Gliding Across Glaciers (Elliot's P.O.V.)

Submitted into Contest #77 in response to: Set your story in a remote winter cabin with no electricity, internet, or phone service.... view prompt


Contemporary Friendship Suspense

Author's Note: This is a collab I made with Maya Emerson, she wrote Faye's P.O.V., you should go check it out along with the rest of her stories, they're great! The link to her page and Faye's P.O.V. are in the comments :D

Cold winds harshly blew against the window crevices, eventually pushing them open after an hour of relentless gusts. Flakes of snow accompanied their icy breaths, they landed on a puddle where flurries that had seeped through the apertures earlier had now melted.

The hairs beneath the sleeves of my sweater rose and a chilling feeling went down my spine, leaving me shivering like a dog shaking its fur. I hugged my arms closer to me, my breaths became ragged, a sigh made its way out of my mouth, blowing misty puffs of vapor.

The lit candle before me whipped its fire around like a raised flag, its wax trickled down to the candlestick like drips of honey from a grizzly bear’s jar. Its woven cord, along with its light, bent in an ungodly shape, almost putting its heat out, but not entirely. Finally, the force of the wind became too much, a murky stream of smoke came running down from the wick, resembling that of a maiden’s fair hair.

Standing up from where I was seated, I shut the windows tightly, hoping the ice would do its job to keep it closed for the meantime. If there was one thing I had learned from staying in this cabin, it’s to keep your fire going, I doubt a candle would do me a good job of providing me with heat comes dusk. Having a window open would let all the heat out. Despite the cabin’s bricked walls, it wasn’t hot enough outside to keep me warm inside. 

Wrapping myself in every piece of clothing I can find, I bar the doors open, placing all my weight on my shoulders to push the hailstones shoved against my door that had restricted me from leaving.

I tried to squeeze myself out from the very little opening I managed to make, stomping on the snow that now obstructed my doorway. The corners of my lips sagged, the snow impeded my door from closing, letting the cold in.

Treading over the thick snowfall, I left knee-deep footprints on the way to Faye’s cabin. Without giving it too much thought, I picked a block of hail, throwing it over her bedroom window.

Her curtains retracted back, revealing the initial look of a Faye in its natural habitat. She grappled to open the window, breaking a few icicles by her window sills, leaving them to fall into the crisp snowdrifts.

“Do you have electricity?” I shout to her, my voice slightly wavering over the strong wind’s wooshes.

A look of confusion passes over her face. It was all the confirmation I needed to know that she hadn’t heard me.

“You scratched my window! You know, there’s a front door for a reason,” She yelled back.

Her tousled bed hair flew in all directions, mirroring the same look as a lion. 

I rolled my eyes over her witty claims and replied, “Whatever, the electricity went out overnight and my cabin is basically a tundra.”

Seeing her perplex, I rephrased my words, going straight to the point. “I’m going to get wood for a fire, want to help?”

“I’d really rather stay inside,” She turns to close her windows with a carefree smile gracing her features.

“In a few minutes, when there are snow drifts in your bed, it won’t seem so comfortable.” I retorted back.

Her gears started to turn, and finally caved in with a sigh. “Fine, fine, I’m coming. Just give me a minute, and please don’t throw anything else at my window.”

She shuts her windows and the front door opens not more than a minute later. She wore a beanie that matched her gloves, layers of padded jackets turned her slim figure into a spherical one.

She stomped over the flaky, blankets of frozen rainfall, tripping over every now and then from how her hair hindered her sight as they continuously waved in front of her.

As she finally reached me, she rested her hands upon her knees, breathing heavily. “How far off do we need to be?”

A small laugh resonated from me, seeing her struggle to walk only after a few meters. “Ten more of those, maybe more.”


“I told you we need to cut more,” I told her as I ran the saw through the trunk of the tree back and forth.

“And yet you’ve barely cut any,” She said, gesturing over the two logs of wood I managed to chop.

“Shut up.”

“I gathered more wood than you have,” She placed her tree branches beside me, showcasing their towering heights beside my measly logs.

