Romance Fiction Funny

A huge stack of piping hot chocolate chip pancakes complete with whipped cream was placed in front of him and with it a cold, tall glass of milk to wash it all down.

“Thank you.” Xander said.

“You’re welcome, dear.” The waitress responded. 

Xander had come to love the quaint diner. He knew all the wait staff now, and they treated him well. He breathed in the chocolaty, buttery, syrupy smell of perfection. Saturday was the only day where he could sleep in, eat breakfast at the diner, and read a book. It was his ritual. He was a people person at heart, but on Saturdays he enjoyed his own company. By the time Xander arrived at the diner, his stomach was growling. It was almost noon, so he didn’t waste any time digging into his meal. When he started feel full, he pulled out his book. In the midst of his reading; however, he felt it coming on. His eyes lost focus, and he was dizzy.   

“Oh no.” He thought. “Not here.” 

His arms and legs started twitching before he passed out.

Xander could hear voices. He cautiously opened his eyes. The whole diner was staring at him, including a familiar face. His face flushed. 

“Annabeth? What’s going on?” He asked.

“Well look who’s awake. At least you know my name.”  She responded. “Do you know where you are?”

“I’m at the diner, I think.”


“You moonlight as EMS or something?”

“What gave it away?” She joked.

“Oh nothing.” He teased.

“Do you know what happened?”

“Yeah, I’m assuming I had a seizure.”

“You did. Fortunately, you were wearing your bracelet. Have you had any other seizures recently?”

“No. I was doing well actually, until now, I suppose.”

“You’re doing okay now. Did you want to go to the hospital to get checked out?”

“No. I’m fine. Honestly, nobody needed to call you all. I’m used to this.”

“They were worried about you.” She said.

“How sweet.” He replied half sarcastically and half gratefully.  

“Alright, just take it easy and call us if you need to.”

“Thanks, Beth. See you Monday?”

“Of course.” 

The rest of the weekend had been uneventful, and Monday reared its ugly head. Mondays were hard enough, but after the incident on Saturday, he wasn’t sure he had the balls to talk to her.  Of course, he could be panicking for nothing because he didn’t even see her every day. They both worked for the Department of Children and Family Services, but he was a caseworker for CPS and she was a lawyer in the legal department. If he really wanted to, he could hide in his cubicle all day. “Yes, that’s a good idea.” He thought. He could have used his seizure as an excuse to call in sick, but he had a mountain of paperwork on his desk.

As the hours passed, Xander couldn’t help but think about Annabeth. He had managed to avoid her, but he also had the desire to thank her for being professional that day. Nobody at the office even knew what happened, and he wanted it kept that way. Needing a distraction anyway, Xander stood up before his mind even realized what his body was doing. He walked across his office and through the hallway to the legal unit. Then, he approached her office door.

He stood in front of Annabeth’s office and looked around. The walls were bare except for two frames.   One of which was Annabeth’s law degree and the other was her law license. Annabeth sat at her desk. Her hair was in a perfect bun atop her head. Her small frame was hidden behind her computer. Xander could hear her fingers click-clacking away at the keyboard.   

“Knock. Knock.” He said as he lightly tapped her door. This was awkward. He was regretting his decision, but it was too late. 

“Hi Xander.” She smiled. “Come on in. Have a seat.” She gestured to a chair. 

The lawyers were lucky. They had actual offices, and they were spacious too. When he approached her desk he could see that she was wearing a navy blue suit that had a subtle white pinstripe through it. She looked good; he loved a woman in a suit.     

“I don’t want to bother you.”

“No bother at all. I could use a short break.” She said. “How are you feeling?” She whispered. 

“Oh, I’m great. I came over to thank you for helping me. I’m sorry you had to see me like that. I’m quite embarrassed if I’m being honest.” 

“Don’t think twice about it.” She said. “You don’t have to be embarrassed or apologetic. Trust me. I’ve seen more worse.”

“Oh yeah? Do tell.”

“It’s probably not the best time or place to tell a story like that.” She laughed.

“Then have dinner with me.” He had spoken those words before he could even filter what he was saying. “Now, she’ll really think I’m crazy.”  “Oh God. I’m sorry. That just came out. It’s just I wanted to hear the story and… You don’t have to feel obligated.”

“I would love to.”

“You would?”

“Don’t sound so surprised.”

He chuckled. “I didn’t think you’d. ..never mind… I won’t have a seizure this time. I promise.”

