Red After

Written in response to: Start your story in the middle of the action.... view prompt


Adventure People of Color Fantasy

 Alright, calm down breathing in slowly, stopping my heart from beating any faster. Talking to myself was the only thing keeping me from shaking and how we mess up this mission, thanks to you know who. I just had to keep my cool and try to reason with the situation. I knew that no matter what; I had to stay calm and try to figure out the best way out of this mess. I had to trust myself and the team to get through this. Even though I didn't really trust Goldilocks since she is an overzealous Ranter. I slowly moved my eyes around the area, searching for my brother Jack and maybe even Goldilocks. Am sure they are fine and besides, Jack is very handy at running away and setting up a trap for the monster. Goldilocks has powers and is probably helping Jack out. I reminded myself that I had a team of very capable individuals who could help me out of this situation. I knew that if I kept my composure and thought through a plan, I could come up with a solution. I also knew that I could rely on Jack and Goldilocks, who both have special abilities that could be used to our advantage.

With that thought, I slowly stood up and looked around my utility belt for something that I could use to distract the monster. I knew I had to be quick, but I also had to be careful. I was determined to get us out of this situation alive. That’s right, where is the beast, anyway? I still smell its stench of spoiled cooked cabbage mixed with onions that have been left outside for weeks. My right ear moves up a little hearing footsteps slowly approaching the tree I was hiding behind. My heart started beating again and slowly pulled at a special tube that will blind the creature. 'Come on, Red fighting a bugbear shouldn't be that difficult. Relax.' As soon as I exhales the footsteps sprinted and slashed down the tree. I jumped out of the tree and faced the creature. I quickly pulled out my crossbow and arrows and prepared for battle. With a loud roar, the bugbear charged toward me. Red jumped forward in time before the Bugbear knocked her head clean off. Rolled, having her arrow ready and aimed at the creature.

From what the older Seekers told Red that Bugbear is like hobgoblins, just more aggressive and feeds off of fear from others. Short 4'3 brutes with yellow eyes glowing and green skin blending into the forest a perfect place to hide while tormenting the townspeople and the travelers from this town. Red had heard stories of how the bugbears could be vengeful and cruel, so she was prepared to take action if needed. Knowing that the bugbear was likely to be strong and fearless, Red was determined to take a stance and not yield to the creature's aggression. Red drew back the bowstring and released the arrow, sending it straight into the Bugbear's chest. It howled in pain and stumbled. The monster leaped for me. I quickly holding my breath threw some special liquid to the vile creature's face. Bugbear was blindly swinging his club wildly around me, moving toward the right. I got my crossbow to shoot his hand then smoke bombs surrounded me. It could only be her or my brothers doing. The smoke screen gave me the opportunity to run away for now. The monster swung his club not being able to move out of the way put my arms in a cross to avoid hitting my face. I flew back feeling my heart leap out of my chest thankful for having armor arm on the parts that he hit. I smash against the abandoned wooden house.'Oh, bloody hell am going to be feeling this later tonight. I quickly scrambled to my feet and ran as fast as I could. I heard the monster's roar of frustration as I escaped. I had to find a place to hide and plan my next move. I heard a bird signal it must be Jack am glad he is okay. We had the plan to capture the Bugbear until Goldilocks didn't bother to show up for our meeting plan, but I guess I just have to trust her, the spoiled brat. I had to find a way to get Goldilocks back and capture the Bugbear. I ran in the direction of the bird's call, hoping to find Jack and come up with a plan. I had to hurry. Who knew what the Bugbear was up to now.

'Hey, you okay Red?" I smiled and nodded to Jack, and he gave a sigh of relief. "We need to get out of here while the beast is distracted with Goldilocks'. I grunted in pain. My back was killing me and the statement that Jack had just said, "So she wasn't with you before. 'No, she just showed up and apologized for not coming in sooner. When he helped me up to my pride while was hurting, leaving it up to her and knowing she will brag about this later. Jack and I slowly walked into the woods where we hid our carriage mobile. While getting closer to the carriage, it was painted in black and with lamps from each point of the carriage. We purchase this from the funeral home. It was run down and in a state of disrepair hard to believe we fixed it, and of course, deeply cleanse it. Jack and I worked together to fix the carriage. With our combined effort, we managed to get it up and running again and even added some decorative touches such as silver lining near the lamps. Jack leans me up to the door and opens it the smell of bread that we use this carriage to help in the bakery business. Slowly going into the carriage, a jolt of pain came across my back when smashing against the old wooded house. Looking back, seeing Goldilocks taking care of the Bugbear.

Jack puts me in and closed the carriage door. The silver lining was meant to give the carriage a more aesthetically pleasing look, while the smell of bread serves as an olfactory reminder of the purpose of the carriage. As I was inside, the aged wood of the carriage caused discomfort to me. Jack was kind enough to take care of Goldilocks while I was in the carriage. The Bugbear could have been seen as a danger to Goldilocks if by herself. Would it not have been for me and Jack if Goldilocks had been alone with the Bugbear, she could have been seriously hurt or even killed. Fenrir was up and ready to escape. Still hearing the monster screeching into the night I slowly started to close my eyes. I shuddered as I awaken and remembered the events of the night. I took a deep breath and I looked toward the front where Jack and Goldilocks were staring at me both showed a sign of relief. Goldilocks nodded and without hesitation told me the rest of the story and how she saved the day minus being late. I figured she would do that. As I took another deep breath, I felt a sense of relief that we had all made it out alive.

June 20, 2023 15:54

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