Adventure Romance Thriller


Several hours before the incident 

“Hey, Nancy!” I turned around to see Gerald walking towards me.

“Hey, Gerald! What’s up?”

“Peter and Quinn say we’ll arrive at Plutarius in 10 minutes”

When he stands next to me he looks out the same small window I’m looking at and 

Says,” Beautiful isn’t it?”

“It sure is!”

We’re both looking out the same window with the view of space. That’s right you read correctly. We’re in space. Well, technically, we’re in a spaceship. I know you’re probably thinking 

“Wow, That’s so cool!” But the truth is it can be dangerous at least doing what we do. We like to call ourselves, The Bullets. *mic drop* BOOM! We’re basically a group of vigilantes.

“Did you hear that?” Gerald said, interrupting my thoughts.

“Am I supposed to hear something?” I asked confused. 

But as soon as I said the words I knew what he was talking about. It was very faint but definitely there. The noise sounded like a low growl. Suddenly a piercing scream with pain sounded as soon as the growling stopped just as I was going to bolt towards the screams, Gerald grabbed my arm and pulled me into his arms. “Don’t go, Nancy!” he said, firmly yet quietly. 

“SOMEONE’S IN DANGER!” I yelled, trying to pull away. Suddenly the cries of pain stopped and I finally managed to break free. Just as I was about to yell at Gerald, he covered my mouth with his hand, I bite his hand, hard. 



The lights on the spaceship flickered then the power went out, completely. Gerald quickly grabbed her hand and squeezed it, reassuringly. I felt something warm and tingly and my stomach. Then it hit me, I had totally forgotten about Peter and Quinn, they could be in mortal danger. I told you I Gerald as much, and he said,”Let’s look for them, quietly.”

They walked together through the darkness hand in hand. Nancy never fear the darkness. So she didn't mind walking through the dark spaceship. But Gerald, however, was scared. She felt his hand get all sweaty in hers, Nancy squeeze his hand, reassuringly, and he squeezed hers back. She didn't see him through the darkness, but she could feel the smile he was giving her. They stopped dead on their feet when they heard someone sobbing quietly and calling for help. This time she didn't care if Gerald grabbed her. Nancy would fight tooth and nail if she had to. He didn't stop her although deep down she wanted him to you. Because she had no idea what she would encounter. sprinting they follow the sobbing to see a flashlight turned on facing Peter, who was cradling Quinn's head in his lap. 

“What’s wrong, Peter?” Gerald asked. Petter gasped and looked up. He looked like he got hit by a bus or something. His milk-chocolate eyes were swollen from crying, his short black tousled, and his pale face was filthy and was that … blood?

I gasped,” What did you do ?!”

“I heard Quinn screaming and ran to see what was wrong and by the time I go here. Sh-she was already gone.” he sobbed.

“Did you see what attacked her?” I asked

“No, but it sounded like it was a machine or something.” He said. Running his fingers through Quinn’s black hair, he asked,” Who could do such a horrible thing to Quinn?” Then he looked up at Nancy and was he glaring at ...her? Gerald saw this and said,” It wasn’t her, I was with her the whole time. ” 

Both guys glared at each other. I finally decided it was time to make this macho match come to an end cause it was starting to make me uncomfortable. 

“If you guys are done gazing into each other’s eyes. I’M going to go find clues on what the thingy is going to do next.  Now, If you’ll excuse I have a creature to go stop.” I turned around and stopped down the hall. I must have shocked them or something because usually, Gerald would be behind me by now, but I made it down the hallway to turn. Just as I was about to, a hand closed around my elbow. I turned around and jerked my arm away from Gerald.

“I assume you and Peter are done, now?” I said, crossing my arms. 

Gerald opened his mouth to respond but the sound of metal on metal rapidly going down the hall stopped him. She turned around to see a pair of red eyes behind Peter. 

Peter turned around too, to see a pair of red eyes headed towards him. The red eyes lept towards him. I didn’t see much of peter’s death because Gerald grabbed me and pushed me to a small, dark room in the spaceship and shielded me with his arms. But I saw enough for it to stay in his mind forever, I’ll spare you the gruesome details. The creature was indeed mechanical. It was painted white with black stripes like a tiger, it had Quinn’s blood and now Peter’s. It looked familiar? Boom!

Gerald had barricaded the door which broke me out of my thoughts. He wraps his arms around me and whispered into my ear,” It’s okay, Nancy.” 

He grabbed my face with both of his hands, which made my heart race. Gerald looked into my eyes and said,” I won’t let it hurt you.”

I never thought of him as handsome but looking into his light green eyes and chestnut-colored face. Despite him being filthy, he had never looked more beautiful. Then he kissed me softly on the lips and I kissed him back. He pulled away from me and said confidently, ” It can’t hurt you .”

“Why do you say it so sure, Gerald ?” I asked confused.

Gerald looked into my eyes and said softly,” Because your dreaming.”

And I wake up.


September 12, 2020 03:41

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D. Shikha
09:43 Sep 18, 2020

First of all, welcome to Reedsy, and congratulations on submitting your first story!!! It was very nice for a first story, really nice. Your imagination is amazing. That red eyed thing still gives me creeps, what was that? For advice, I would say that you kept changing POV throughout the story, so just don't do that. And you can use Grammarly for finding little typos and errors. Other than that, good job!!! Stay safe and keep writing:) ~D


Carla Sosa
15:21 Sep 18, 2020

Thanks for the feedback!!!


D. Shikha
15:24 Sep 18, 2020

You're welcome!!!😊


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Esther Hebding
21:21 Sep 18, 2020

I got a little lost..... It was a good story! It was fun to read, but I got a little lost and wondering which character was talking, etc. Dont take this personally, i really liked it!


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