Science Fiction Thriller

If you are reading this then don’t put it down, just know I'm risking everything to tell you this. 

They say the decaying world was bad, but the people who started it were even worse. 100 years ago a group of scientists tried to fix all the mistakes in the world, like global warming, water pollution, air pollution, and the big plastic island in the middle of the ocean. They only made things worse. Yep, they started decaying the entire world. But there are a few of us left.

My name is Natalia Hayes. I am 17 years old. It is a stormy dark morning on an early Thursday. The thermometer this morning reads ninety-five degrees. I look out the window of my four story apartment. The flying vehicles drop toxic oils onto the pavement.  Right away I knew something was not right, but I couldn’t quite place it. I quickly put on a light blue crop top and jean shorts.  As I walk out of my room as my 15 year old sister Madison races past me.  “Last one to breakfast is a rotten egg!” she calls. That terrible feeling that something is not right sticks with me, but I put on a cheerful act for Madison. I ran into the kitchen to eat a piece of toast.  Madison is tall, with wavey, honey brown hair, and freckles.  Her eyes are blue green and innocent. 

 “Madison,” I say, “your supposed to be in bed.”  

“ I know, she says, “but I couldn't sleep because of last night's news from the Society. Do you really think that you will be picked for the showing?” 

“Maddie, you know I don’t like you watching that!”


“Just don’t do it again,” I say, panic rising in my voice.

Ever since the Society took mother away for testing, things have been different.  Very different. Usually the  captives who are taken away are allowed to write to their families, and mother was, for awhile.  

But then her letters stopped. The last one she sent said,      You must find a safe place and escape.  Find your father, and your brother Carter Mendoza they will know what to do.   I love you both. Take care of Maddie for me, stay safe and have courage 

Love your mama, 

Cassidy Maria Hayes

 I was scared, but I knew that my life was changing, so I put on a brave face because that’s what Mother would want me to do.  And now, with me being one of the possible candidates for the showing things may get even worse. 

I finally wake up from my thoughts.

I walk onto my porch and take a breath of fresh air. The sky has turned a peachy gray, and the grey clouds seem to bring with them a feeling of trouble.  Suddenly, I see officials start to flood the streets.  All around the world there are Officials to keep the “peace”.  Officials are large, brawny looking robots with plasma guns.  Before I can comprehend what is going on, I hear Madison moving around. I walk back inside. There was a look of panic on my sisters face. 

“What is it?” I ask her. 

‘’I turned on the T.V. because I was bored, and a  society broadcast came on.’’ 

‘’What did it say?!” I almost yelled, too worried to discipline her. 

“The showing its….its happening.” she said scared to death.

‘’When?” I asked.


 I realized things were about to get complicated.

The Showing is a fancy way of society showing off to the people that they are in control, that we can never defeat them. Every year one girl and one boy from each Zone are picked for the Showing.  The two that make it are never the same again.  No one knows what happens to them.

 At 12:30 Madison and I hear a loud voice comes over the radio.  It tells us to go immediately to the Town Square.  Maddie and I clasp hands and exchange worried looks as we haltingly walk to the front door. We see people making their way to the Square, then break into a run following the rest of the crowd. Soon my friend Blake Parker shows up.  He is handsome with tousled blond hair and green eyes.  I think he likes me.

   “Hey Natalia,” he says softly. There is fear in his eyes, but he doesn't show it.

“Hi,” I say quickly. 

A small lady with green hair starts the Showing by picking a boy she calls Carter Mendoza. I braced myself for the worst.

 “I’ll take care of Maddie if,” he pauses, “...if anything happens.”

I am so scared that I act like a little girl and bury my face in his shirt.  He smells like mint and lemongrass. 

“Natalia Hayes”  

I almost started to cry, but I don’t because that will make me look weak. And that is exactly what the Society wants everyone to see. 

I look at Madison as she runs away crying. Blake hugs me and whispers in my ear, “Be brave.” 

Keeping his promise he runs after Maddie.  I walk up onto the stage and look at the boy next to me. His expression is unreadable. I try to mimic it.

The green haired lady is soon giving a speech about how the Society is always looking after their people. Lies, I think to myself, all lies.  

I feel a tap on my shoulder.  The lady has finished her speech and is escorting me and Carter to a sleek, black limo just ten feet away.  I can’t stop thinking about my impending doom. Carter taps me again, and jerks me out of my thoughts.  

“Are you alright?” he asks.

Oh yeah, I think to myself, I’m great, just great.  Totally not being led into a scary black car, away from my sister, towards death!  How about you?

But I bite back the smart remark and shake my head.  

The green haired lady just steps over to talk to the limo driver and tells us to stay put.  We do. There’s no use trying to run away, the streets are practically swarming with Officials.

  An hour later I am on the flight to the Central Society. Any food you could imagine was on the table and I have to stuff myself. Finally we got to the Society and I looked at Carter. He looked familiar. I walked over and sat next to him. “Natalia right?” he asks

‘’Yeah,” I say quickly.

“Do you ever have that feeling that we might defeat the Society or something?” he asks, very concerned with my face.

