Adventure Funny

Kix keeps running from the drunkard men chasing him. He wins their money for three rounds of "dice and doodles" gambling game. They called him a cheat and wanted their money back.

"It's not even one round how could you call me a cheat?" He said bragging his awesomeness in gambling. The drunk men riles up and get him but his instinct is always right as it is always happening each time he gambles.

He enters a narrow alley and slips out. "Hahaha! I guess those men got a lot more money to lose at me. I think I'm going back," he said playing toss with the coin purse in his hands. "Who am I gonna be this time?" He said thinking of his disguise next time. "I'm gonna be Asthor!" He exclaims the name of the strict royal advisor. "I think they are not gonna get me if I'm him," he said rubbing his chin.

He climbs up the wall and lands on the ground at the other side gracefully congratulating himself for sneaking out and coming back not caught. As he takes his first step, he pauses grimacing awkwardly. "His majesty has been looking for you, sir. I hope you didn't wander outside of that wall, sir," the most trusted teacher of the king just caught him climbing wall.

Kix covers his teacher's mouth and drags him behind the walls. "Sshh!" He puts his forefinger on his pouted lips. "You can't tell the king what you saw, he's gonna kill me," he said whispering.

"But he's gonna kill you more if he finds out later, and I've known you doing this for many times, sir," his teacher says. "At least I'd die later. I can still say goodbye to the queen," he exclaims whispering.

He peeks behind the walls and ramp his way out greeting everyone like a prince and they greet him back awkwardly looking at his slave suit and dirty face not noticing him.

He sneaks his way to his room and wash up before going to dinner with his king father and queen mother.

"I see that you've been studying all day everyday. How was your studying, Kendrick the second?" The king asks while eating. Kix could feel his teacher at the wall nearly choke in surprise at the question.

"Well, I've learned that the highest grossing companies in the world became big yet started small," he started stating what he has been studying for two days now. "They reached the world to make their expansions. As a kingdom we need to reach other countries to make our kingdom allies and make good impression," he continues by reflecting what he learned to the reality, "do charities, fund raising, and maintain our reputation," he explains. The king looks at him impressed.

"Maintain reputation like how do you mean?" The king asks. "Well, by doing the right thing," he's collecting some thoughts in his mind to avoid saying it, "like not to gamble like peasants do," but it slips out of his mouth. Kix could feel his teacher nearly chuckles at what he said.

"You're growing up now, kid, I think you're ready for the charity ball this weekend," the king said. "What? But I think I'm gonna study more by weekend. Exams are coming soon," he said hoping his teacher would agree.

"I am the king and I declare you no classes on the weekend. I want the handsome prince of my kingdom to sway young princesses at the ball," the king answers. "But I'm gonna be over bored," Kix exclaims. "And what, sneak out of the palace and gamble like peasants do?" the king continues. Kix was shocked. The queen shakes her head in disappointment, "Gambling is an insignificant act as we are holding funds. It'll reflect badly to our kingdom's image, son," she said.

On the night of the ball, guards are on standby outside of his room's door. He didn't know that the king always have eyes on him. A knock on his door opens it.

"It's time, your majesty," his teacher shows up and leads him out to the ball.

As he enters the big door, everyone especially young ladies gasp watching his handsomeness walk at the red carpet. Cameras capture his every move. He strikes some poses for them.

In the middle of the ball, "You might wanna dance with those beautiful flowers in our walls," the king whispers at him. "What?" He exclaims. "What is your handsomeness doing not mingling with our guests?" The king's word always makes him follow.

"Hello, ladies!" Kix appoaches the girls at the corner. Every elder women nearby looks at him greeting their daughters like a rude drunk man. "May I have this dance?" He lays his one hand open in the middle of the girls whoever takes it wins. "Sure!" One of the girls takes it and he leads her to the dance floor.

"I can't believe that young man is King Kendrick's son. He talks to our daughters like a rude drunk man. You see that! You see!" One elder woman with a high pitch falsetto voice said to their group of elder women angrily.

"Hi! May I cut in?" A young guy wearing glasses about his age asks. "Sure!" Kix said thankfully. "Ahm No! It's okay, don't mind him," the girl said. "What? Why?" He asks putting his two hands in his pockets. "He's my ex-boyfriend and I want us to be over for good," the girl said. "Actually, I'm talking to him, I'm not after you," the new guy says. "What do you want from me?" He narrows his eyes at the guy. "I just want to know you since we are an ally kingdom," the guy in glasses explains, "and I just thought you wanted to be rescued from her," the guy grins at the girl. "What!?" The girl exclaims frowning at the new guy in anger. "I'm Chix by the way, short for Charles Erick." Kix likes the guy instantly and he's right, he wanted to be rescued from this boring ball. Maybe with this guy he could have a happy night but the girl holds on at him.

