Drama Fantasy Fiction

  I shot up, wide away, to the sound of my mom’s loud, dark howl. I groaned, seeing the sun shining right in my eyes.  

“Argh-” I mumbled, covering my eyes with my hands. Mom turned back to the cave’s entrance and smiled, seeing me awake. Mom was the Alpha of the pack and expected everyone to be awake by dawn.  

“You ready for school?” She whispered, rubbing her forehead against mine.  

“No...” I yawned, moving my head away from hers. She gasped in offence and stared into my eyes. She grabbed my ear and tugged me out of the cave. I yelped with pain as I stood up. 

“I’m up! I’m up!” I barked, yanking my ear from her claws. 

“Good, everybody should be waking up.” She replied while she sat at the edge of the cave, staring off into the distance.  

“Mom, I don’t want to go to...human school.” I said, sitting next to her. She looked at me with anger filling her eyes. 

“I can’t teach you anymore Rebecca. Just hide your ears and tail and you should be fine.”  

“You know I can’t tell a lie. It's my curse.” I complained, dangling my aching head in my arms. 

She patted her arm on my back and sighed. 

“You will be going with Ava. She will keep you from telling the truth.”  

I sat up and looked at her, my eyes filling with tears.  

“Come on Becca. Get out of your pajamas. Ava should be ready soon.”  

After getting ready, I pulled my hoodie over my head and hid my ears. I bent my tail behind my backpack and cried with pain as it popped. I combed out my hair and waited by Ava’s cave. She scurried out, doing the same thing with her ears and tail. 

We smiled at each other and started walking out of the forest.  

“My dad told me about your curse.” Ava started. 

“My mom said you will be helping me.” I mumbled, being ashamed of it. We made it out of the forest, and scurried across the street, making sure not be ran over.  

“That what friends are for, right? Do not worry.” She comforted, tapping my shoulder.  

10 minutes later, we made it to school. People looked at us weirdly as we walked inside. It smelt weird. It was clean, and they did not have tails. Or big fluffy ears. I kept my chin high and walked. Ava looked at our schedule from her backpack and looked down the hallway.  

“Our class should be done here.” She said, pointing to the last door. I nodded and scurried, wanting to get this over with. I stared at the door handle connected to the door. What...? I tried to work it, but I could not. Ava laughed and opened it.  

“Oh, thanks.” I laughed, walking inside the classroom. The teacher looked at us, her eyebrows turning to a concerned look.  

“Well class, these are the new students.” She said, setting down her mug. 

The class turned to us and stared. 

“Staring is rude.” I barked.  

The whole class jolted back in their seats with surprised. Ava elbowed me in the ribs. 

“Ow.” I muttered.  

“What she wanted to say, was we are happy to be here.” She smiled nervously.  

We sat down as the teacher instructed and a girl, looked at me with disgust in her eyes. I stared at her and growled. Ava kicked my ankle.  

“OW!” I yelped. She ran her finger over her mouth as in ‘don’t talk.’ I rolled my eyes and focused on the class.  

3 classes, flew by and while me and Ava were on our way to lunch, the same girl who looked at me in the morning, came and stopped in front of us. Her hair was still in a tight slicked back ponytail, completed with a lot of makeup. Or whatever that was. 

She jolted her hand out front of us and said, “Hi, I’m Evie. I’m from Las Vegas.” 

Is that a cave or something? 

“I’m Rebecca, and I’m from the forest-” Before I could finish Ava hit the back of my head. Ouch. 

“I mean, I'm from forest neighborhood.” I laughed nervously as I took her hand and shook it.  

“Hm, I never heard of that.” She leaned in and whispered, “When was the last time you took a shower?” She covered her nose.  

I sniffed my shirt. I smelled like vanilla flowers. What did she mean? 

“I smell normal. Are you sure you're not smelling yourself?” I asked, laughing. 

She put her hand on her chest and gasped.  

“I would never-”  

“Thank you...Evie, but we better get going.” Ava grabbed my arm and yanked me away.  

She pulled me into an empty hallway and finally let me go. 

“Can you stop acting weird? You are going to get yourself caught.”  

“I’m sorry?” 

“You have to blend in, or we are going to get kicked out. And with your mom the Alpha, she is not going to like this.”  

