Submitted to: Contest #96

Sitting at Cafe Shi...

Written in response to: "Start your story in an empty guest room."

Adventure Inspirational Fantasy

I was seated at the entrance of Cafe Shi. A room outside the cafe. Why? Well, Cafe Shi is a rather above normal tea room. To get in sometimes you have to be on a guest list for sometime. And or know someone. Myself? I had gotten invited to Cafe Shi by mistake several years ago. I had been walking along and well. Long story short went in because I thought they have sweet and sour shrimp.

What made Cafe Shi so special? The people? Yes. You never knew who would be there. The tea? Goodness yes. Some of the guest teas served I had to search Chinese lore books on. Meaning somehow the lady of the cafe had herbs or spices and knew how to use them. The atmosphere? YES. A big yes. The decor of the rooms was exquisite. From decor of Ming to Ying to an entire room full of goldfish. You could visit there and see them change the rooms every so often. And? Well, to visit just one room is wild enough you wanted to explore all the rooms. And the owner? Secrets? Some say she was or is a dragon. To me? I would say she had the loveliest of eyes I have had the chance to gaze upon.

What made the Cafe Shi more memorable at times you were seated alone. And other times in a sitting style of brunch with complete strangers. And? Well, I loved their stories. From dragons and pirates. To cloning and time travel. The pirate stories made me desire to hoist the black flag and escape. While the dragon stories made me realize that tales I had heard as a child most likely had some reality basis to them. And time travel? Clinton time traveling tales were wild. Ender’s pirate stories unfathomable. The cloning tales of the FedEx owner wildly seemed to be real when I did my research. My tale that I would exchange with the guest’s? I am a rather strange person, to be honest. I told them of the Northern Cheyenne. And their tales of Custer’s last hours. Hours? It only took a forty-five minutes.. Laughter.. There are tales told among people that are old that state other wise. And I knew or know those tales. I would tell them ghost stories of bars that are and no longer existing. How ghosts lived in places long forgotten. Or I would tell them of Big Foot hunting terrorist in a forest known to those that fish the ice wells. Or I would tell them tales of NASA or some other long forgotten work related adventure I was on at the time. Most would laugh. Some would be interested. Most would enjoy the tale and tell me something new. Like? 2012? After all, on this time line 2012 was 2020. And there is enough Mandela effected people here that some world some place has a number of souls returning to their original bodies for the day of judgment. Day of judgment? Sure. If you have not figured out yet. A friendly guest tale. You see, you are after all only a clay avatar. A clay avatar? Yes. Poo-hie, I am real matter. Laughter indeed. You are the recycled parts of a plant. And a plant is nothing more than stored light waves. Making you nothing more than a stabilized avatar. Makes you realize if Paul who was Saul was right, and this is all some big game. A race. That only those in the lead or at the end of the game win. And all else? I have heard those tales. From astroids destroying earth’s plural. To CO2 clouds coming out of the ocean wiping out everyone in some sort of freezing death gas. To nuclear war. Nuclear war? Sure. My reality for forty-plus years the book in the bible Zachariah talks about nuclear war. While here your book of Zechariah talks about zombies. You see. As simple as that you are in a video game. And to win? Only solution repent and pray to God. Why? Simply put, the military, upon seeing the UFOs that they confront, want to fight them. However, they are still outclassed out-manned and outsmarted. But what about all the artificial intelligence? The AI surely will provide a solution. Yes, of course. Fight aliens with zombies. And that is what they are doing turning people with vaccinations into the living dead. Will it work? Not according to the bible. Is there a chance to fight back? Laughter. I already told you how those that tried to fight God ended up. Hell is an actual place, my friend. And escaping hell is no simple matter.

How did I escape there?

That is simple. I did not. I am, after all, either Christ’s evil spirit wandering reality to be put back there. Or a spirit in Daniel returning from the dead. Or and here is the funny part of the time of tribulation that no one seems to care about. I am a time traveler as a closed time curved loop traveler I am traveling backwards and time. Meaning? You are in my ghost story now. What? If I truly lived on Sagittarius on a much larger galaxy. That would mean I am much older than you. And? Since I know my hospice stay’s and health I am pretty sure I am dead there. And now? I travel back one day at a time to parallel realities where I existed. Laughter. Mad I know. And to think I am using someone’s else underwear to tell you this tale. And his shoes. But his eye’s? I doubt if this person can see or hear. And? Well, I knew English in my reality. And here? Dilemma is dilemna but the person talking on my television right now has stopped talking and yet according to the vision I am seeing on the screen their mouth is still moving. Meaning? I doubt that American Ninja Warriors have someone speaking a foreign language on their Columbus Ohio program. So? Means I am in some world where US of A did not speak English. Wild and crazy idea, is it not? To travel time to see reality change. Heck, in some realities Emelia Harhart’s plane was discovered off some small islands. There they had found 50 SOS messages sent by Morse code. Thus, using 50 messages and their wave frequency to the site, they narrowed down to some island with no drinkable water. They did a write up stating how she most likely died of hydration. And that is where she sent via shortwave radio her SOS messages. Am I serious? Sure am. However, in this timeline, who knows who will find what treasure. And I? To be honest, I am awaiting a cup of tea. Cafe Shi is after all just a story a way.

Posted May 30, 2021

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