She sighed, seeing my relentlessness to stop sawing.

“Give it a rest Elliot, what are you going to chop with those arms?” She bumped her body with mine playfully, sending my round, bulging stature to trip over the logs and fall face first into the snow.

She hid her laughter with coughing noises, and it only worsened as I turned around to glare at her with a faceful of frost.  

“You look like a snowman, literally, ” She motioned to my thick clothing and gave me a little laugh as she delicately brushed her fingers over my face, sending the flakes of snow falling to my lap.

“Don’t you have anything else better to do?” I complained, returning to saw the trunk.

“Not at the moment, no,” She trailed off, diverting the topic elsewhere, but I have already tuned out her voice, focusing myself on the jagged sounds the saw made. Chips of wood layered the snow, its porcelain crisps were barely noticed from the brown, splintered planks covering it.

I immersed myself in tranquility, finally enjoying myself as I send the circular piece of wood landing beside where the other ones resided, baring it from the fallen tree.

I smiled to myself, but it was short-lived and was replaced with a frown when a clawing feeling from my chest started to grow. 

It was too calm.

Too quiet.

I turned around with Faye nowhere in sight, her footprints ranging from where I stood, to all possible corners a compass can point to. The surface was littered with footprints, it was impossible to tell where she may have gone. 

“Faye!” I called out, following one of the paths she made over the snow. 

A faint voice called back of what I can only make out as Faye’s. I followed her voice, trudging over the trail she left faster, as her tone gradually became more frequent and urgent.

Pushing several sleet-covered branches out of the way, I reach a clearing, blanched of any color, more so than the woods. Frozen, crystalline drops laced the vines and leaves of an old willow tree, it calmly swayed with the wind, making the icy droplets lightly bump with each other and produce a pleasant, tranquil chime. 

A lake stood frozen before me, laced with a thin coat of melted ice, reflecting the sun’s soft smile peering down from the clouds. Faye glided and twirled within the glass-like surface, her pale complexion and clothing blended well with the powdered scenery. Her dark hair contrasted the rest of her features, her locks waved freely behind her, it was hard not to see as though a spotlight were cast upon her. 

The brightness of her mahogany-colored eyes alone illuminated the entirety of the forest better than the Sun had, a gentle smile spread across her lips as she called over to me, urging me to join her in the ice.

“Elliot, what took you so long? Skate with me,” She slid over to the edge of the lake, taking my gloved hands in hers and pulling me with her.

I stood my ground, not trusting the way the lake had formed giant bubbles below its frosted exterior. The lake looked like a half-frozen ice cube, the same way you’re still able to see the water flowing around the bottom when you shake the tray, the only thing stopping it from spilling is a frozen seal over it. 

“Faye, let’s leave, you don’t know this lake,” I said, pulling her close to me, away from the doubtful structure she stood over.

She snorted, “Leave where? To chop wood?”

She skated away going farther, and farther, and gave me a knowing smile when she had reached the center of the lake, taking satisfaction in proving I was wrong. She cupped her mouth and shouted, “See, it’s fine!” 

“Get away from there!” I crossed my arms, giving her a disapproving look.

She paid me no heed and continued to skate across the icy structure, unaware of the fractures that followed her. By the time she had, it was too late, the ice around her had cracked into a hundred fragments and made spirals of broken panes .The surface below her eluded her, sending her down into the dark depths of the lake. The umber liquid slipped through the rifts, followed by bubbles, and then nothing.

My heart dropped to my stomach and rushed to the trench, feeling more of the plane underneath me crack and shift. My body pulsed as if I had done a thousand somersaults, my lungs constricted and it became harder to breathe. 

I reached through the dire liquid, and felt what I thought were cold fingers reaching for mine, but they slipped away from my grasp before I could decide whether or not they were Faye’s. 

In a last attempt to pull her out before the fragile glass broke underneath me as well, I extended the rest of my arm, grabbing her by the scruff of her jacket and pulling her out of the murky water.

