Funny Friendship Fiction

***Are you ready for more bickering between that loving couple, The Banters? Well here they go again!***

“Ok. Speak now…”


“Martha? Are you there? I need you to speak now.”

“Oh, sorry. I was reading.”

“You’re bleeding?”


“You don’t have to shout!”

“Yes, I do or you don’t hear me. What did you want anyway?”

“Well, I’m trying to adjust my hearing aid and I just wanted you to say something. There, I’ve just adjusted it again. So speak now.”

“What do you want me to say?”

“Say anything!”


“Marrrthaaa! Stop being smart. Geez when I don’t want you to talk, you never shut up. Now when I want you to say something, I can’t get you to say anything! Sometimes you really frustrate me.”

“Okay, okay. Don’t get all bent out of shape. Let me think. Ok, how’s this? I want to move closer to the equator.”

“You want to watch a movie with Darth Vader? Why would you want to watch that? You’re not even into Star Wars!”

“I said I want to move closer to the EQUATOR…E.Q.U.A.T.O.R!”

“What? Why on earth would you want to do that? You hate extreme heat. What have you been drinking this morning? Kickapoo joy juice?”

“Oh so funny. Ha ha! Anyway, for what it’s worth, I hate heat but I hate extreme cold too. And, I have a good reason for wanting to move closer to the equator, that is, apart from my arthritis and psoriasis which flares when it’s cold.”

“So what’s the good reason for considering a drastic move like that at our ages?”

“Well, the thought was prompted by this article I’ve just read in IFL SCIENCE. It says that closer to the equator, I will weigh slightly less than I would at the poles. Like, if I flew from the North Pole to Kenya, I’d weigh 0.5% less upon arrival.”

“That’s not science, Martha! Of course, you’d weigh less because you wouldn’t be stuffing yourself with food over 20 hours of flight.”

“Yeah, but, I’d be holding tons of fluid. I always bloat on long flights. So that’s not the reason I’d weigh a little less.” 

“So, enlighten me then. Is there some scientific reason for the B.S. in that article?”

Yes, Mr. Know-it-all. There is. It has to do with the earth’s gravity. As you probably know, being a former science teacher, gravity across the planet is not uniform, just as the Earth itself is not uniform. Earth has a bulge at the equator…”

“You mean like that bulge you have just below your waist, love?”

“…and like the one you have just above it, Matthew Banter! Ooohh, sometimes you make me so mad. You know how uptight I am about my weight. I’m hung up on it and I have been for decades…and it’s all your fault!”

“My fault? How is it my fault?”

“Well, maybe it’s not ALL your fault, but it started when you and I first got together. You, of all people, should remember how insecure I was when we met. It so bugged me when you were always taking pictures of me.”

“I was always taking pictures because I thought you were so beautiful…”

“Well, that’s sweet of you, but I didn’t think I was beautiful. In fact, I quite hated myself and how I looked. My inner child was so convinced I wasn’t good enough the way I was. It’s taken years, along with lots of love from you, Matthew, and tons of ongoing positive self-talk to like myself more than I did then.”

“Oh, so that’s why you’re always talking to yourself?”

“Harrumph! Matthew Banter stop it. I’m being serious. But since you think this is funny, may I suggest that it seems to you that I’m always talking to myself because you can’t hear 95% of what I saying?”

“Okay, okay, don’t get your knickers in a knot, darling. So what were you going to say about why your hangups about your weight are MY fault? Or do I even want to know?”

“Probably not, but I’m going to tell you anyway, even though I’ve told you this before. It’s one of those selective memory stories you always forget right after hearing them.

“Go on. I’m listening.”

“So, way back when we started dating and I was head-over-heels in love with you and terrified you’d suddenly come to your senses and decide I wasn’t that hot after all…”

“Oh, Martha…you silly Billy…you were so hot I was burning!”

“There you go sweet talking me again, but stop interrupting or I’ll lose my train of thought. Now, as I was saying…at one point when my insecurity was at an all-time high and I needed a morale boost, I asked you what your ideal woman would look like.”

“Uh-oh. What did I say?”

“Well, without a moment’s hesitation, you replied your ideal woman would be a blue-eyed blonde about 5’ 7”, with very long legs, and a flat tummy!”

“Yeah, that’s about right. So what was the problem with that?”

