lately in the village...

Submitted into Contest #88 in response to: Write a cautionary fable about someone who always lies.... view prompt


Adventure Coming of Age Fantasy

lately in the village..."surprises always happen", genoa finished her topic talking to 'lady' the unwanted horse whom has appeared in the barn waiting to be attended. "i am no liar to beggars or the hungry..."

'we haven't enough valuable time to sacrifice our own we make a living with', raising to her manners and a glare to provide no attention. "we ain't either mad; we are smart but a bit crazy." Mira scooted along her washing dishes; tuned to knowledgeable to her choices in the village garden.

a letter smelt of burnt ash was picked up by her as hours gone by, but found what letter on the rubbage pail of rain water. the letter was addressed by mira ("genoa dear girl I have been sent to the garden, allow and go fast to the festival for dry corn"), i will enjoy my way. Be not late for our supper nor i take longer. the items to trade are in a basket near the window. and I will allow my time to make time to win. Winner gets a pie. (Apple) truly yours neighbor granted Mira.

Genoa wore a self knitted sweater locks big as a bulky coat. with traded items in her leather bag and an empty basket not the pail. hurrying past everyone made the grand entrance. "where's the corn?", genoa felt embarrassed.

(are you lost little girl)/the witch stashed her whistle back in its pouch and closed its ribbon.

"i come by regularly only now I show for dry corn" genoa was making a new friend.

(well I have corn here take it) and handed a potato bag of dry contents of corn

"there is not enough for to trade; else to do for adventure as an earning"

(i have non such foolishness); (take and supply)

"that was very fun" absolutely an adventure for genoa.

"Where have you been, anywise we have been asked for half of that silly bag in your arms", Mira gracefully sways in cheer.

the village stirs quite festive activity Mira was sense with of her mind as all were in drunken happiness. as genoa became expert at her way of doing things, everyone cheered and sang her favorite humming tune

Hooray! Genoa, make us a story

... ...lately I got a horse but it was sick

*did you fix it?!

now he has grown

*to its proper strength!?


*what, Genoa does is return from the fair

with a sack filled of dry corn, losers take

winners and bets on me...


I eat this giant bowl of jello and Genoa tells

us whom she speaks to at such festivities at

the festival.


moments later....

Genoa did not notice Mira and her abided

talent to the long talk of a witch in the

village to mention a few things were faces

agape, Genoa faced her crowed and Mira

was not either there.

Mira cooked cornbread of the dry corn as expected. Genoa has her cottage decorated in rich items earned by the witch. no one has ever heard such a tale. as for the fellows in drunken holiday spirit. 'lady' was with fouling and he grew stronger than wind.

maybe in the knight age of history would say different but today all is just a longer tale. Mira sought after a new wardrobe for Genoa in trade with gold. Genoa then lived past a sickness and overcame a headache. she hated more being treated like a child and was given bigger responsibilities and never had a sign of sickness.

Mira had try outs at the festivals to become a teacher, everyone knew she had the influential and knew right then she would win. The horse got a new name was 'lightning' she grew fast with inspirations of being a strong horse. Everyone drew night most of all there were many great things about the festivities at the festival.

Harvest for supper most do not go within outer village walls. Besides the Castle was grand. Many made wealth during the festive weekend.

As for the witch had bought the box of new kittens.

The sign said: WANTED~a home for kittens, plez feed and give care

all must go, ...

was her home by no one saw her, where she went/the jester presented A Letter to: Genoa, I was wishing you a kitten, I have a whole box. *(she was gray with a white tip at the tail and green eyes) and had a bow around her neck a black bow A weed of roses that were dries and perfumed with her witch potions sent with the cat and the box and the sign.

Mira sat in her carriage coming from the school yard. Parked outside Genoa did not know how to expect Mira.

Genoa studied Mira if it was Mira.

Mira was so old but she looked so pretty!

Mira took a bathing to change back into her normal clothes an out process of the school garments but with news that she would move to the college as a mistress~Head Mistress the torture just one day ewww her feet in scolding water. That was more like it!

In the morning everything except *the broom was sales and quantity and all proposed for her life. But no she must. How can this bring a burden upon the village. She never realized how important life was and what other invasion would happen to take them all apart.

At such a time in history villages were slight small areas with green tops toppled the gray slate of stoned walls and iron stoves were for wood burning and an ongoing kettle which was used for warm water.

A medium table sat in the middle of the open space. Genoa was next door on her own living to her books and journal.

Mira sat quietly reading the newspaper as her feet soaked and that was the lesson the village had to learn. To learn was set and never questioned how to live but it was a great adventure.

April 05, 2021 00:05

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