Creative Nonfiction Adventure Fantasy

The four metallic walls were the only neighbours my phone torch could see; both front and back. I allowed my eyes to roam around my confined space .They followed the torch from the door, the roof, the walls, and the floor and back to the lock. The experience was new to me. It was my third time of entering an elevator but never in darkness. What’s going on? Why is no one coming in or wanting to use the elevator? I felt it was going to last for just few minutes but when I checked my black watch again; I discovered I have already spent forty five minutes here. 

Tension began to grow from the pit of my stomach and I unconsciously began to tap my feet. I leaned on the wall, an expression on my face showed anxiety and fear. ‘Why would this choose today to happen to me? I asked myself.  Why?  I asked rhetorically.

         The previous week, I had been engulfed with the frustration of being unemployed. I was a 25 years old graduate and job search brought me to Lagos, Nigeria. I hated to be idle and I was tired of depending on my cousin. His everyday nagging reminded me that I was jobless and I was relentless in my search for a job. Because I had no smart phone, I kept reading and searching newspapers and listening to radio for any luck until stumbled on the middle page of the paper where I saw an advert for the post of secretary at Twin towers.  I saw the location was Victoria Island and there were two contacts to call. I lived at Ikoyi, not too far from V.I.  I felt an unusual smile sweep across my face as I quickly dialed Sam one of the contacts and after a few minutes, I dropped the call smiling widely this time. I did what I have never done; calling out for a job and look what my strange courage has given me. An interview. Mr. Sam had given me an interview appointment for Tuesday, 10: 30 am.

   Tuesday came like the speed of light. I woke up early, had my bath and dressed myself in a black pant trouser, white singlet and a blue jacket. After I preened myself in the small room wall mirror, I left with my black handbag that contained the books I revised with and left. On getting to the company gate at V.I, I checked the time and I was few hours early. I had left by 7:30 and got there by 8:am. I looked around and noticed the environment was serene and very beautiful. ‘Oh my God!  I can’t wait to start working here’’ I wished. I was already seeing myself in the light of a new secretary.  When I looked up, a gigantic building was staring at me. It was too tall that I could only count ten storeys. I sashayed into the reception area, greeted the receptionist and when she told me that my destination was on the 9th floor, my mind jumped and came down almost immediately. This meant I was sure going to use the elevator.

    The tall man I met there entered the elevator with me. As we moved higher, I managed to look down and immediately raised my head. The sight below was too far that it turned my eyes, I had to cling to the steel holder in pretense that I wanted to lean. We moved silently until the ‘ding’ sound from the door indicated that he had reached his own destination, the 6th floor. He smiled at me before he made for the door and I continued upwards. As soon as I got to the eight floor, I heard a ‘clunk’ and because I was not used to this sound, I relaxed on one side of the wall. I actually thought I was going to have a new company in the elevator. Minutes passed and no one entered, neither was i moving. I waited anxiously as many thoughts strove to occupy the first seat in my mind.

  As I stood there, the noisy tapping of my feet jolted me back to reality. I had drifted to how I found myself here. The last bit of calmness left me and impatience took hold of me as I began to pace back and forth.   I was alone but that didn’t bother me more than my purpose of coming here. ‘Hello, is anyone out there? I asked with my tiny voice. ‘I hope someone heard me’. My legs were weary from standing and I sat down slowly on the floor, after taking off my shoes and jacket. When I checked the time again, it was 10’o clock. I began to panic because the interview time was thirty minutes away. I was meant to be relaxing somewhere in the office until it was my turn but I was sitting alone in an elevator, helpless. Hunger gnawed slowly at the walls of my stomach but I didn’t want to give in to hunger and the weakness that accompanied it.  I remembered that I skipped breakfast because I wanted to beat traffic, took only water. I was only angry and irritated that no one has checked the elevator. I was  a bit scared. I began to wonder what my prospective interviewer would say if I don’t show up for the interview as planned.  ‘No Way! I can’t suffer like this and not still be interviewed. I must meet them today’’. The stubborn spirit in me was talking.

With the small strength left in me, I stood up and prayed silently for God to save me from this trap. I exhaled and began to knock on the door. It seemed the door was too thick and strong. I shouted with my highest voice and pressed all the buttons on the door. I sat down panting when the door opened. The technician and some of the staff apologized and said it was caused by a power outage.  I thanked them too, asked for water and used the stairs to reach my destination. At 12:30pm, I left the building with smiles.  I was finally interviewed and got the job.

September 10, 2020 23:59

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