Coming of Age Contemporary Creative Nonfiction

There comes a timeβ€”more of an age, when you realize that what you're seeing in this world, what you're going through, experiencing...just don't make any sense at all. Some things in life have stayed a mystery, is staying a mystery, and will always stay a mystery. No matter how hard you try to be Sherlock Holmes, or study and aspire to become Albert Einstein Jr.,these things just won’t make any sense at all.  

For example, the word β€˜abbreviation’ is supposed to make the length of words shorter. Maybe words like lol, omg, brb, ty, ttyl, np, lmk, tbh, and the list just keeps going. But have you ever noticed that the word itself–abbreviation is such a long word!?  

Well, if that didn’t satisfy you, there are other things which don’t make sense. When a medical student has graduated from their studies and is officially a doctor, still, every time they have a patient, the room that they are performing these tasks is called a β€˜practice’. I mean, aren’t they supposed to be done practicing? Isn’t that the whole point of graduating those four years of school?  

Yet, no one has tried to question any of these things in life. Just like no one has ever tried to challenge the existence of technology.  

I have a phobia of tech-related things, such as modern phones, televisions, iPads, laptops, tablets, headphones, ear pods, smartwatches, and so on. Has anyone tried to think of how Ancient people, such as the Romans, Greeks, Mycenaeans, Minoans, Phoenicians, Egyptians all tried to live without using any technology? 

Romans were the ones who first invented a tool called an aqueduct, kind of like modern day dams. They were also the ones to build roads which connected their entire empire. The government in which many places have nowadays, such as a republic, was also influenced by the Romans. 

Greeks were the ones who made many inventions and were the ones who first started using the concept of geometry. 

Phoenicians are the ones who created the first language, and English is slightly based on the Phoenician language. 

Come on, do we even need to get started on the Egyptians? I mean the Pyramid of Giza, and sphinxes might answer your question. They built these pyramids thousands of years ago, yet they still stand today! 

So, let’s get back to the central question, why do we even need technology? If ancient people built all of this with barely any inventions, any education, and with no YouTube, why can’t we? Honestly, if you think about it, the ancient people are so much smarter than us. Yes, we might have discovered so many things, but still, it was the ancient people who created maps, explored the world, created ships to navigate, a telescope, a compass...everything without Google.  

While we are so dependent on technology, our phones, laptops, YouTube, Google, Tik Tok, Snapchat, WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc., these ancient dudes achieved so much more than anyone could ever imagine! 

This question has been haunting me since I could even remember. Yes, I have a phobia of technology, but I think that it doesn’t hold me back at all. I don’t feel embarrassed about loathing a piece of board connected by wires, and electricity, and circuits, because I know that there used to be a time when people could live happily without any of this.  

I strongly believe to cure my hearing loss, I don’t need to wear some tiny piece stuffed in my ear, because my brain knows that there is a piece of technology smushed inside my precious ear. If only Doctor Caldwell, and my parents would consider my point of view. 

I was born by hearing nothing, and it has been twelve years since I have suffered this...so my parents could only homeschool me. Well, they think that since I am going to eight grade, (and they think that once you are in eighth grade, you will need to start interacting and developing connections with others just to help me get a good high school education, college, and possibly get a decent job) I need to start going to school. 

I cried. 

I was sad, because to be honest, I really didn’t like the idea of a piece of technology crammed into my ear. 

Say that you are afraid of spiders, that you have arachnophobia. You hate all types of spiders, big, small, baby, adult, venomous, non-venomous, distinct colors of spiders. Just the word spiders will give you the creeps and make you think of suicide.  

Now, imagine that your parents bought you a pet spider, and they say that this spider is exceedingly small, a baby one, and that it won’t hurt you at all.  

Will that make you feel any better? 

I mean going into your own room will make you feel scared, frightened about what the spider is feasting on right now. 

Did you imagine all of that? 


Because that is exactly how I feel about hearing aids. No matter how they tried to convince me through sign language, that these hearing aids will help me, and be good for me, I refused. 

Well, unfortunately, wearing this was not a question, it was more of an order. 

The doctor signed to me that it was mandatory I always wear it, because it will benefit my grades, the ability to make friends, and to fit in with groups...but I still wasn’t convinced. 

The doctor had made me try the hearing aid on, and as much as I don’t want to say this, wearing it is good. I can finally hear the part that was missing in my life. But sometimes, I get nightmares, that this hearing aid will turn on me. For some reason, I still didn’t show how much I loved the hearing aid, because my brain was reminding meβ€”constantlyβ€”that it was a dangerous piece of technology. 

I just hope...that I will get over with my phobia, and that I will get used to this thing inside my ear. 

Mom and dad had told me, several times, that everything will be fine if I just give this thing a chance, but...will they ever understand?

I don't know, and honestly, I hope that this will all change, because the idea of going to school, learning with other kids, making friends, eating lunch together, and spending time in an environment like that...it makes my insides jump around and feel a bit gooey.

I have mixed feelings about everything that is going through me in my life.

Besides, it is just like what I had said before, some things just don’t quite make sense, and that’s the beauty of it.  