“See, you haven’t changed, you insensitive dummy! The problem with that was that I was a 5’ 2” brunette with short legs, and a bit of a belly I could never hide! On top of that, every time you wanted to take a full-length photo of me, you’d always say, ‘ok, suck it in now’ love.”

“Well, that’s because you so often mentioned how conscious you were of your tummy sticking out. I knew you wouldn’t want it to show in the pictures. I wasn’t being insensitive at all. I was only trying to help.”

“Well, it didn’t help my self-esteem any knowing how I failed to match up to your ideal. I’ve never forgotten it.”

“Ouch! Geez, you’re really in a mood today, aren’t you! Is there anything I can do or say to make whatever’s eating you go away? Like, why don’t I make us a cuppa and we can have a couple of those nice butter tarts we got from Costco? You know…just a spoonful of sugar makes the…”

“…weight go up! Why would you even suggest something like that when I want to move closer to the equator just to weigh less?”

“Well, that’s just silly now, isn’t it Martha. Why don’t you just try the science that you know works, like fewer calories in and more energy out?”

“Matthew, do you have to be so logical? Do you know how many diets I’ve tried over the years? South Beach Diet, Atkins, Whole 30, Paleo, Keto…nothing works. The only thing I haven’t tried is starvation. I’m so fed up looking at those phony Facebook ads showing an old, out-of-shape duffer with a belly like mine squeezing herself into some kind of Spandex, then miraculously in the next slide she’s got the body shape of a 16-year-old!”

“Aw, come on love, snap out of it. So there’s a little more of you than when we met. There’s a bit more of me too. But I still love you just as much as ever.”

“You do?”

“Do you even have to ask? Look, come over here for a sec. I’ve just been looking at these photos I took of you on our honeymoon. Look how gorgeous you were with that long blonde hair…”

“…that blonde hair came out of a bottle! Pity they didn’t sell longer legs and flat tummies too!”

“Martha, I think my hearing aid batteries just died again. Or, did you just call us fat dummies?”

March 20, 2023 12:47

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Ronnie Launy
16:45 May 25, 2023

I love this story. it's so my what my Me Me and Pop Pop does.


Viga Boland
18:30 May 25, 2023

Thanks so much Ronnie, Welcome to Reedsy 😉


Ronnie Launy
15:16 May 26, 2023

you're so welcome, also thank you.


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Peter Merz
21:42 Mar 28, 2023

I like the back and forth banter. Only drawback I saw, was the story doesn't seem to really go anywhere.


Viga Boland
21:53 Mar 28, 2023

Thanks for reading it Peter. Thing is, it’s not a “story” in the traditional sense. It’s just a humorous bit of dialogue between a pair of seniors. The “story” emanates from the visuals formed in readers’ minds. It’s a bit like watching a new episode of a weekly sitcom. I don’t know what more to say. I just know others on Reedsy are enjoying The Bickering Banters. There are 4-5 episodes on my page here now.


Peter Merz
21:58 Mar 28, 2023

Right, again I enjoyed it, just would have liked to see it go beyond just a back-and-forth conversation. That's my 2 cents...take it or leave it.


Viga Boland
22:34 Mar 28, 2023

Fully understand. Much appreciated. I guess I just assumed…perhaps foolishly…that when Mr. Banter said his hearing aid batteries had died again, he was actually trying to say “No more please Martha!” 😂


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Ronnie Launy
16:49 May 25, 2023

Thats what I love about it though.


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Glenda Toews
02:04 Mar 28, 2023

OMG Viga lol, I can hear my inlaws! You nailed them! Well Done!


Viga Boland
02:29 Mar 28, 2023

Thanks Glenda. Always good to know others identify with your characters. ✌️


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Irene Duchess
03:05 Mar 27, 2023

haha. this was a very funny read, Viga. I'd like to add I've only read 1 other of the Banters stories... although I think now I'm going to go back and read more. :) thanks for writing!! :D


Viga Boland
03:24 Mar 27, 2023

I hope you do Lilah. Reads, comments, follows and likes are appreciated by all of us, right? Keeps us motivated!


Irene Duchess
15:00 Mar 27, 2023

Definitely :D


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Nathaniel Miller
15:57 Mar 26, 2023

Very funny, touching story, Viga. The Banters are nice and entertaining; the way you’re able to address body positivity in an almost-humorous light is skillful. Great work, and thanks for sharing!!


