Adventure Coming of Age Fantasy

The Child was found in the woods of old Dead Devil Grove. He was found by a middle aged couple who had a dream of a baby boy in the woods and needed saving. In the dream they were told to retrieve the child and go to the town of Darkwell where they were too meet a woman by the name of Luciana Shadowwalker. Upon finding the little baby boy, the couple made haste to the town. They did not want to keep Luciana waiting because in the dream they were told she would be watching their every move and if they were to run away with the child, they would be cursed and so would their family for years to come.

               They reached the edge of the town where they were greeted by a short, stout man who called himself Killian Digby. He showed the couple to the carriage, bowed and walked to his seat. Softly, he nudged the pure black horses with the reins, and they started the journey towards Luciana’s abode. As they approached the town, the woman could have sworn she saw a shimmer at the towns entrance. The town that she lived in was unusual. Normally, towns would be bustling with people, this town had no one. Shops lined the streets. The King’s Head, Magical Mastery, The Witch’s Den were just a few. While the carriage road by the couple tried to get a look inside the buildings. The man believed he saw in the Witch’s Den bottles of liquid, but he was unsure because of how far they were and the movement of the carriage itself. Killian halted the horses in front of a castle that was showing its age.  The carriage doors swung open and Killian spoke “We are here, please, exit and go to the door”.

The man raised an eyebrow in confusion “Are you not walking with us to the door, sir?”

“No, sir, this is as far as I can go.”

“What do you mean?”

Killian bowed in respect “I cannot say but I imagine you will learn one day. I wish you both luck on your journey”. He got back in and left the confused couple behind. The woman was holding the child close to her, softly humming a song. She glanced up at the castles doors and started to walk up the stairs. The couple stood now in front of the huge rusty red doors with an equally rusty dragon door knocker. He raised his hand to knock but the doors began to carefully creak open by themselves. The woman felt her heart begin to race and she prayed the child did not notice, after all, she did not want him upset when they met Luciana. A soft and gentle voice called out “You may enter”. Once the couple entered, the doors swung shut but made no noise. At the top of the spiral staircase stood Luciana. She was wearing a flowing dark blue dress that sparkled as she made her way down the stairs. Her hair was the shade of caramel, her eyes the color of almonds and her skin smooth, and olive colored. She, in every way, was beautiful. Her eyes bounced from the man to the woman and then down to the baby. She grinned “Oh my, look how handsome! May I hold him?”

The woman was now at ease. Her voice had soothed her for it was a very luscious voice. Handing her the child the woman went back to stand by her husband. Luciana cooed to the child “Oh child, great things do await you” she looked back up and into the eyes of the couple “I must tell you something. Since you believed the dreams, I do hope you believe what I will tell you. Shall we sit?”

               She led them into a huge room that was the library. Walking over to the fireplace she sat and gestured the couple to do the same. The chairs were made of gold with purple cushioning. Etched into the gold was a snake that was consuming itself. She noticed the couple staring “Ouroboros. The snake that eats itself . . . A symbol of rebirth. Please, sit.” Once they sat down, she began to talk again, this time telling them who she is and what will come.

“As you already know, my name is Luciana Shadowwalker. My mother was of royal blood, the Livingson’s of Old Berckwich. My father was Alastar, a wizard who was trained by Merlin himself. I am more my father’s daughter than I am my mother’s because I received the magical abilities. Therefor, my father let me become his apprentice and taught me all I know. I was able to enter your dreams by astral protecting and using a spell called the Nocturno to enter. I told you of this little baby because I had a dream myself, a gift from my ancestors, and within the dream I was told to seek you both for you two were pure of heart. This child needs just that and you two need this child. You found him in the woods because his mother was afraid. She is young and unmarried, that is sadly frowned upon in our time. The father knows nothing of the baby and must not learn of him for years. He is of royal blood, he too is of magic blood as well. His father is the Prince of Colinsworth. His mother a witch but she does not know her powers. The reason I have chosen you two to raise this child is because I know he will be safe. His father is a tyrant, an abusive man and a wicked Prince. If he were to ever learn of this baby, he would find him and kill him. This little one is a threat to him because once the child comes of age, he can take the throne. And he will.  He will be of age when he is 15 and during that time, the people of Colinsworth will revolt. The Prince, who will be crowned during the years this baby grows, will fall. You get him to the castle out there, have him announce in front of all the towns people who he is, and he will be crowned. The people will believe him, I assure you, because he will show them his true strength. He will be their savior and as he grows into a young adult, he will be the King and savior to other towns. Please, Lefsuet and Pollekin, take him, protect him and raise him as if he were your own flesh and blood. If anything were to ever happen to him . . . I fear for the future. I have had visions of ruins and fires, villages destroyed and people dead, and amongst the ruins of the villages stands his father. I hope we can avoid that. Can I trust you?”

