Fiction Funny

The Honeymooners

I’m not sure if this is heaven or hell. One would think it’s heaven. Who wouldn’t want to be on a cruise? Just sit back for however long you’re booked. Let your hotel float with you. It’ll take you to what are supposed to be exotic places, but in reality, are overcrowded tourist traps. Not to mention that each port looks just like the one before. But that’s beside the point. My solution is to let all the newbies go ashore and I pretend to have the ship, and all the crew, to myself.

Queen for a day.

With that in mind, I book a week’s cruise every ten or twelve weeks, more often if my schedule allows. And I always book on the same ship. I know my way around, most of the crew know me and it feels a bit like coming home, without having to make my bed or eat my spinach.

Then why am I bellyaching? Why do I think this is hell? This morning, while I was lying in my bed, letting the ship’s gentle rocking keep me in that twilight stage, the cruise director, Donald, disturbed the peace with his morning briefing.

Good morning honeymooners! In honor of you, the breakfast buffet will be open till lunch. So, no need to rush, folks. Should you want to come out and join us, there will be a Newlywed Game in the lounge at eleven. Come and play with us. Later this afternoon, at two pm, we will have the New Newlywed Games poolside, followed by couples’ pool games. Tonight, the cast will perform a much-abridged version of the Taming of the Shrew.

The sea is calm, the sun is warm. We hope to see you around the ship.

Again, why am I thinking about jumping ship in the first port and losing myself among the thousands of tourists who buy t-shirts that will shrink in the first wash, and ‘hand carved’ objects they will put in their church’s white elephant sale before the year is out while they foolishly drink the water?

Where I live, where all my fellow passengers live, sex is banned. Talking about sex is banned, PDA of any kind is banned, procreation is stringently regulated. Couples have to have been married for at least five years before they may apply for the right to reproduce. And that process is very hush-hush.

Not that it stops everybody. Granted some couples remain chaste and have separate bedrooms, but there are plenty who enjoy some form of intimacy.

I know this because I’m an underground sex therapist. People contact me through back channels and invite me to their homes to teach them how to enjoy themselves and their partner. So, you would think that this cruise, since we are in international waters, would be heaven, a gold mine, the perfect place to ply my craft.

But my work is draining, no pun intended, exhausting. The need to remain incognito and well-known at the same time, listening to people’s problems, dealing with their hang-ups, all adds up. Which is why I slip out and take a cruise every chance I get. The other reason I believe I am in hell is that honeymoon fights are ugly and public. They have not yet learned the art of freezing each other out.

I am lazily weighing my options of which port to get lost in and I asking myself if I really want to pack up and leave the ship, when I sit up with a start because something substantial hits the wall between my cabin and my neighbor’s cabin. I’m up, wrapped in a robe as quickly as I can while the bride next door has a few words with her groom.

You pervert! --- Now honey --- Don’t you ‘now honey’ me. Why didn’t you tell me you’re a pervert? You’re disgusting --- Sweetheart. This is what people do --- Not where I come from --- Actually, yes. That’s exactly where you came from ---

I knock on their door before the argument escalates further.

“Hi.” I smile at the girl, for she couldn’t be more than nineteen, who answers the door.

“I have the cabin next door and overheard your discussion. I believe I can help.”

The girl’s mouth opens and closed several times, but no sound comes out.

“You see, I’m an expert in this kind of thing. And yes. I assure you there is no right or wrong way to do it, as long as all parties enjoy themselves.”

The groom, haphazardly dressed in the bedsheet has walked up behind his wife and is staring at me as well.

“Just make sure she enjoys it every time. And I mean every time. Never be selfish and you’ll have a happy marriage.”

Deciding I have interfered enough, I smile, congratulate them on their marriage and wish them a great day. Just before the door closes, I hear the girl say “She must be a whore or something. They are the only ones …” The door closes before I hear the rest, but I can fill in the blanks. Not the impression I wanted to make, but at least now I hear happy noises from next door.

I’ve decided to take my chances in Cozumel and hide among the ten thousand tourists that are disgorged from the four or five cruise ships each day and fill the half mile of shops along the waterfront. Why not spend the week hankering back to the good old days when only one modest sized cruise ship would pull into the harbor? And why not remember whe taco stands that sold hundreds of bottles of water with a healthy dose of Montezuma’s revenge.?

With that plan in mind, I go to the purser’s desk where I am greeted with a combination of warm and fake Colgate smiles. Before I have a chance to say anything, Donald spots me.

“Genie!” He enthuses. “I didn’t know the office had booked you. Let’s see how we can work you into the schedule. Would afternoon lectures work for you? No, let’s set up various times. Need to schedule around the shore excursions, of course.”

“Donald!” I thunder., but he’s off and running, manipulating his beloved schedule.

“How about we have an introductory question and answer session this evening before the show. And let’s see. Let’s do another one on Thursday on the way back. In the meantime, you can schedule as many couple sessions as you wish. What would be a fair fee structure, you think?”

Now he’s speaking my language. Do I want to give up my one free week in three months to make more money?

