Fantasy Science Fiction Drama

The world was in chaos. Covid was rampant with several strains running throughout the world. Social distancing was mandatory in most countries. Mask mandates were placed in most states and the vaccines seemed to be running short. 

It didn't matter who you were if you believed the covid virus was real or not, anyone could fall ill with the virus. 

These were different times. 

In 2021, Some people protested at the White House for Trump to be reinstated, that the votes were faked, some were protesting the vaccine and some were trying to reinstate the Kkk… that's the issue in my small little town. Flyers popping up everywhere. That was a breaking news issue here in small-town Oklahoma. It was sad really. 

Usually, the big news affairs didn't really affect us here, but most things had finally reached us out here in the sticks. 

I went through my days, as normally as I could. Trying to find work here and there. I lost my job due to covid. I had gotten it twice by this time. I found myself writing and doing what I could to pass the days. Some days were ok and some were not, but all of them had become the norm for me as well as millions of others.

Nasa said they were declassifying many things and coming out with the truth of aliens. As others like Elon Musk we're making their histories.

It was the norm now to see breaking history in 2022 whether it be good or bad. Some being, people made history and others big events. Covid was still an issue and not everyone had been vaccinated. Some, like myself, refused when it came down to it. It just hadn't had enough time to be properly tested. And those who had been vaccinated started to become sick. I remember someone posting on social media that they were sure the ones that were vaccinated were becoming zombies a year later. I don't know about that, but I do know they were falling ill. They had some sort of virus that those of us that didn't get vaccinated didn't get affected by.

These days were scary and no one knew when there would be an end. Most of us just tried to survive. I mean after Biden came into office last year, to no fault of anyone's, the government crumbled. We were thrust into a government shut down. 

I remember telling people that I felt we were going to be thrust into a post Apocalyptic world with no Apocalypse. And sadly I was right. But honestly, I didn't want to be right.

It was crazy going through this world where the internet was free. It was the only way anyone could communicate with each other. News stations still posted the news but it was through YouTube and people still made a living as youtubers and tiktokers, the form of money we once knew was different now. Everything was plastic. I mean if you could barter enough, you could get a credit card with a big enough balance to sustain you for a while. But the credit part just didn't matter anymore. It was just virtual money. But it got what you needed. 

Most people used theirs for food and such, if they needed other things, they bartered for it. These days were slowly changing how the world worked. 

People were hoping for something big, something that would change things for the betterment of people everywhere. Something that would cure covid and something that would thrust us into the next step of social evolution.

Our whole way of life was being affected negatively and to secure our future, something big had to happen. 

The media was following a story that Elon Musk had sent a crew to Mars in July 2021. They were going to try to terraform and colonize Mars. Wow, a big step for us but that would not benefit anyone for several years, and would not eradicate the coronavirus. 

Our days were seeming monotonous. Some even seeming tedious. You had to be rich for none of this to affect you. But, those people were still vulnerable to covid. 

As the days went by, new things were happening. The police had finally gotten a new screening plan for new officers. It was paving the way to better our men in blue. We were hearing less and less about officer-involved violence. That was a good thing, even though in our neck of the woods, that wasn't something we were affected by. 

As I sat writing a book, a breaking news caption came across my YouTube notification. My phone rang through messenger and my friend Rachel told me to watch the news. She said it was of epic proportions. 

The headline read, vampires, are they real?

What a way to hook people. The media was using click bait now, I thought to myself. I clicked it and instantly saw Stacy James, our most watched news anchor, talking about vampires. 

What? Really? This can't be happening. The media has lost its ever loving mind. Even though I really wanted this to be true, there was no such thing. I was riveted. I could not stop watching if I wanted to. 

She was talking about the stories and myths told throughout the ages and how so many idolized vampires. She told the myth of Dracula and the differences of so many stories, like Blood Rayne, Blade, Angel and even the sparkly ones. 

She turned to a man she said she was interviewing and introduced him as Thadious Ericson. A long time descendant of Eric the Red, a Viking ruler. I mean he was hundreds of year's old and was still just, beautiful.

When the camera panned to him, my heart started to pound. This man was living perfection. I mean he was drop dead gorgeous. I was in disbelief of someone so perfect. then I saw his eyes. I was shaking. I think it was from excitement from being right my whole life. His eyes were gold and beautiful. I waited for him to speak.

