Science Fiction

trigger warning, a lot of blood

A Game for Monsters

“Teck!, are you still there?” Kasht yelled, from my sister’s room above, his voice almost breaking.

I looked up, the ceiling looked drenched and black, “Yeah,” I glanced around the dungeon like room I was in, “Where else wou—, would I be?”

I had tried to keep my voice smooth, mellow, worry free, but...

“Teck, please!, say what I can do!, please, I don’t want you to, die down there,” Kasht groused.

The faint humming of the machine came from around me. The room was terribly dark.

I sighed. 

I swiped back my hair and the cold sweat clinking on my forehead with both hands and sighed again. 

“I don’t think that you can do anything...”

“What?” Kasht pounded his fist on something above, “But, you are a tech genius!, you gotta, know, how to stop this madness!”

I wrapped my hands around myself and looked down, “I guess my sister was more of a genius.”

Kasht cursed, “Don’t you understand? Your sister is a monster and a mur—”


I looked up at the ceiling, my eyebrows scrunched, my jaw and fist clenched.

“And she is not a murderer!, and she is NOT A MONSTER!” I exploded. 

A pause...

Something, probably a chair, crashed to the floor, above. More cursing from Kasht. 

He was saying something, I couldn’t hear now, but his voice was getting louder, clearer...

“... they arrested her, that’s why, because she was not a murderer, that’s why there is that execution today, oh now I get it, she is not a murderer of three very nice people. Aaaand, she is not a monster, that’s why sweet little sister caught her over protective big brother in a mouse trap and plans to KILL HIM!”

A pause..., my head dropped...

Kashk rasped, “But that, that won’t be a killing, will it?, what are you gonna call that. What did you call, the other three?”

Another pause..., my lip and hands were quivering, my eyes burned and blurred...

Kashk continued, “Don’t pretend, Teck, you know who the other three were, and... I know too.”

A drop ran down my cheek and meat a bead coming down from the other eye. I squeezed my hands around me, hugging myself, reassuring myself...

I heard footsteps from above, Kasht’s footsteps, footsteps that were walking away.

“Teck, as much as I like you, I don’t want to end up as the fourth one, you and your sister can die today, happily, and I don’t care, I want peace, and I won’t get that around you, what if you are right?, what if your sister is not the murderer, what if you are?.......

I heard another thud, then nothing...

I clutched my head.

I felt like running.

So, I ran,

In the darkness,

I struck the wall,


I fell backwards,

My head banged on the floor,

My breath got caught, in my chest.

I lay there, gradually tasting the weird substance, which was trickling into my mouth, little by little. I could smell it too, as it gushed out from my nose, it’s scent was mixed with that of the machine oil’s, so it was confusing. I could hear nothing except the soft buzzing of Mines’ work, and maybe a melodious breeze outside, above. 

It was shady, the darkness surrounded me, enveloped me. It was cold too, and a shiver ran up my spine as I slowly got up. The shiver had nothing to do with the cold. It was simply caused by the fact that my trust in my sister was reforming.

Mines is my sister and... I didn’t trust her that time, that time, when all the evidences pointed her way, she was right, in her own way, but I didn’t trust her, and she, Mines, is easily annoyed.

Very easily annoyed, and I know just what she does to people who she is annoyed with. 

Mines loves games, and she plays one before annihilating anyone. 

Mines know what pain is, and she knows exactly how to measure it, exactly how much is needed for vengeance. 

Maybe, maybe, Kasht was right, maybe I am the murderer, I knew about those three, then also about the other two and the other four, and it all just made me better off, I could do nothing, nothing to make her less of a monster, a monster with a deformed face and deformed logic.

Deformed logic...

Kasht was right, I have to get out of here and see him, and then, I have to say sorry.

I can’t be stuck in a game forever.

I started walking and collided with the wall again. I turned around and leaned on it.

I folded my hands.

I had to come up with a plan.

I let my head drop and I half closed my eyes.

I did not know what to do. 

I saw only the soft darkness and heard only the low humming. The pain in my nose was darkening, spreading, sharpening. The blood from my nose have reached my chin, and was slowly dripping down, drop by drop, drenching my t-shirt. The blood lingered in my mouth also, and it tasted rusty, sordid. The cold was turning my nose numb, everything felt still, and passive.

I was stabbed. 

It pierced through me until it met the wall.

I doubled over, clutching my stomach.

My eyes bulged out.

Nothing but a huff came out of my mouth.

It was pulled out, harshly.

I froze. 

Tried to breath in, every breath mustering more effort.

My eyes widened and blurred. 

Fell to my knees.

Blood gushed out.

Something shredded half the flesh off my right arm.

I clenched my fist, my head slanted back and hit the wall, I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t see, I couldn’t hear, but I could feel the blood, drenching me.

A light appeared in front of me. I glared. A hologram, Mines.

“Hello, Teck.”

I could only move my lower jaw, I was paralysed, with pain.

She smirked, “Why did you have to try and get the program working?, oh, yes, so that you can someone else being tortured, but you didn’t except it to work on its own, did you?”

I clenched my jaw, gasping for air.

Mines’ ugly face glared, “You are too predictable, Teck, did you think that I would not find out if you put up false evidences against me?, you are a lousy actor too, should’ve seen your face when you said that you didn’t trust me anymore.”

I tried to stare back, to raise my head, but I was losing too much blood.

Something stabbed my shoulder, this time I growled.