“I won’t do more than four one-hour sessions per day and an “Off-Shore Special” price of $75 would be fair.”

Donald grins broadly and we shake hands. When the dust settles, I'm scheduled to do three lectures and a minimum of six forty-five-minute sessions each day. With a special discount of $125 for a double session.

And here I am, on the main stage, lavalier snug at my cheek, telling four hundred couples and one throuple that the only way for sex to be wrong is if at least one participant is not enjoying him- or herself. I explain the value of partners showing each other what turns them on and gets them off. How to enjoy the handheld showerhead. Whether toys have place in the bedroom (yes, they do), and is there an age limit to enjoying intimacy (no there isn’t). That women need different foreplay from men. And most of all, watching your partner doing the dishes after you have made dinner is a turn on.

After one hour I leave the stage to thunderous applause and my schedule for the week is overbooked within twenty minutes. The few hours that I’m not on-stage lecturing, or teaching a couple about their anatomy, toys or bondage, I am the most popular person on board. If I so much as show my face on deck, or sit down to eat, I’m surrounded by at least a dozen men and women who want to learn more about sex, kink, and orgasms.

But why is it that we can discuss the merits, symbolism, drama and humor of any book, movie, so-called reality show or football match (whichever version you’re into), but the one thing that all genders should enjoy equally is never talked about, is performed in the dark under the covers. Why do we blush at the mere mention of body parts that are usually not on display in a boardroom? And why does our language have more words to describe intercourse in a derogatory manner than ones that celebrate this intimacy that should be at least as normal as breathing.

July 12, 2024 18:27

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Karen Hope
19:26 Jul 17, 2024

I’m amazed at the breadth of your stories - there seems to be no limit to your creativity. This one is funny and also on target in so many ways. I only ever took one cruise but I was nodding my head at your description. And the sex part… yeah, you got that right too. Bravo on this!


Trudy Jas
19:37 Jul 17, 2024

LOL Thanks, Karn. Yeah, cruising was my thing. (59 at last count, including once around the world). And the "sex part" is the ultimate elephant in the room, isn't it. :-)


Karen Hope
19:46 Jul 17, 2024

Yes- absolutely!


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Darvico Ulmeli
17:12 Jul 15, 2024

That's the right question. Why? Nicely done.


Trudy Jas
17:20 Jul 15, 2024

Thanks, Darvico.


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09:49 Jul 27, 2024

good story


Trudy Jas
12:12 Jul 27, 2024

Thank you, Syed.


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01:12 Jul 26, 2024

Decided to read this one after you specifically mentioned it in a comment. Not sure why I overlooked it. I just don't always have time to read the multiples of stories some submit in a given week. Nothing personal. I liked the advice given to the couple where the wife thought the husband was a pervert. You never mentioned the bickering/fighting and then kissing and making out as perversion. I don't believe this is healthy behavior. So seeing you are the expert I gather that whatever the couple were doing, or not doing, the poor wilting flo...


Trudy Jas
02:33 Jul 26, 2024

Thanks for the feedback, Kaitlyn. I obviously did not make it clear that sex was forbidden in their world. Will do better next time


20:48 Jul 26, 2024

I did get that point, but as the hired therapist, she used the word freely, which confused me a little. I thought the word couldn't be mentioned either. So I thought maybe she considered everything around it, except the act, as fair behavior. How the average person could stop there seems unbelievable. Or did the participants on the ship win the special privilege, but never learned how to? That thought crossed my mind.


Trudy Jas
21:20 Jul 26, 2024

I'm afraid you got me confused now - not that that is all that hard to do. LOL Basic premise: Sex is taboo. The nineteen-year-old bride, never having been taught/instructed, may consider any form of touching taboo/ perverted. The rest of the newlyweds (and truth be told, I've done 59 cruises - never heard of a whole ship of newlyweds - gay cruises, yes, newlyweds, not so much - what a nightmare) anyway, the rest of the newlyweds, may have picked up some (possibly wrong) info in back alleys and locker rooms. Does that make sense. :-)


03:48 Jul 27, 2024

LOL. Shades of the love boat?


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C.J. Carlin
00:03 Jul 25, 2024

I am somewhat familiar with the concept of sex therapy, and the way you addressed it and the valid questions about social conventions had me smiling as I read this story. Engaging and fun. Awesome work!


Trudy Jas
00:30 Jul 25, 2024

CJ. I'm thrilled you liked it. Was channeling my inner Dr. Ruth. :-) Thanksa for your kind words.


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Helen A Smith
06:00 Jul 24, 2024

Great way to get across a forbidden topic and even today when sex had been done to death, there’s arguably few less topics more difficult to talk about in a way that’s going to be constructive. I’m torn between whether the MC has an awful life or a great one. With all the cruising, it has to be the latter. 🤣 Funny, but also makes some serious points.


Trudy Jas
08:51 Jul 24, 2024

Thanks, Helen. You're right on all counts. Even here we can have our characters say "the word" but can have them "do it". And I'm not feeling sorry for MC. LOL


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Daniel P
22:14 Jul 23, 2024

Really engaging read, great story!