We are very real, he said. I saw a hint of fangs and I jumped out if my seat. "WOOHOO!" I shouted. I so knew it.

The breaking news was not that vampires were real. It was that they decided to come out and say they've lived among us for thousands of year's, watching every milestone we have achieved and every tragedy we have gone through. Although, they really didn't want to come out, as they thought humans still weren't ready, they decided it was time so they could help synthesize a cure for covid using their blood since they were immune to all illnesses and diseases. 

Wow. What a way to introduce your species, I thought. The stories of old talking about mindless bloodsuckers, even though I really never believed that part. He confirmed that wasn't true, at least for most vampires. There were some that validated the stories, well all but the sparkly ones. But there were more that believed humans were to be seen as equals than there were those that saw humans as food. 

Wow, this was amazing. Thadeous was a doctor. Who knew they had regular jobs like us and no one knew. Well no one but the government he told Stacy. He said he had been working with some if his brothers to make a cure not a vaccine using their blood. 

His brothers he referred to, were not like actual brothers. They were who he worked with on a daily basis to balance the human world and the supernatural. I mean wow. That means other mythical creatures exist. 

He stated that he was working with a few government officials, human ones, that had been affected by covid. He was able to synthesize a cure that destroyed the covid virus in minutes. No trace of it was left behind. 

Wow. Now maybe something would happen to bring us back to some semblance of normalcy. But knowing this now, normal would be a new normal. Our world has intertwined with fantasy and now we know that most of the fantasy world is real. Well, the peoples in it. Not only that, but no more would die from covid. This was amazing. This was downright EPIC. 

And to top it off, the human world had 3 months to decide if they wanted to join the vampire race, or live out their lives. I mean wow. 

He also said that when a vampire found a mate, it was for life. Now that's a long time considering vampires live forever. I am so in… 

February 05, 2021 18:38

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Vampire Temple
15:13 Apr 15, 2021

Vampires is not at all like in the movies or books. Sure, I understand. You are young you have the whole world open to you. You can be anything that you choose if you apply yourself and try hard to work toward that goal. But being a Vampire is not what it seems like. It’s a life full of good, and amazing things. We are as human as you are.. It’s not what you are that counts, But how you choose to be. Do you want a life full of interesting things? Do you want to have power and influence over others? To be charming and desirable? To have wealt...


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Monica D
21:10 Feb 11, 2021

This is my second account


Oh thank you... I.will enjoy reading these... I will also comment on the ones I read... 😊


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Palak Shah
00:04 Feb 19, 2021

I enjoyed reading this story as I am a big fan of vampires and often this questions has occured in my mind of whether they are real or not? I don't think they are but it is fun knowing that there is a possibility that they might be. Anyway, great story and keep up the great work. I hope to read some more of your stories in the future. I hope you will check out some of my stories. Thanks :)) ~Palak


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Rose Valerie
20:45 Feb 11, 2021

I really Like this story. I like how it intertwines with what's happening and the different world of vampires and the human world comes together. I just found it a bit difficult to know that the time had changed from past tense to present tense.


Yeah, that is one of my things I have difficulty with.. I am working on that part. It is something I struggle with... Even with that, I am so glad you enjoyed the story. If you have any advice of how to overcome this difficulty of mine, It would be greatly appreciated... And thank you. I take that as a total compliment... 😊


Rose Valerie
20:58 Feb 11, 2021

I'm sorry, but I don't really have advice for this stuff because I'm still working on that as well. Sorry if I let you down...


You absolutely did not let me down... This is a learning experience for everyone here... I just appreciate that you noticed that and it helps me to better myself in that aspect.. I appreciate every kind word you gave. You gave an amazing critique and I am absolutely beaming and overjoyed that you liked it. I mean your story blew my mind. I have been writing for year's and to know that someone that wrote a story like yours, liked by story. Well, mission accomplished... You in no way let me down... 😊😊😊


Rose Valerie
21:05 Feb 11, 2021

Just as a secret, I have another account on reedsy that I send most of my stories on, if you would like I could send you the link??


That would be great!!! 😊 I would love to read more of your stories... That first one has me hooked, haha... 😊


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