Viga Boland
22:52 Mar 26, 2023

Thanks ever so much for reading my story and commenting. The Banters love giving folks a laugh. I’ll get over to read your story as soon as I can find a few moments.. been one heck of a busy day today on the domestic front 🙄


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23:33 Mar 25, 2023

Once again, this is a hilarious story from the Banters, but I must say sort of sad. Nonetheless, a pleasure to read. Honest in its telling, I really enjoyed reading a reaffirmation that we are all the same worldwide.


Viga Boland
23:50 Mar 25, 2023

Thank you for reading and commenting Sharon. Yes, doesn’t matter where we live or whatever our backgrounds, we are all still just human!


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Alexandra Krop
22:57 Mar 25, 2023

Viga, This is such delightful banter from none other than the Banters! I loved all those punny little plays on words you sprinkled in throughout this piece. Just a boatload of fun. I'm excited to read what you have next :) - Alex


Viga Boland
23:24 Mar 25, 2023

Thanks so much Alex. Since you’ve just discovered my Banters, just letting you know there are 3-4 episodes of them bickering away further down my page…if you find time to read the earlier stories.


Alexandra Krop
23:39 Mar 25, 2023

I'll have to take a look! Thanks ;)


Viga Boland
23:48 Mar 25, 2023

It’s I who should be thanking you Alexandra. Heading over to read your story now.


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RJ Holmquist
18:12 Mar 25, 2023

Love the Banters! Clever, funny, and totally relatable. People to aspire to, even, or especially, with their troubles.


Viga Boland
18:33 Mar 25, 2023

Thanks RJ. Seems a good number of Reedsy writers are enjoying these 2 old duffers 😂and I enjoy capturing their banters LOL


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Delbert Griffith
15:04 Mar 24, 2023

A triumphant return of the aptly-named Banters! WooHoo! I really liked the hard-of-hearing episodes; they made for lively, comic banter. There was, however, some darker undertones. Martha's self-image insecurities are still prevalent, despite Matthew's assurance that he still loves her. I admire Matthew's responses while not really liking him. He's honest, and his honesty is rooted in love for his wife, but his reassurances do nothing to help his wife's insecurities. After all these years, he should know how to make her feel good in her own...


Viga Boland
15:24 Mar 24, 2023

Wow Delbert…what astute observations re Matthew and Martha’s deeper personalities. Dare I suggest you have hit the nail on the head about who they really are? Your comment: “He's honest, and his honesty is rooted in love for his wife, but his reassurances do nothing to help his wife's insecurities.” Is so accurate it boggles my mind. Yes, you’d think after 50 years of marriage he’d be a lot smarter…or is it more sensitive…to how to make her like herself more. But perhaps life has also given Matthew some unexpected turns when he’s tried t...


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Flora Brown
03:23 Mar 24, 2023

Love this, Viga! Lots of fun to read, and very similar to real-life encounters when a partner begins to have hearing issues.


Viga Boland
15:59 Mar 24, 2023

Thanks for commenting both here on Reedsy and on Facebook, Flora. I’m doubly blessed. Now, give us all another blessing and share some of your stories with us. Your Reedsy fans await you. 😊


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KT George
23:38 Mar 23, 2023

Oh, how I love these two! And I thoroughly enjoy following IFL Science on social, so the fact that this was a trigger for a lively discussion was relatable and endearing. I'm sad that Martha waited all this time to reveal her insecurities, but she has a winner in Matthew, who always has a lovely comeback. You are loved, and you are enough! The ending, "Or, did you just call us fat dummies?” was LOL-worthy and the perfect ending.


Viga Boland
15:55 Mar 24, 2023

So good to re-connect KT as we are both fans of each other’s writing, and now, I find, you’re also a fan of IFL Science. How cool is that? Yes, I am finding inspiration through their reports, so expect to see more. Of course, down the way Matthew is bound to ask Martha what the IFL stands for 😂 As for Martha waiting till her old age to reveal her deep-seated insecurities, well I suspect that’s true of so many of us, especially women. But men have them too: they’re just reticent to share them as they’ve been taught “big boys don’t cry”. Ah…a...