I groaned and nodded.  

“Let's get through this day, and then you can let your ears and tail flop around.” She grabbed my arm and yanked me down to the cafeteria.  

Evie came running and pulled my hoodie off my head. I gasped and reached for it. She dropped it and stared at my ears. 

“W-What are you?!” She screamed in terror. 

I sighed and looked at her. 

“A werewolf.” 

She turned to Ava. 

“Same with me.” She slowly took over her hoodie. 

She looked at me then Ava, and then me. The cafeteria busted with screaming and went running, leaving me with Ava and Evie. 

“Do they do that all the time?” Ava asked, pointing to them. 

Evie shook her head, not saying a word.  

We saw in the distance, police officers with guns. Guns! I grabbed Ava and started running. 

“They have guns!!” I screamed, running out the door.  

“Wait, WHAT?!” We kept running and got into the forest.  

I saw Mom at the cave with confusion in her eyes.  

“They have guns!” Ava yelled, pointing to the police officers who were making their way into the forest. 

“Get in the cave girls!” Mom guided, pointing to the entrance.  

We got in a then heard a gunshot. Mom.  

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed that. I got kind of got lazy at the end. I'm thinking of doing a part 2, if you guys really enjoyed it. Remember to follow me as I write once (maybe twice) every week. I love you guys soo much and hope to see you later! Byee! *HUGS*

January 13, 2021 19:27

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GASP NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO No. No! I refuse to accept this. No. Her mom- no. This story was so good tho! I really enjoyed it and it pulled me in from the beginning and kept me in. Great job! I'd say you're very experienced in the art of cliffhangers.


Katie May
20:58 Jan 13, 2021

Awww! Thank you so much! It means alot! <3333


Katie May
21:02 Jan 13, 2021

Dont worry! Part 2 will come out next week! I will tell you when it comes out! :)


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Nainika Gupta
14:24 Jan 14, 2021

I agreee.....its like Dressed for Carnage...but WITH WEREWOLVES


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Danny -
07:02 Jan 15, 2021

helllooooooo, how are you doing today?? really bad transition from a greeting but, NOOOOOOOoo tHe MoOOOM :((( I loved your story and I love werewolf stories! It's hard to come by them here (or maybe i just dont know where to look lol)


Katie May
15:54 Jan 15, 2021

Aww, your so sweet!!! I am doing really well, how about you?! They can be hard to find around here. LOL. Thank you so much for stopping by it means alot! *HUGS* <333


Danny -
00:35 Jan 16, 2021

I'm doing well :DD aaaandd no problem! It's a great storyy :)) I'd love to read more from you


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Katie May
17:02 Jan 14, 2021

HEY GUYS!!! I hope you guys enjoyed this! I got a lot of comments saying that you want a part 2! So I did some thinking and this will be my original series. You WILL get different parts from this so don't worry! It won't be ending any time soon!! Love you! <3


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Nainika Gupta
14:23 Jan 14, 2021

"She putted her hand on her chest and gasped. " Should be...she put or she puts That's it, other than that, it was great! are you gonna continue this as your main series????


Katie May
14:41 Jan 14, 2021

Thank you so much for the feedback!! I might, I'm still thinking about it. Lol. Would you like it to be the main series???


Nainika Gupta
14:46 Jan 14, 2021



Katie May
14:48 Jan 14, 2021

I will probably do it!!! *HUGS*


Nainika Gupta
14:49 Jan 14, 2021

YESSS *hugs harder* and you're gonna be dedicated to a person in mah GOL series :D:D:D:D


Katie May
14:57 Jan 14, 2021

OMG really?! Thank you so much girly!!! *EXTRA HUGGIES* :DDDD


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20:52 Jan 13, 2021

Yessssss Katelyn this was so good!!! That cliffhanger tho!!!! Nice job!!


Katie May
20:58 Jan 13, 2021

Thank you so much! <3


20:59 Jan 13, 2021

Cant wait for part 2!!!!


Katie May
21:00 Jan 13, 2021

Haha! I'm waiting till next week so stay tune!! :)


21:01 Jan 13, 2021

Will do! Let me know once it's out!!


Katie May
21:02 Jan 13, 2021

Of course!


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