Trudy Jas
22:32 Jul 23, 2024

Thank you Daniel


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Harry Stuart
01:52 Jul 23, 2024

Cruising Trudy! I have a feeling you may have been the unofficial sex therapist on your many voyages 😊 A humorous take on the prompt - another story that shows your range and ability to poke fun at the human condition.


Trudy Jas
02:59 Jul 23, 2024

Thanks, Harry. well, I am an educator as well :-)


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Carol Stewart
05:09 Jul 21, 2024

Certainly the ultimate elephant - even today in some cultures/homes/environments - and only a few decades ago this story which would have rang true of its time would have shocked many people to the core. Currently reading Lady Chatterley so thinking along those lines right now! Well penned.


Trudy Jas
11:28 Jul 21, 2024

Thanks, Carol. It is still the mammoth in corner. - it amazes me that Reedsy has no problem wth the "f word" but frowns on the "f action". I left out a few sentences that I'm afraid would still shock "our gentle readers". :-)


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Kay Smith
18:14 Jul 20, 2024

Lol!!! Colgate smiles... Yes! I agree? Why is it so taboo when it's as natural as post-caffeine bathroom rituals; and often, people can't stop talking about that? I love the (accurate) descriptions of the tourist traps and the benefits of avoiding them. :)


Trudy Jas
19:09 Jul 20, 2024

You've been there, then? 🏝️ Thank you,Kay. Happy you can relate 🙂


Kay Smith
19:13 Jul 20, 2024

One time. I prefer to travel off the beaten path and immerse myself in the actual culture, not the retail one ;)


Trudy Jas
19:36 Jul 20, 2024

I hear you, that's why I usually stayed on board. :-)


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10:22 Jul 14, 2024

The biggest elephant of all well tackled! ( That whole sentence seems to have a double meaning in the context of the story!l) Nicely done! I'm struggling for inspiration on this one!


Trudy Jas
12:45 Jul 14, 2024

And there stands the mammoth! We see everything as double meaning when talking about sex. Case in point. as of last night I was 69 on the leader board. Is that timing or what? LOL


15:34 Jul 14, 2024

Wow great going! Im about 10 points off getting on to it I think lol.


Trudy Jas
15:37 Jul 14, 2024

Thanks. The list is fluid, so you'll get there, being at the top of the page this week, should bump you up. I just thought the number and the topic were an ironic coincidence. Oops, you didn't enter this week, my bad. :O


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TE Wetzel
04:29 Jul 14, 2024

Great story, Trudy. You are so funny. I have only ever been on one cruise (Vancouver to Alaska) and on that cruise there was a newlywed couple who were fighting so openly and often that by the third day they were widely being referred to as "The Bickersons" and they united everyone else on the ship in our shared enjoyment and frequent discussions and analysis of their outbursts. You could just hop in the pool or jacuzzi with people you never met before and ask "Any news about The Bickersons?" and they would be like "Yeah, Security had to se...


Trudy Jas
04:34 Jul 14, 2024

I know! I didn't make this up (except the sex therapist bit). I've done 59 cruises, have been neighbor to many newlyweds. LOL I enjoyed the one from Vancouver to Alaska, back to Seattle. beautiful trip. many moons ago.


TE Wetzel
04:40 Jul 14, 2024

Yeah, sure. The sex therapist bit is purely fictional, just like my serial killer stories. Look, we're friends now. I won't say anything if you don't. I would never serial kill you btw. I promise. That would be so rude.


Trudy Jas
04:59 Jul 14, 2024

LOL I'm so relieved to hear that 🤣🤣 🤐


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Beverly Goldberg
16:21 Jul 13, 2024

What a great twist on being committed to work and the joy of helping others woven together and the societal damper leaving people unable to learn basic things about being human. And I loved the insights into the need for escape for empathetic individuals.


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Alexis Araneta
13:14 Jul 13, 2024

Such a fun read, this one, Trudy ! So much for unplugging, I suppose. But yes, we still have a long way to go in terms of sexual education, I think. Brilliant stuff !


Trudy Jas
14:06 Jul 13, 2024

Thanks, Alexis. It just was the most obvious elephant in the room. :-)


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Mary Bendickson
00:47 Jul 13, 2024

Open sex. What everyone was advocating for back when!😍


Trudy Jas
00:53 Jul 13, 2024

And still the 🐘in the corner.🤫 Thanks, Mary.


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Myranda Marie
20:18 Jul 12, 2024

So much for a relaxing vacation !!! Oh, but how essential is her work? Everyone on board is in desperate need of their very own Dr. Ruth !!! Excellent take on the prompt, as intimacy remains taboo even in a society that boasts open mindedness. {P.S.....those honeymooners should be able to kick those tires before purchasing.....don't ya think?}


Trudy Jas
20:41 Jul 12, 2024

LOL. Totally agree! And whoever says that nobody will buy a cow if the can get the mikd for free, hasn't met today's cows. :-) Thanks, Randi.


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