his father called.

"Hi James, How are you?". Albert asked.

"I am fine dad. What happened? you sounds kind of low." James said.

"You remember about the witch we told you about when you turned 18?"

"Yes. What about her?"

"Villagers caught her. I and your mother tried to explain that she is a good witch but they are not listening. They will burn her tomorrow." James said.

"How can they? Did you tell the Sherriff?"

"Unfortunately he is with the villagers too. They all believe in burning the witch superstition."

James took a long breath and says, "Don't worry, I'm coming".

James arrived at the village after two hours drive. He went at the place where that old lady was tied with ropes on a wooden round pillar. Villagers let James in as they knew he is the son of Albert and Alexa. It was a small room with only one way out. James went in.

"Is that true? Did you gave me golden luck?" James asked curiously.

She looked at him for a second and says, "You grew to be handsome and tall. Definitely my lucky boy, Yes." following a witch laugh.

"Can you take it back for you?"

"It cant be taken back."

"I don't consider myself lucky if someone who gave it to me dies in front of me. I will help you escape tonight."

"Just get me my black wooden wand. Sherriff has it in his office and everything will be alright."


James went to Sherriff's department. He was quite amused by the fact that nobody was there and a black wand was lying right on the Sherriff's desk. He took it and went back to the place. James was afraid that villagers will start doubting him if they saw me again going to meet the old lady. But he was lucky that everyone went to sleep early as in the next morning no one wants to be late for the witch burning ceremony. Even the two guards were asleep on gate on their chairs. He easily went in and cut the ropes with a knife.

"I brought your wand. We shall leave now and you will not believe how lucky I am that I did not have to struggle to get your wand and planning your escape." James said.

"Well not as lucky as I am"

"How is that?" James asked.

"Well if I had never met your parents and gave you this boon I would have died by tomorrow morning." Following an evil laugh she held her stick high and a white light shined which made James blind for a second. When he opened his eyes she was gone. A Rose flower appeared from nowhere fell on James head with a note saying, "MAY THE LUCK BE WITH YOU".

He believed that day.

October 04, 2020 18:23

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Pratheeksha R
17:47 Oct 18, 2020

This was a simple, easy-to follow along story for kids. That’s some genre I could never write. The only point of improvement I felt is if you could create scenes of how he was lucky after passing exam with least amount of effort, made out of accidents safe. This could add more impact on the conflict between his parents’ fear and James not believing in magic.


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Charles Stucker
05:09 Oct 05, 2020

tailor - seamstress would work better here- it is roughly the female equivalent of a tailor up through the 19th century. OK I saw the cars, so she might be a tailor. was an old lady stucked - stuck. Stick is present tense and stuck is past. Stick is one of many irregular English verbs. When you use a verb and are not sure about is (your spellcheck flags it) do a search for "past tense of stuck" for example. It will give you the right tense and spelling. Either that or be ready to have editors always mark up your work. This is more li...


Jagdeep Singh
05:19 Oct 05, 2020

Thank you. I like your comments. It helps me learn something new. I will continue to edit it before it gets approved on Friday.


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Carille Durbin
21:23 Oct 04, 2020

I loved this story! Good karma coming around is impressive!


Jagdeep Singh
02:34 Oct 05, 2020

Thank you Carille Durbin


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Sophia J.
02:16 Oct 15, 2020

I love this story, and definitely is a short, fun story with the basic elements of a classic fairy tale. Keep it up!


Jagdeep Singh
13:15 Oct 15, 2020



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Cheryl Fulks
22:20 Oct 14, 2020

Good story


Jagdeep Singh
13:15 Oct 15, 2020



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Carmen Rose
22:26 Oct 11, 2020

Beautifully written story, interesting, and intriguing. I loved it!


Jagdeep Singh
02:09 Oct 12, 2020



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Andrew Krey
14:50 Oct 07, 2020

Hi Jagdeep, I read and enjoyed your story. Always got to love a tale where karma comes through in the end to save the day! I think it's safe to say James is a lucky boy! Happy writing


Jagdeep Singh
14:56 Oct 07, 2020

Thanks Andrew Krey


Andrew Krey
15:17 Oct 07, 2020

You're welcome


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