The hologram chuckled, “You are way predictable, I was always called the monster, you hated it, ‘cause you never got to shine, so you let them catch me and then kill me, what a good plan, my brother. But now, you are going to die, any last wishes?”

I scrunched my eyebrows and mouthed a name – Kasht

“Granted!..., killed the moment he stepped out of my room, poor Kasht, he thought that he knew you better than anyone, but alas, only I know you even a bit. Now, get ready for the end.”

I gritted my teeth, the pain had gone numb, looked at the puddle of blood near me and closed my eyes.

“Game over.”

February 26, 2021 12:40

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Cole Lane
02:02 Apr 20, 2021

So gritty! I love it!


16:04 Apr 20, 2021

Thank you so much, wish you a happy today!


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Ari Berri
23:31 Mar 12, 2021

New story!


03:29 Mar 13, 2021

YAY!, Teleporting to there in 3, 2, 1...


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13:53 Mar 13, 2021

hey, I know that you are probably busy but would you mind if i asked you to read a story I just submitted?


Ari Berri
21:11 Mar 13, 2021

I can't now, but when I get free time, I will!


14:24 Mar 14, 2021

Arh, sorry for bothering you! =(


Ari Berri
16:32 Mar 14, 2021

It's no problem.


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21:34 Mar 09, 2021

I noticed that you used comments after you finished the sentence. A little weird, but okay. I mess up all the time too! I love the story so much.


07:54 Mar 10, 2021

you mean commas?, well I do use a lot of commas, sorry if it was a botheration, it is kinda like my writing style, I love commas XD Thank You for the feedback, it's really nice of you to not just to like it =) happy today!


13:00 Mar 10, 2021



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Lemon Lime
19:09 Mar 09, 2021

This reminds me of Among Us! Was that the intention? Brilliant! The use of ellipsis added a lot, plus the character's names were very video game appropriate. The ending was executed nicely, and there wasn't even THAT much blood ;) Thank you for your kindly comment on my writing, much appreciated! --Happy today ()


08:30 Mar 10, 2021

Thank You so much for reading the story and writing a feedback, no, that was not intentional, but yay, it does kinda fit in, ThAnK yOu! And Thanks for thanking me =D Happy Today =)


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Cam Croz
18:48 Mar 08, 2021

Wow! I really love the way you described things when the diolougue was not present! The idea of this story is so good! My biggest piece of advice would be to add just a little bit more description in certain areas, like what exactly is going on in the main characters head during diolougue or some small added backround info to make some points more clear! You did amazing!!! I enjoyed it!


10:14 Mar 09, 2021

Thank You for the feedback! Thanks, and sorry, i will try to make everything less confusing! and thank you for the suggestions! Happy Today! =)


Cam Croz
16:13 Mar 09, 2021

haha Happy Today to you too! 😂


16:13 Mar 09, 2021



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23:55 Mar 01, 2021

Whoa I cant believe I havent read this till now!! This was incredible!! You always come up with amazing names and story ideas and it turns out amazing! One thing I would consider doing is trying to add emotion and flaws to your characters to help them become more realistic. I cant think of any more critiques and I think this overall was a really good story! Great job!


15:23 Mar 02, 2021

That is heavy praise! Thank you so much for the feedbacks and expeshily the suggestions, I really wrote that in three hours, soooo, I know, it's pretty bad. Thanks again Happy today!


15:25 Mar 02, 2021

you deserve it!! no it was good!! of course!!


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23:59 Mar 01, 2021

Also could I bother you for one more thing about Akhe? What is his internal motiv/what does he really really want? thank youuuuu!!!


15:24 Mar 02, 2021

Akhe is pretty confusing 'motive'ly. He really needs to feel more, acknowledged, more equal and powerful, he wants his powers to improve (a hint, they WON'T improve much), and he wants to say his opinion, like, what chance do he really have in it when he is a clumsy assistant of a cook? And what chance did he have when his mother was a powerful witch (remember, she was the one who sent him to the castle) like how can you feel powerful if you are a telepath who CAN'T read minds? and stays up at night to practice his powers. He loves to know...


15:25 Mar 02, 2021

ooooh ok, thank you so much!!


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Daniel R. Hayes
06:57 Feb 27, 2021

Hi my friend, I thought this was a great story. As usual I loved the names you came up with ;) You wanted some feedback to help your writing. I think you could add some more emotion to the characters, don't worry I struggle with this too. Maybe add some more details to bring the reader into the world. I like this story, so don't worry about the blood details, I think you did a good job with that. Let the characters take you where they want to go, what I mean by that is you should try to get into your characters heads and see where that ...


02:31 Feb 28, 2021

Your feedbacks and suggestions are very helpful, I will pay more attention to emotions and details here on, thank you for taking your time to leave such an helpful feedback!


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16:24 Feb 26, 2021

CAN YOU PLEASE COMMENT? This is my seventh story and i really need feedback! I haven't actually written anything much with blood or an unreliable narrator, soooo, please give your tips on how to improve this stupid, cheesy story! Happy today!


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18:21 Mar 17, 2021

I loved your in between poetry and everything. It all feels rushed but like... in that good emotional way. Where you know that you have THE FEELS™ and you gotta get them out. Great idea with this story!!!!


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Hi! Great story! Just noticed something: “Teck!, are you still there?” Maybe get rid of the comma or the exclamation mark, and I noticed you did it here too: “And she is not a murderer!, and she is NOT A MONSTER!” Otherwise, this was a great story! I love the poeticness (is that a word? Poeticy? who knows 🤷🏼‍♀️). Keep writing great stories! -C


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