Pollekin nodded “Yes, you can. On our journey into the woods to find him, we had discussed keeping him if we could.”

Lefsuet wrapped an arm around his wife “We will protect him and tell him of his future so he can be prepared. She and I will love him as if he were our own.”

Luciana smiled widely and handed the child back to Pollekin “What a good boy, you are.”

“Might I ask . . . do we name him or have you a special name?” Pollekin asked.

“I have consulted the runes, his name is Eero, eternal ruler.”

“Eero” Pollekin softly whispered to the child. His eyes flickered open at his name and they glowed a lilac color laced with gold. They sparkled as though they were made of diamonds. Lefsuet gasped. Luciana spoke “In a few days they will be the color of the sea. When his time comes, they will turn back to that color and shine when he takes what is his.”

“Will we ever see you again?” Pollekin asked while she swaddled Eero.

“I can see many things, Pollekin. I have viewed his future . . . I have seen many realms, ones not even yet discovered . . . I can predict and foretell for everyone else, however, I cannot see anything for myself. I do have a feeling that something is coming for me, but I know not what. So, it is quite possible we will meet again. Or we will never see each other again. Only time will tell.  You two must head home, tell the villagers that you have taken in Eero because a relative of yours has fallen ill and is unable to care for the baby. No one will question it.” She led them to the door and down by the stairs stood Killian with the horses. Lefsuet turned on his heels and looked up at Luciana “Why is he not allowed past the bottom of the stairs?”

Luciana sighed “He is, he just enjoys telling people he cannot. He likes to make them think he is cursed and cannot cross or else he will perish. Killian is an odd little man, but he does his job.”

“And the town? It is empty.”

“Sometimes, my friends, the things we see cannot be trusted. I must bid you adieu, I am sorry” she turned, and her cape fluttered behind her. The doors shut and Killian rushed them into the carriage.  He nudged the horses and they were off. Pollekin passed Eero to Lefsuet and turned to get a final glance at the castle but what she saw was nothing but trees and flowers. No castle was in sight. She turned back around and rest her head on her husband.

“What is it, love?”

All she could say was “nothing.’

               Luciana was right about everything, even the part where she may or may not ever see the family again. On a day that was nothing but gloomy, cold and rainy, a carriage with two dark horses pulled up their small home. Killian stepped out, quickly walked to the door and knocked. Once they saw who it was, they let him inside and made him a cup of hot tea to warm him.

“I have news . . . it is not happy news. This weather matches perfectly” he looked down at the floor while his face showed sadness.

Pollekin sat next to him “What is it? Can we help?”

“No one can help . . . Luciana is dead. The castle you saw was a spell she cast to keep you two safe. It was not her real home . . . It was all a projection. She knew that if you were to go to the actual town that you may be recognized or sought after, so she kept you away. Our town-“ his voice cracked “Was attacked. Dark knights’ road in at night when the town was asleep and attacked. They set fire to the buildings, killed anyone who dared come outside and tried to defend the town . . . Some of the knights rode on towards her castle. She put a spell, a shield, around it to keep them out and make time to find an escape but she unable. The knights brought with them a wizard named Aldred and forced him to break the spell or else his family would be killed. What a fool he was! They still killed him AND his family. He broke the spell, after the spell was broken, they drove a sword right through his heart. Knights raced inside and began a search for Luciana. She knew they were coming so she had me run. I did, I am a coward . . . They began to start little fires within the castle. When they found her, they were disappointed because they were not the ones to kill her.”

Pollekin’s eyes grew wide and Killian noticed.

“I did not kill her, if that is what you are thinking. She made a potion in case something like this ever came to happen. I ran and when I turned to look, I saw her down the bottle. She died within seconds. The castle burnt to the ground. The town was destroyed . . . Most the men were killed. Women and children were taken.”


“Eero’s father. They will become slaves” he stood “I must go now, I am sorry.”

“Where are you to go?”

“The ruins . . . I should have never run. I am meant to be with her.”

And with that, he was gone. Pollekin and Lefsuet mourned Luciana. If it were not for her they would not have Eero.

               The towns people believed he was the son of Pollekin’s sister who lived far away. Eero grew quickly and before they knew it, he was a teenager.