"You know we got here first!" The girl says in a loud voice and they started getting attention. "Whoa there, you don't own him, my princess. He can be with everyone around here," Chix answers, the two continue arguing while everyone at the dance floor stopped dancing and everyone around them watch the commotion.

"Hey hey hey. Hold on there," he meddle calmly between the two. The two stares at him along with everyone, "I know how to settle this. Let's play a game, winner takes me for the night. Deal?" He asks. "For a night!?" The girl exclaims hopefully. "Sure! What's the game?" She says, Chix looks at her frowning in disapproval.

"I'll toss the dice, whoever gets the right number wins," he said seriously giving Chix an adorable gaze. "I'll pick six," the girl said. "One," Chix said.

Kix gets a dice and doodles dice inside his pocket and shows it to everyone. "What?" Everyone gasps in surprise. "Isn't that a gambling dice?" The guests started murmuring gossips about him. "Does he gamble? Why does he have those? Where did he gets those?" Murmurs continues.

King Kendrick and his queen wife are watching from upstairs with Chix's and the girl's parents. Before they could even react Kix tossed the dice up.

Before tossing the dice, Kix calculated the toss strength, the turns of the dices, and the fall of it on his hands.

As the dice fall into his open palms, he clutches his hands a bit to make a little crumple on his palm and stops the dice to flip. And that's how he keeps winning at gambling outside of the palace.

The two dice shows one. "What!? That's crazy!" The girl said surprised.

"I can't believe you, young man, having dice and doodles gambling dice in your pockets and use it in time you're making a decision!?" One elder woman said which started murmurs about him gambling.

The ball was filled with murmurs and gossips talking about Kix doing gambles. He stayed with Chix over the ball night and the two enjoys each other's company. The latter doesn't care about the gossips. They have many things in common and that's how their friendship started.

The next morning, Kix has been the headline on the royal news. The pictures shows his dice tossing skills, his awesomeness in doing it, and his handsome face, good posture, and so does the article's write ups. He became trending after the event as the one cool handsome prince who's expert at using gambling dices to sway a woman's heart. His family explains that he was just playing and possibly get those to the market which is easy to believe.

Posted Aug 29, 2020

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30 likes 11 comments

Meggy House
21:21 Sep 05, 2020

I love the names Kix and Chix, and I like how this story starts out like an old fable and then grows super light-hearted and fun.
If you wouldn't mind, could you read one of my stories? This is my first time in a competition and I would love feedback! :)


Fall Write
06:41 Sep 09, 2020

Hi! Follow you back and will read your stories soon. Thanks for the feedback. 😊😊


Meggy House
12:22 Sep 09, 2020



Keerththan 😀
05:31 Sep 10, 2020

The names are very easy to read. The starting was funny too. Wonderful take on the prompt. Amazing Tory. Keep writing.
Would you mind reading my new one? Thanks.


Autumn Williams
12:20 Sep 08, 2020

Also, I had to follow you because of the user name you used. "Fall Write," my name is Autumn W. Aka Fall W. ;-) Sorry, just had to point that out 😀


Fall Write
06:35 Sep 09, 2020

😄😄😄 thanks girl follow you back


Autumn Williams
12:17 Sep 08, 2020

I like the names Kix and Chix also. They're very fun and creative. Although I couldn't see women swooning over a dice game but, hey, some chicks (Chix haha I'm a dork) are into feet, so there ya go. Lol. Good work. 🥰


Fall Write
06:33 Sep 09, 2020

😄😄😄 yeah they're fun and playful and there's no girl protagonist that's why there's no particular girl being swooned....but every young princesses at the ball do. And they're only teeners so they were just playing


Fall Write
06:48 Sep 09, 2020

Swooning actually was just the write ups about Kix cuz he has that reputation...but not necessarily true...that's the agenda 👍👍👍


Autumn Williams
13:59 Sep 09, 2020

Oh, I see. I'm sorry, I misunderstood. Forgive me 🙏 lol


Fall Write
19:22 Sep 10, 2020

It's okay. 😄😄😄


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