Thriller Adventure Fantasy

To Be Human

The undeniable succulent taste of human flesh is to die for. Eating human flesh is what we NakMakians survive on. NakMakians are monsters that hunt the human race. Due to the rise of NakMakians eating humans, they have found a way to fight back against them to prevent them from taking over. They created an organization called K.T.N, short for Kill The NakMakians. They posed a significant threat to us, so we hid and eat when necessary. But being pushed into a corner, we, NakMakians, have developed the skill of camouflage. We can disguise ourselves as humans to make it easier to eat them. With this new skill, K.T.N created a device when NakMakians walk through it, an alarm will go off, letting everyone know they are not human. Sadly, there is no way we can get around it. They put the device on almost every door of every building. The humans are always one step ahead.

Us NakMakians can eat other foods, but it doesn't provide the nutrients for us to live. I enjoy eating humans; my favorite parts of humans to eat are the thighs, especially when they are muscular; the tougher, the better for me. The lungs are always so tender, especially the young ones. It is always a breath of fresh air when I eat them. And lastly, the tongue. It's always a mouthful to eat, but I enjoy every bite. And after I finish with the flesh and organs, I go to the bones as a dessert; sucking on the marrow of the ribs is the best part. Just thinking of it has me salivating. But the more I eat, the lonelier I become. I wish I could share my love of humans with someone. Unfortunately, we NakMakians are solo-hunting monsters. Once we're born, we stay with our mother for one year, and then she will leave in the middle of the night and never return. The fathers mate and leave. We never experience love like humans. Our race are loners.

For some reason, every day, I watch the humans interact with one another. They are happily talking, playing, and eating with each other. They don't seem lonely at all. They have families, something I will never experience. Those children have both parents in their lives. They can go to them with any problems they have. I can only rely on myself. Most humans have a dog or a cat, a trusty companion they can depend on, while animals fear us no matter what form we take. Humans can drive and enjoy the different beautiful scenery of the world while we mostly come out at night to eat and then go back into hiding. Is this the life I will live for the rest of my life? It is hard to explain, but strangely, I find myself lusting to be human…

It is unheard-of for NakMakians to want to be around other living beings, humans or NakMakians. So, I ask myself why do I want to become human. I'm not supposed to feel lonely, but I am. I'm not supposed to want friends, but I do. I want to become human so that I can have friends. To have someone to talk to. Observing these humans interact with one another makes me not want to be lonely. To be human, I have to stop eating them. I can't live alongside them if I am eating what I want to become. From this day on, I will never eat another human again.

When it was night, I looked into a car window and saw a black, fuzzy, four-armed, sharp-toothed, crimson-eyed monster. It was me, "I am a monster." A monster that has been eating humans for my whole life. A monster that will go against everything my existence stands for. There is no way I can live alongside humans looking like this. I will become human. This will be the last time I ever see myself like this again, and honestly, I won't miss this horrid form. I abide my NakMakian life farewell. Using my recollection, I've obtained by observing the human I began morphing into a human. My four fuzzy arms retracted into my body, and two slim brown arms emerged. The fur started to fall off as my teeth straightened and my eyes turned blue. I grew long black hair and breasts as my face smoothed out. The transformation was complete. It was painful but worth it. I looked in the window again and saw a beautiful woman. I was finally human.

Over the next couple of days, I practiced the human language and gestures the best way I could. I would go to parks and sit there, learning to act like a proper human. I learned from everyone, but I had to pay more attention to the females since I am one. Females are so beautiful and exciting; they have so many personalities, but the personality I like the most is the strong-willed ones. I want to become just like them. Watching the humans was enjoyable, but with each passing day, my body was diminishing. Without eating, I was getting no nutrients. I didn't have the urge to devour the countless humans I was always surrounded by. My devotion to being one of them overrode my hunger. The more l learned, the faster I was approaching death. Perhaps this is what it means to be human. The NakMakian race has a long life span double the amount of humans. A human life is fragile and short, with many wonderful memories you can look back on. But I might die before I can make a friend or have my first conversation with a human. I don't want that to happen. I don't know how much longer I have, but I will make a friend before I perish.

Two days have passed, and my body was shutting down. My vision was failing; I was fatigued and in constant pain. Whenever I tried talking to someone, they ignored or pushed me aside. I looked frail, and they didn't want any part of me. This devastated me. I'm going to die without ever having a conversation. As I stumbled through the busy town, I had many thoughts going through my brain. "It is okay to die like this? Should I go back on what I was standing for and, eat one human, and start over? Should I forget being a human?" When I had that last thought going through my mind, I saw this little boy helping this older woman across the street. That is what life is about—helping each other and getting along. I haven't made a mistake. I will die never eating a human again. I've decided to go into a building, a shopping mall. I know the alarm will go off, and the K.T.N. will come and kill me, but that is what I want. To be killed by another human is justice.

I slowly began to head to the mall; it wasn't too far from where I was. On my way to the mall, tears started going down my face. I don't want to die. I will miss watching the humans at the park and seeing them run with their dogs. I will never see happy children playing again, but to die is what it means to be human. To be able to look back on those memories is what it means to be human. Before I knew it, I was in front of the door. I could turn around, but I won't. The people I have eaten didn't have a choice; I won't give myself a choice. I took one step, and the automatic door opened. I closed my eyes and walked through the door. I have no regrets.

The alarm didn't go off. How could this be? While I stood in shock, a beautiful woman approached me.

"Are you okay? You look weak; let me buy you something to eat."

I have become a human.

The end.

September 15, 2023 01:24

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Steffen Lettau
07:50 Sep 23, 2023

I am invested in this character now, and I would like to see where this leads. Or, if this is how the character's story ends, then I enjoy the ambiguity of the whole journey.


Thunderbolt 69
18:05 Sep 23, 2023

Thank you very much. I'm glad you enjoyed the story. You might see her again in the future. Thanks again


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