I quickly raced for the shore and enveloped her drenched body in mine, frantically searching for a pulse when suddenly, her eyes shot open, and her body sat upright, hitting my looming figure in the process. She coughed violently, all assortment of leaves, dirt, and liquid, came pouring out from her mouth.

“What on earth were you thinking, Faye? I warned you not to go out there. Don’t you understand, I thought you might be dead,” I went off on her, my voice quivered slightly towards the end, although I was unsure if it was due to the cold, or the scare she gave me that had my hands trembling faster than a dog wags its tail.

She refused to meet my gaze and guiltily fiddled with her fingers instead. “Sorry, I didn’t think-” 

She cut herself off, as more coughs shook her shoulders violently. I took her hands in mine, hoping to provide her more warmth. I pulled her close to me, wrapping her in my embrace, and placing my cheeks over her damp head, I tell her, “I’m just glad I wasn’t too late,”

She looked up at me and whispered weakly. “So am I,” 

We laid silent for a few seconds, before the hush setting must’ve become too much for Faye to handle. “I guess I owe you my help chopping firewood now,” She joked with a smile as if nothing had happened, “I mean since you did save my life.”

“I’m not sure if I would call it help,” I teased her back, pulling her up with me in a standing position and dusted the snow that stuck to her. She nudged me playfully, almost tripping me over. 

She was fine. A relieved breath slipped through my mouth, her petite fingers caressed mine, easing the trembling.

On the way back to our cabins, I’ve never seen Faye talk more so than she had now. I’ve never been any more grateful to be hearing her ceaseless blabbering, her voice, her laugh. She always knew how to break the ice, not even a frozen lake could stop her from doing that.

January 22, 2021 03:20

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- -
03:45 Jan 22, 2021

You can find Faye's P.O.V. in here (Maya wrote it, it's AMAZING!): You can find Maya's page in here:


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Maya -
00:36 Jan 26, 2021

Howdy! How was your day? :D Btw I love the paragraph about upvoting in your bio, lol. XD


- -
00:45 Jan 26, 2021

It's great! How about yours? Thanksss, you read it, gasp, I didn't really think anybody would


Maya -
01:05 Jan 26, 2021

Mine was rainy but good. Of course, I did. :D


- -
01:08 Jan 26, 2021

Ohh I love rain... Would you rather a sunny or a rainy day :)


Maya -
01:09 Jan 26, 2021

Depends on my mood, I don't like when it's too hot, though. Hbu? I like writing about rainy days, lol.


- -
01:10 Jan 26, 2021

Yeah same, it's harder to cool down than to warm yourself :/


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Radhika Diksha
09:10 Jan 24, 2021

She always knew how to break the ice, not even a frozen lake could stop her from doing that. Never read such a beautiful sentence. This story had cuteness overloaded and cheesiness overfilled. Keep writing.


- -
10:15 Jan 24, 2021

Thank you :)


Radhika Diksha
14:53 Jan 24, 2021

Would love your feedback on my story too.


- -
00:59 Jan 25, 2021

Of course. I'll comment on it now, I never had the time to yesterday


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08:19 Jan 25, 2021

Sooorryyyy, I took so long....your story is great! As are the rest of them, great choice in books as well lol.....will you be posting new stories this week?


Radhika Diksha
09:11 Jan 25, 2021

Which Books? Yeah, I am posting new content this week. Are you?


- -
09:15 Jan 25, 2021

Eleanor and parkkkkk And yeah I'll be posting a new story.....I think, I'm working on it rn


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Maya -
00:23 Jan 24, 2021

Heyyy :D How was your day/ night? (Lol timezones) :)


- -
00:30 Jan 24, 2021

It's great :)) how about yours?


Maya -
00:33 Jan 24, 2021

Great! My puppy was so crazy but he finally fell asleep. XD


- -
00:34 Jan 24, 2021

Lol sounds fun :D


Maya -
00:40 Jan 24, 2021

Yeah :D You working on any stories right now?


- -
00:41 Jan 24, 2021

I will later, hbu?


