Fiction Speculative Teens & Young Adult

You know, if you sit there long enough, you might freeze in that position.

It's completely unscientific, but my mother used to say if you made an ugly face for too long it would freeze and your face would be horrid forever. She is gone now, but I figured I would use the same analogy.

So, I repeat, if you sit there long enough, your body will freeze in that position.

Maybe it's not so bad. You would never have to move again. All that effort that comes in stepping and propelling yourself forward, you wouldn't have to do that.

Instead you can just sit there and watch the world go by until you no longer want to.

It doesn't sound like such a bad idea actually.

Give me a second, I'm going to sit down too.

Alright, I'm sitting.

Wow, it's a lot darker down here than I realized. I can hardly see the street now, and when the throng of people walk by, it blocks out almost all of the light. Other than that, it's not that bad. I think there is a rat over in that trash bin, and another in the one thats been tipped over. I'm sitting next to a puddle, I know because I put my hand in it on accident as I sat down. So, all in all, this Ally is probably the best one around.

It's not my ideal home, no, but this is the best I've got right now. I have to make do with it.

I already ate, so now I'm just going to freeze here, and sit for the sun to fall.

Do you think I will actually get stuck in this position?

I don't think I would like it much. It's comfortable, but I want to be able to move, otherwise I feel like my arms would suffocate. An itch would tingle and spread across my back. It would be awful.

I would want to stretch, to move slightly at least. Even though there is plenty of space in this ally, I hate the claustrophobia here. Another downside I guess.

But it can be easily fixed. If I just choose a different position I will be fine.

So I spread my legs out and my arms to the side. I accidentally touch the puddle again.

I can freeze like this I think. Do you think I can?

I can see the last tip of the dying sun peak through many legs as the traffic dies down. There is a hazy orange glow on the top of the brick above me, but otherwise, there is no light.

I start to shiver, because besides that orange smear above me it is cold, and dark, and I can smell rotting pizza accompanied by rat.

My hand is starting to freeze, I can feel it in the bones and veins. The water on top is making the process quicker.

I'm still deciding how I like it.

I sort of wish you were here with me. I wouldn't wish this fate on anyone else, but I still want you here.

It would be nice to talk to you, to see you. I would talk to anyone right now really. But I would prefer you.

I think thats really what I'm afraid of.

It's not the dark, it's not the cold. Not even claustrophobia, though it's all those things a little bit.

I'm afraid of being here without you. I'm afraid of freezing here with on one to talk to.

I'm afraid of being alone.

That— That I'm afraid, is my worst nightmare.

Okay well I apparently need more words then I have written, but I am coming out of the biggest period of writers block that I've had for a long time, and I can't write more than this. I don't want to. I also have family over so it's not like I have time to sit down and write a whopping 1,000+ words.

So y'all get to listen to me just talk for minute.

SO, if you have read my stories before, I would like to know which ones you would want a part 2 on, other than the one I have already promised a part 2 for. the top two stories I will write a second one for, but be prepared that it might be forced (hopefully not by the time I close voting) and it won't be as good as it could have been.

So I am gonna wait for two weeks since I post this story. Voting closes October 11th then I guess. Please spread the word to others that you know read my stuff. Thanksssss. And as always if you comment/like/follow, I will too. :) I love all my readers. Now, ignore me as I type random words so this darn thing can be published to my profile because of the stupid entry fee. I could pay it if I wanted to, but until I get a really good story I'm not wasting 5$ every week.

1,000 words needed. 1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.1,000 words needed.

Posted Sep 27, 2021

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23 likes 10 comments

Lily Rama
22:25 Oct 07, 2021

Loved this story! The first sentence was really good and drew me in immediately! I kind of sounds like a diary entry, which was good because it gave the story charm.
Great job Charli!
Keep writing!


Charli Britton
21:22 Oct 08, 2021



Lily Rama
22:03 Oct 08, 2021



Sarah Desouza
15:21 Oct 05, 2021

Wow, I seriously loved your story. It sounds like one of my diary entries!!!
Can you read mine? I have just 10. Atleast you have 17! I suggest you read cute security guard. or Ill climb the tower.

Have a great day


Charli Britton
10:21 Oct 07, 2021

I'l try! Thanks. :)


Keya J.
07:10 Oct 03, 2021

Haha! Loved it! It felt like listening to a person recording his day.

This ---> Give me a second, I'm going to sit down too. --- It just added a new charm to this story.

1000, I know, can be hard to accomplish sometimes but you came out with a good solution 😂😂

But, on a serious note, your writing skills are amazing!


Charli Britton
23:17 Oct 03, 2021

Hahaha thanks. I could have made it to 1,000 but I was just not feeling it. Thanks for all ur nice remarks. Ill be sure to comment on something of yours later.


Miles Gatling
05:35 Sep 29, 2021

Nice work, first-person is hard for me but I enjoyed yours. I like the wall of 1000 too


Charli Britton
19:44 Sep 29, 2021



Svara Narasiah
02:52 Sep 28, 2021

Great job :)) I love your writing style! Writer's block is terrible, I'm glad you're getting out of it!!


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