“Don’t make promises you can’t keep.” She winked. “I know this great Italian place. That is, assuming you like Italian. I’m also assuming I can’t interest you in going to the diner?”

“Italian is great. I think it’s safe to say I’ll be avoiding the diner for a while.”

“Pick me up at 6:00 on Friday?”

“She’s bold.” “I can do that.”

Their laughter could be heard from across the restaurant.

“I get there,” she says, “and they are stuck to each other, in bed!”

By now, Xander was snorting. “What did you do?”

“For starters, I bit my cheeks to keep from laughing. Fortunately, they were okay, but we couldn’t get them apart. We didn’t want to risk injuring them, so we had to bring them to the hospital like that! As soon as I made it back to the ambulance, I lost it.” 

They laughed and laughed like children until their stomachs hurt and their eyes were watery. When they had settled, Annabeth spoke. 

“I couldn’t help but notice your Harry Potter book the other day at the diner.”

“Let me have it. Go ahead, tease me.”

“No, I love Harry Potter! The Goblet of Fire is one of my favorites too.”

“Phew. I dodged a bullet there. Believe it or not, this is my first time reading it.”

“Wow, really?”


“I won’t spoil anything for you.” 

“You better not.” 

At that moment, Xander was at a loss for words. Of course he thought she was pretty when he first started working with her, but after talking to her, he realized just how beautiful she was. Their conversation had become effortless and enjoyable. 

“Xander? Earth to Xander?”


“You were staring at me.”

“I was, wasn’t I?” He smirked. “I can’t help it, you’re so beautiful. Would it be okay if I kissed you?”

“I would like that.”

He gently put his hands on the sides of her face and pulled her closer. Their lips touched and he knew he didn’t want it to stop.  

Posted Dec 19, 2020

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20 likes 14 comments

GASP! is this by chance named after our queen, Annabeth Chase?

Great story!


Kate Winchester
22:41 Jan 06, 2021

Thank you. No, the name is just coincidence, but you're not the first person to ask me. Apparently, I need to read those books lol.


Lol! you definitely need to read those books! They are so amazing!


Kate Winchester
22:47 Jan 06, 2021

I'll have to add them to my list :)


Cal Carson
02:27 Dec 29, 2020

Hi, from the critique circle.

A lot of stories on Reedsy I don't have the patience to get through, (I've got a really short attention span, lol) but this story really kept me hooked! The pacing was great!

I figure since this is the critique circle, I should be a bit more helpful. So some suggestions.
I think it would make it a bit more clear if, when you introduce Annabeth, make sure to mention that Xander knew her because it was a bit unclear with just the "a familiar face" line.
When the scene switches from Beth and Xander's conversation to them at dinner, maybe put a few lines between the sentences? It was a little abrupt and I had to take a moment to figure out that time had passed. This can be applied to future stories as well, putting extra lines as a way of showing that time had passed/the scene had changed. A transition sentence works as well.
Also, while it could be a stylistic and personal choice, most stories and books don't put quotation marks around thoughts. (But I doubt anyone would complain if you did.)

It's funny, your name reminds me of Sarah Winchester, a person I did a project on a while back.

Anyways, (before I get any more off-topic) great story, keep it up! A wonderful read that kept me hooked. :)


Kate Winchester
03:36 Dec 29, 2020

I appreciate your time and feedback. Thanks! I'm really glad I kept your attention ;). I can see how my story is abrupt in some places. Sometimes I get a little too dialogue heavy. Lol, I learn something new every day. I will no longer put quotes around thoughts.
It's funny because this is my pen name. I took the last name Winchester from the CW show Supernatural. lol


Cal Carson
04:11 Dec 29, 2020

Oh, never heard of Supernatural! Maybe I should check it out :)
Glad to hear I helped, any time!


Kate Winchester
14:17 Dec 29, 2020

It just ended at 15 seasons lol. I’m behind on it though. The first few seasons were the best.


16:42 Dec 21, 2020

It was a short and sweet story! Are you, by any chance, a Percy Jackson fan?


Kate Winchester
17:15 Dec 21, 2020

Thank you! I’ve heard they’re good, but I haven’t read any.


16:27 Dec 22, 2020

Oh, okay...Annabeth is one of the main characters in that series, so I wondered if you had chosen that name because of that.


Kate Winchester
16:29 Dec 22, 2020

Lol nope just coincidence


18:10 Dec 25, 2020

Ah, okayy!


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