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Nyla N
02:56 Jan 23, 2021

OH MY!! THE LAST SENTENCE WAS SPECTACULAR! I was thinking how you could end off on a great note, when all the action had already happened and life had returned to normal, but that ending was hilarious!! Also the whole thing was brilliantly executed! I loved the detail in every sentence, it made me feel like I was watching a movie! You write so well! Would you mind giving my story a glance over if you have time? I would love some feedback so I can improve! :)


- -
02:58 Jan 23, 2021

Thank you :D Of course I'll be sure to check your story out :))


Nyla N
21:43 Jan 23, 2021

Hey thanks so much for checking my story out! I just posted a new one if you wanted to take a look. Be prepared, it's definitely a different genre... :)


- -
23:42 Jan 23, 2021

Sure, can't wait :)


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Nainika Gupta
12:07 Jan 22, 2021

Awww, this is so cute!! I loved the relationship with Faye and that last sentence - really was amazing!!


- -
14:26 Jan 22, 2021

Thank you <33, you should go check out Faye's POV as well ;DD


Nainika Gupta
14:28 Jan 22, 2021

<33 I did! You both did an amazing job :D


- -
14:30 Jan 22, 2021

Thank youuu :DD


Nainika Gupta
14:34 Jan 22, 2021

yeahhhh! :D


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14:44 Jan 22, 2021



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Maya -
03:22 Jan 22, 2021

Yay!!! I love your part, and I really enjoyed doing the collab with you! :DDD


- -
03:24 Jan 22, 2021

Same :DD Lol I forgot to post an author's notE since I was so caught up with 5 millionth search scams lol. I love your part too, ITS AMAZING!!


Maya -
03:28 Jan 22, 2021

Lol thankssss :DDD


- -
03:29 Jan 22, 2021

But I fixed it now sooo... lol


Maya -
03:47 Jan 22, 2021

Lol :D


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03:53 Jan 22, 2021



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16:40 Mar 11, 2021

WoW, Awesome story! =D It was awesome when you started out as if it was something too philosophical and then it was awesome!, The ending was also super awesome, and..., em, I can’t stop using the word awesome! XD Awesome Today!


- -
02:30 Mar 12, 2021

Thanks lol, you're too niceee <3 Ehehe lol, awesome today to you too :)) =D


09:11 Mar 12, 2021

Thank you for thanking me! =) Writing anything for this week?, you haven't been writing anything for, em, two week?, ok, that's too less than what i had in my head XD


- -
10:56 Mar 12, 2021

Yeah, I don't think I will be, all the words are leaving my head lol jkjk sUsPeNsE~~~~~ Are you?? :))


08:22 Mar 13, 2021

em, thinking about it XD and I know that you are probably busy but would you mind if i asked you to read a story I just submitted? happy today =P


- -
03:57 Mar 17, 2021

jfdasljfakl im sooooo sorry, gasp this was from 4 days ago, afjlasdkdkflad im really sorry :(


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Aimee Cardenas
18:24 Feb 28, 2021

I love this story! 😀


- -
22:58 Feb 28, 2021

Thank you! :)


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OMG the ending- the descriptions- the imagery- absolutely amazing. Omw to read Faye's P.O.V.!


- -
13:44 Feb 26, 2021

THank you! Ahhhhhh yasssss, you should, Maya's part is great! :))


Just to let you know, I'm inactive during the weekend since I usually log on during school. I'm following Maya as well, love you guys's dual story!


- -
13:49 Feb 26, 2021

Aww, alright...enjoy your weekend! :DD Ohhh yass, she's nice :)) Thank you! hehehe XD


- -
14:03 Feb 26, 2021

:DD uwu


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Radhika Diksha
18:11 Jan 23, 2021

By the way, I have submitted a new story would love your feedback on it


- -
23:51 Jan 23, 2021

Of course, but I think I already have..... I think I've already read your new story, if I didn't comment that was probably because I was shy lol.. I'll be sure to leave a feedback later


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Sam Reeves
10:23 Jan 23, 2021

This is so good! I was glued to it from start to finish. I loved your description of the candle at the beginning and the banter the two characters have!