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Michał Przywara
21:08 Mar 22, 2023

It's funny on the surface, and one of the running gags is mishearing things - but the story is actually about resolving a problem through communication. (Of course, the problem arose in the first place due to lack of communication, but so it goes :) It's clear these two have been together a long time, and that they're very comfortable with each other. Even though there's teasing, they can also discuss an insecurity. Though, the fact they're doing it *now* and she's been carrying that burden all those years suggests she couldn’t bring it up...


Viga Boland
21:18 Mar 22, 2023

You nailed all the issues…and the tension-driven undercurrents Michael. Very perceptive of you. And yes, the Banters have lived and loved each other a long, long time 😉


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Marisa Billions
16:07 Mar 22, 2023

So fun and adorable!


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Jack Kimball
14:57 Mar 21, 2023

Anyone who uses an expression like, ' knickers in a knot' has my vote. Another inspiring (yes, inspiring) read from Viga. What's great is this is really about two people who love each other, which is always the subtext with you Viga. It's heart felt and just ekes all over the page, so keep writing!


Viga Boland
16:25 Mar 21, 2023

Jack, I just read your lovely comments to my hubby. They brought a wonderful smile to his face, just when he needed it as he lost his brother less than a week ago. This hasn’t been the happiest fortnight. Funeral is Friday in Australia but, unfortunately, we are too old and achey to make such a long trip. But it will be live-streamed. There are times even Mr. Banter, a technological dinosaur, is thankful for today’s advances. So glad you liked this one too. You are so right in your assessment of the Banters’ relationship. Despite the bicke...


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Michelle Oliver
13:38 Mar 21, 2023

As always as fantastically funny banter between two great characters. I love the way you’ve shown two contrasting perspectives of the same thing ie sucking one’s guts in for a photo. On one hand it can be seen as insulting on the other an act of love and consideration. Poor Matthew has no idea why Martha would be so upset.


Viga Boland
14:36 Mar 21, 2023

What an astute observation, Michelle! Geez, sometimes it takes readers to show me what I actually did when I write that way. How cool is that? You are keeping me motivated to maybe, just maybe, publishing one more book before I lay down the prn forever. Thanks so much for reading yet another episode in the life of the Banters.


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10:25 Mar 21, 2023

Great story Viga, I love the hearing aid bit since Bruce is just going through that.


Viga Boland
12:29 Mar 21, 2023

Thanks for coming over and commenting here, Jeannette. Glad you could relate. John’s hearing is becoming a huge source of anguish for us both. Story might be funny, but reality isn’t.


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Lily Finch
21:21 Mar 20, 2023

Boland does it again! Nice humour and dialogue mixture in proper quantities to deliver a fun story. LF6.


Viga Boland
22:45 Mar 20, 2023

Love that “Boland does it again!” Lily. Makes me feel like a sports woman or something. Thanks so very much. Definitely finding my niche with these Banter stories. Can’t wait to read what you’re going to give us this week, now that I can just enjoy everyone’s stories and not judge them. Resigned from judging panel yesterday. 😊


Lily Finch
02:49 Mar 21, 2023

Good for you. I didn't know you were on it. LOL! LF6.


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Mary Bendickson
15:31 Mar 20, 2023

So glad you took the time to write this one. It is priceless!


Viga Boland
16:26 Mar 20, 2023

Thanks Mary. As I told a previous commentator on this piece, this is truly my favorite form of writing i.e. humorous dialogue. I love letting the characters show who they are by what they’re saying rather than have a narrator “tell” us what they are saying or thinking, i.e. show, don’t tell.


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Wally Schmidt
15:06 Mar 20, 2023

Thank you for starting my week off with a good laugh! The banter is so funny, but also sweet and realistic. As someone who is losing their hearing and having their body parts gravitate south, the way you captured this is priceless. Thank you Viga!


Viga Boland
16:22 Mar 20, 2023

And thank you for reading it Wally. I love writing like this. It might not be everybody’s cup of tea, but I love humour and dialogue and it’s a great way to blend both. They didn’t call me a “chatterbox” when I was a child for nothing. 🤪 And thanks for following me. I appreciate it.


Wally Schmidt
17:38 Mar 20, 2023

Really admire the writers -you, Deidra, Zack who can pull off the humorous dialogues. It is not something I have mastered or even taken a stab at. But maybe one day.. In the meantime, glad you are letting the laughs fly


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