February 19, 2021 18:45

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Izzie Q.
15:03 Feb 20, 2021

Ahhh hi Haripriya (love your name btw)!!! omg you're such an accomplished writer it's crazy!! i'm endlessly inspired by how you are able to weld words so smoothly to convey stuff to the readers!! you're such a poetic angel and this community is lucky to have you <3 this story is really powerful! i was totally hooked from the beginning and i love the references to a spider haha oooh i'm also a violinist! i saw that in your bio!! wow we actually have a lot in common, we should chat some more!! great story, keep it up girl!


Aww, thank you so much Izzie! I love your cute name too! I know that you are also an amazing writer, because I believe in you! <33333 Oh my gosh...I just can't handle this! You are the sweetest person in the world! I am so grateful that you like my poetry! Haha, glad you liked the entire spider situation going on in this story! Lol! Oh my, you are?? Wow....amazing!!! I bet you are much more advanced than me! ;) Of course we have so much in common! You know, people say, 'Great minds think alike!'. I love your profile and your adorable commen...


Izzie Q.
02:33 Feb 21, 2021

aww thank you!! ttyl!


Ahh, of course Izzie! Please check out my new story and scroll down to the comments if you WANT to be a character in my 100th story! :)


Izzie Q.
03:41 Feb 22, 2021

oh my gosh, that would be such an honor!! wow!! if you did that, then i'd HAVE to write a story about you haha <3


Thank you so much!!! Also, there is absolutely no reason for that! <33333


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Mary Kate
16:14 Feb 20, 2021

Another oddity (at least in the UK) is that someone who is a Miss/Ms/Mr/Mrs trains for years to be called a Doctor (Medical). If they then train further to be a Surgeon they drop the Doctor and become Miss/Ms/Mr/Mrs again... strange world...!


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Nancy Drayce
12:41 Feb 20, 2021

Such a good story! The introduction was amazing! It really drew me into the story and I wanted to read more. Introduction of the character was really well done too! I truly enjoyed reading it, great job! πŸ’™πŸŒŸ


Nancy Drayce
19:28 Feb 20, 2021

Thank you! I wanted to change it up a bit haha 😊


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Valerie June
01:27 Feb 20, 2021

The introduction raised so many questions that I've never even begun to think about! Then, when you transition to the central point of your story it provided a nice and realistic backstory with the character's fear of the hearing aids. I also enjoyed the reference to the spider and how a spider is still a spider no matter it's size, color, etc. The only thing I had a slight issue with was the length of the introduction. Maybe the exposition could be merged with the protagonist's thoughts about the technology at the same time. I don't know b...


Thank you so much Jose. I love your comment and will surely consider your critique. Thank you for the awesome feedback. ;)


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Zahra Daya
20:56 Feb 19, 2021

Wow! Really enjoyed this story and how it contrasted to your other stories in the sense that it provided a lot more background information and insightful description instead of jumping right into a plot. Very well done!


Thank you so much Zahra! Glad you enjoyed the story! I loved hearing your thoughtful, and kind words! :)


Zahra Daya
22:43 Feb 19, 2021

Would you mind checking out the story I just posted, if you get a minute? All your kind words are always much appreciated!


Oh wow, thank you so much for the lovely words! I will surely check it out! ;)


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20:11 Feb 19, 2021

I loved this story, Laila! :) Would you mind reading my newest?


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This story was written in a total contradiction, and kind of ironic way. Because I was sitting, and writing this story on a piece of technology, while she's there, hating it! Hope you enjoyed! :)


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B. W.
06:55 Feb 22, 2021

how are you doing?


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Ellie Yu
22:43 Feb 20, 2021

I read through this story so fast you would not believe it. The main character's voice really pulled me in, especially when discussing all those paradoxes at the beginning! Loved this :)


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Kendi Karimi
08:46 May 05, 2021

100 submissions? Wow. You are so inspiring and I hope to reach there one day as well. The story is gripping, creative and dare I say poetic. So unique and so interesting. I am blown away by your writing prowess. Can't wait to read more and keep writing. Truly wonderful work. ❀️


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Ryan LmColli
23:26 Apr 07, 2021

Nice story. Catalog and detail nice. Pls read my story to its about Lump and Trump. And like pls!


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Malz Castell
08:52 Mar 28, 2021

Wow, this a great story. You really have a way with words. Great work!


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Holly Fister
15:52 Mar 01, 2021

I wasn't sure where this was going, if it would develop into a more personal story, but it did! I liked your analogy about hating even the smallest spider being like hating the tiny piece of technology in your ear. One thought I have is that a cochlear implant rather than hearing aids might be the thing to make a person hear if they were born with no hearing. My husband wears hearing aids, and there was definitely an aversion to it and a huge adjustment period for him, so I do like that you picked hearing aids as your technology to not like....


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Eva Bhalla
15:59 Feb 28, 2021

Wow I loved the beginning, tells all these strange things...this was amazing honestly. The character was so reluctant to put it on-And you told why. You didn't leave me thinking "I wonder she doesn't want to put on" or something like that. You have a very nice writing style too, I just can't put this into words! I love the stories I have read so far of yours so I hope to see more!


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Siobhan Mulalley
15:20 Feb 27, 2021

Very interesting take on the theme. You don’t think that someone would be afraid of something that could help them in life, so really thought provoking. I also loved the abbreviation being such a long word for what it means analogy. The word for fear of long words is Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia and is one of the longest words in the dictionary.


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