- -
10:27 Jan 23, 2021

Thank you! I've been reading some of your stories as well, I was actually going to save your first story to my library :)) the title's very interesting, I'll give it a read later :DD


Sam Reeves
10:33 Jan 23, 2021

Thank you very much! I've read your other stories too, you're such a good writer!! Looking forward to seeing what else you write :)


- -
10:40 Jan 23, 2021

Thank you, you are too!!!! :)) you should go check out maya emerson as well, she wrote Faye's p.o.v. and it's amazing! You're so nice, I'll be looking forward to reading more of your stories as well! Good job, btw, and happy writing :DD


Sam Reeves
10:53 Jan 23, 2021

I've been following Maya for a while now, she's incredible too! I read Faye's POV and your stories compliment each other perfectly. Great job on the collab!! Thank you, you're lovely too! It's so nice to meet kind people on here Happy writing!!


- -
10:57 Jan 23, 2021

Thank you, you too! :DDD


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Maya -
05:52 Jan 27, 2021

I posted a new story. :)


- -
05:53 Jan 27, 2021

Ohh, I'll go read it


Maya -
05:54 Jan 27, 2021

Thanks! :DDD


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Maya -
03:54 Jan 27, 2021

Do you have any ideas for a name for a pet squirrel? (I need one for my story) XD


- -
04:07 Jan 27, 2021

Oh a squirrel-ish story? I dont know, but if you've read my bio, Theodore is my favorite squirrel XDD


Maya -
04:09 Jan 27, 2021

It's just for a small detail. XD Lol Theodore's cute. :D


- -
04:10 Jan 27, 2021

Ohh can't wait to read it, is the squirrel a girl or a boy?


Maya -
04:16 Jan 27, 2021

Idk I gotta think of a cute name. :D


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Maya -
04:17 Jan 27, 2021

How about Elora or Coco?


- -
04:25 Jan 27, 2021

Coco sounds great


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Maya -
02:28 Jan 27, 2021

Ooh I love the butterfly! :D I have a question; should I make my "Please Understand" series a romance in the end or include that genre?


- -
02:34 Jan 27, 2021

Ohmigosh maya I'm sorry


- -
02:34 Jan 27, 2021

This is getting annoying, I accidentally clicked something else


- -
02:35 Jan 27, 2021

So my really long reply got ruined


- -
02:35 Jan 27, 2021

I accidentally clicked something twice


- -
02:36 Jan 27, 2021

And I had to type a really long reply twice, so now I'm doing it in short replies


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Maya -
02:36 Jan 27, 2021

Omg I always do that it's so annoying! :/


- -
02:39 Jan 27, 2021

Ikr.. I like your flower, btw And I'm sure your story will turn out great, nobody can spoil it for me..... And also, do what you want, it's your story after all :D


Maya -
02:40 Jan 27, 2021

Thanks! I'm not sure what to do. :)


- -
02:44 Jan 27, 2021

Hmm, or maybe you could just leave the first part as it is and your readers shall forever claw for the truth lol... I'm kidding, just ask me if you ever need help with anything or something.. :)


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Cookie Carla🍪
19:04 Jan 26, 2021

Hi Pineapple Poppy (love the name btw... oh and the story too!)!! Can you read my three most recent stories and tell me what you think?


- -
09:05 Jan 27, 2021

Of course! I will when I get the time :) What did you think about the story? A favorite part maybe?


- -
11:06 Jan 27, 2021

I'll check the rest when I get the time, I meant.. :)


Cookie Carla🍪
14:10 Jan 27, 2021

OMG!! Before I even started reading the rest of the story, your imagery caught me off guard. In a good way, though!! I love how you used imagery with the chills at the beginning. It almost gave me chills :DDD


- -
01:13 Jan 28, 2021

Thank you, your stories as well! They're great! Your stories, they're very enjoyable to read, the atmosphere was calm, it was simple....basically the best kind of stories :DDD


Cookie Carla🍪
14:15 Jan 28, 2021



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. .
18:03 Jan 25, 2021



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23:58 Jan 25, 2021



. .
23:59 Jan 25, 2021



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