“Umm..Yeah sometimes I think that this could be a free world and not one that's run by the Society,” I said very slowly. I look into his warm amber eyes and know they won't be as welcoming during the showing. 

“I know you're nervous,” I say “but I am too!”

“I am so not,” he says. 

We turn this into a debate until we start to die laughing. I know there is going to be cameras so I tell Carter to keep laughing when we get off the plane. 

“Oh, I almost forgot to tell you we have to get you ready and pretty and you will have an interview with Justin Glass,  of course,” the green haired lady said. ‘’Omg this will be so fun,” she says. 

Me and Carter exchange board looks.

I don’t know the time but soon we are in the limo.  Finally, we get to our hotel. When we check in the paparazzi comes. Carter and I have to literally run to our rooms.

 My room is a warm golden brown with lavender curtains and a light teal desk. My bed is a watermelon green with pink pillows that have little seed designs.The carpet is a fluffy white cashmere.  Madison would love to be here. I programmed the shower to be hot and the shampoo and conditioner is a peachy strawberry and the soap is an orange papaya.  The closet is customised for my taste and my color.  Light green and Black. I put on a Black top , blue jeans and high socks that go almost to my knees. Finally I pull my golden-brown hair into a high ponytail. 3 hours later the green haired lady calls me for dinner. I get to the main dining hall and see Carter dressed in a white shirt, black jeans and grey shoes. His blonde hair is ruffled, his amber eyes fixed on the green haired lady.

“Hey guys,”  

“No.” I say randomly. This makes Carter laugh.  

During the appetizers I ask the green haired lady what her name was. She called herself Jessica Eloise. When we get to the main course I see a huge turkey but it only reminds me of the times I spent hunting turkey with  Blake. I stab at my creme brulee with my spoon.

  After we eat I go to my room and see Carter on the floor.

“I want you to know something,” he says 

“What?” I ask

“If I die tell my real parents that I send my best, alright?”

     I nod

“Ok Carter,” I sigh, I go to the terrace garden to sleep. I am so mad at the Society. They take him away from the only comfortable place. His home. 

At 1:00 in the morning I hear perfect pandemonium which here means chaos. I hear shouts of fear and sadness then I hear the exact words. “Natalia is gone,” “Omgggggggggg!” Jessica screams. I hear footsteps and then see Carter standing there. He smiles and walks away. When the rest of the people find me, at breakfast we argue a lot and I end up throwing a butter knife into the wall and walk away.  

At breakfast I eat minestrone soup and an English muffin, I don't really want to eat a lot because of my prep team. Makeup makes me want to vomit. 

(Sorry for the projectile image there.) Anyway, when my prep team came I looked startled. 

Walking toward me there were 1 man and 2 women. The man's left ear was pierced, he had fluorescent orange hair and he was wearing a skull face shirt, a scarf, black pants, and some shoes.

 “Carter that man has orange hair..” I say trying to keep a straight face.

“I know but it's normal to have a lot of colors on you,” he whispers in my ear. “It’s the Society, remember?”  

I laugh but it turns out to be a hack-snort.

The girl in the middle has normal wavy red hair, green eyes and pink lips. To me she looks the most normal in the group and probably is the leader. The last girl has blue hair and purple contact lenses. Not so much normal.

My prep team leads me to a room full of electronics.

I look for Jessica and see her in the corner. 

“Jess,” I whisper  “What are people's names?”

“The boy is Charles, The blue haired girl is Trixie and the red haired girl is Cara.

I smile at Cara, she seems nice. 

“Now now... come,” Trixie says.

I walk over and see a full makeup kit. First they do a full body polish. (it hurt a lot.) After they soaked me in some water and did my nails into french tips. They did my hair in a curly bun and my clothes. Oh...my clothes. I had a white lacy blouse and black leggings with skin color high heels that had to be tied in a bow on the top.

After they do my makeup I am unrecognizable.

Jessica and I walk to the limo and I know Carter is inside because I see his shadow. I get in the limo so we can go to the interview. I close the door and I grab a water bottle out of the fridge and take a cold long drink from the icy water. (making you thirsty right?;)  I realize that my phone is ringing.

Before I answer it Carter says something.

“I never seen you in makeup before,” he says.

“Yeah that's because I've never worn makeup before,” I whisper under my breath to him.

For a while I just stared out the window, that's why I jumped when Carter tapped my shoulder (Mind you I don't get scared easily.) I take out my last letter from mom and read it again.

You must find a safe place and escape.  Find your father, and your brother Carter Mendoza they will know what to do.   I love you both. Take care of Maddie for me, stay safe and have courage .

Love your mama, 

Cassidy Maria Parker 

“Read this,” I say.

January 21, 2021 17:05

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Jexica Marcell
17:07 Jan 21, 2021

Omg, I am in love with Carter.... thats crazy... AMAZING story!!


Angel Cross
17:09 Jan 21, 2021

lol thank you its kinda just a random little story


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Angel Cross
17:09 Jan 21, 2021

lol thank you its kinda just a random little story


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