“Time goes by fast, does it not?” Pollekin asked as she was Eero learn to use a sword.

“It does. We must tell him that our journey starts tomorrow to Colinsworth.”

She smiled sadly “I know”.

               After training, the three of them went back to their home.

“Eero, we must speak.”

“Of what father?” his deep voice spoke with such confidence.

“Remember the stories we told you of Luciana, Princes and Kings?”

“I do, silly tales! You told me I am the child of a Prince and a witch? That I am to be crowned King after my father’s reign falls? It is all stories.”

The two parents’ side “It is not. We start the journey tomorrow. Our son, look at your reflection and you will see that we are not lying.”

He scoffed and looked only to back away in fear “What . . . What is this?”

“Believe us, son.”

“A trick, a trick of light!” Eero groaned as he rubbed his eyes. He glanced back at his reflection and saw his lilac eyes with specks of gold staring back at him.

Pollekin replied “No trick, Eero. For on your 15th birthday your eyes would change from the ocean blue to what they were when you were a baby. It is the blood of your mother and what will prove to the people who you are.”

“I . . . This is still unbelievable! My whole life I believed that the stories you told me were false. Made up within your mind to entertain me. To make me feel . . . Like I was meant to be. Sometimes I felt this . . . power? Surge through my veins but I just thought it was the stories going to my mind. Giving me a sense of importance and hope.”

“You were meant to be, son” Lefsuet said as he hugged his son “And tomorrow you will see why.”

“I am to be a King? A warrior? Savior? I am just a kid still!”

“There have been Kings and Queens crowned younger than you, Eero. What was foretold to us has all came true . . . and this is happening.”

“If I go to this town and nothing happens, I get to mock you both, you do understand?”

Lefsuet groaned and rubbed the bridge of his nose “Fine”.

               The path to Colinsworth was long and treacherous. The roads to the Kingdom were curved and bumpy, some even wrapped around the edges of a cliff and with one wrong move could send one to his or her death. Eero gasped once they had entered the Kingdom. Bodies, both of Knights and the townspeople, covered the ground. Chanting and screaming was heard nearby so the three raced over. Upon this wooden stage was the King. His hands tied behind his back, blood running down his face and his feet chained. He looked into the crowd and saw Eero. The moment he spotted the boy his eyes filled with rage and looked almost black.

“THE BOY” he bellowed “I was told of you, child. I could never find you!!! You were protected by witches! He should be here with me . . . he too should be hanged! Or burnt at the stake.”

The villagers turned and faced Eero. He swallowed and gathered his courage “He is true, I am the son of a witch but I also am the son a Prince, or shall I say a King who looks like he has fallen from grace? I was kept safe by Pollekin and Lefsuet . . . and others more powerful.”

A voice spoke from the crowd “Let me through!”

The crowd let the man through and stood in front of Eero. He studied Eero as though he were a map that needed to be remembered.

“You are the boy I have dreamt of. He is the son of our fallen King. Prince Eero was not safe here or anywhere near by, a friend gifted him to these two standing behind him. Luciana, Merlin bless her soul, protected him even in death. Look into his eyes and see, he is the one we need.”

The townspeople did as the old man told and they saw within his eyes the future. King Eero, a Kingdom where everyone as equal and all at peace. Something they could not have with his father, the hungry man who wanted war.

“Do not believe the wit-“ he started to scream but never finished. A man dressed in all black had made his way to him and buried the King’s own sword deep into his stomach. Eero flinched.

“Fear not, sir, he would have only got in the way.”

“We believed the seer.”

Once the Kingdom was cleaned of the bodies and destruction Eero was crowned King. He promised his parents he would always believe their stories and tales from now on. King Eero was the most peaceful rule of Colinsworth. He then became the rule of more Kingsdoms for his power spread. And like Luciana said, he brought peace and life. He was the Eternal King.

October 06, 2020 19:55

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Jessica Young
15:30 Oct 15, 2020

I must say I really enjoyed reading this! I feel you captured everything perfectly!! I didn't want the story to end honestly and wanted more!! Keep up the good work!


Jennifer NaDell
02:22 Oct 17, 2020

Thank you so very much!!


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Tori Routsong
03:54 Oct 15, 2020

I really liked your world building! I might have started the actual part about Eero a little sooner, unless you're planning to expand it into a short story or novel. I love the immersion!


Jennifer NaDell
02:24 Oct 17, 2020

I actually debated if I wanted to introduce him a bit earlier! Thank you though, I will keep it in mind for next time. I may actually make it into a short story!!! Had fun writing it. And thank you so much!


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