The Kratt

Submitted into Contest #76 in response to: Write a story told exclusively through dialogue.... view prompt


Inspirational Fantasy Mystery

An elderly man is sitting in a rocking chair and enjoys the quiet evening. Kids are sleeping, and finally, he got a chance to admire the living room. He has been looking for the perfect country house for long years and finally found the one that touched him.

The old wooden floor, beaten by time, squeaks in the same rhythm as a rocking chair. An old-fashioned floor lamp with a modern LED light bulb gives a smooth light. Suddenly a bright light flashed across the deep black night sky. Sparky and ancient. The man cast a glance out of the window but delved into his thoughts again.

"Oh, isn't it a great evening?"

The man looked at the voice. Next to him stood a ragged creature that was too challenging even for the time itself.

In the middle of the old broom was a twig, and a ball of yarn stood, torn from moths, on top of it. In the middle of the clew, there were two evenly glowing pieces of coal. The remains of the old spinning wheel served as arms and legs. And just where the spine should end, the two bowls formed the perfect butt.

"Certainly. I am Sander. My sincere regards."

"Well, of course," the clot murmured.

"I'm a Kratt, beloved servant and a treasure-bearer for this house. The one who brings wealth and luck to this house."

"So you are a treasure-bearer? Interesting. I do not remember anything like a Kratt in the sales contract. How can I help you?"

The Kratt chuckled brittle.

"Oh no, my honorable lord," the flattering reply came. "I want nothing. Instead, I want to give you, my lord, what you want. Just say, and I'll bring it."

"So you want to bring some things?"

"Yes! I mean, I can really bring you everything you need. And I need nothing more than just three drops of blood to the Master."

"Nothing more than three drops. Well, giving three drops of blood away does not kill me. Does it?"

"Of course not. At least until the contract lasts. Just say what the soul desires, and I'll fetch it. No job is too hard for Kratt. Do you want gold? I know where the old baron's treasure is hidden, and I can snatch it from his descendants. Or good juicy steak? In a second, I will bring you the most delicious pieces from a fine restaurant! For the next twenty years."

"So the best meals and things. And even twenty years in a row."

"For you, we can even talk out twenty-five! Or even thirty years!"

The man took a pause and then answered.

"I even do not know how to thank you, and it is a temptation, but I think I have enough."

"No, you do not understand. I've been rotting here almost half a century and waiting for someone who can give me some work to do. What makes you happy? What do you desire?"

"So you have been here for a long time and waiting for somebody. That must be hard. Stuck in this place. What about leaving?"

"What do you mean? Where can I go? I was created here. And the previous family cheated on me. I had to get some fresh bread every night. Instead, I got piecemeal. Fresh bread would have given me enough strength to raise the barn and disappear at the right time. The previous family got rid of the contract with a nasty swindle, took the dosh, and left. And I. I am stuck like a cock in tar!"

"I see. Bearing things is your nature. Yes, it may be possible to do something with character, but changing somebody's nature is quite another story."

 "So give me the blood. That's all."

"I am sorry. I really appreciate your offer, and it is really generous, but it just does not work out for me."

"No-no, you do not see! It is a once a lifetime opportunity! Everybody graves for Kratt. Everybody wants something. You can make others happy! Is this what you want? Something for your kids."

"Yes, indeed. I want to make my dears happy. Today, the older daughter wept to sleep. She is at loggerheads with her boyfriend. But the broken relationships cannot be soldered with gold. Can she? So, thank you again, but we do not need what you offer."

"What horseback like you knows about what others want? Had you been in poverty, you would not reject the Kratt's gift. But let's give it a try. You may refuse, but I can put a bet on my butt that your children are not so pig-headed."

"Seems that you need a master desperately. I agree. They may accept. My younger daughter is longing for a pet. Maybe she can keep you busy for a while."

"I knew it!"

"But after a while, she will lose interest, and what then?"

"I will break her neck. As usually when I am laid aside by master."

 "So you will break her neck. It is not very good. I mean that then you have to start looking for a new master again. No, we have to find a better solution for you."

The man took another pause.

"But tell me, dear Kratt, would you like to have more than one master?"

"I do not understand. It is not possible."

"But what if it is? Imagine that you have a pleiad of masters."

"That is insanity. Kratt has always had a master and the real Master. By the end, I am just a tool, Devil's minion."

"So you are just the tool. But what if you step out from this triangle?"

"I...I do not understand? It has always been like this – a man, the Devil, and Kratt. "

"I see. But nowadays there are so many other opportunities. Check some of the freelancer's platform! You can choose what order to take and what to leave. How this sounds to you?"

"But what about the three drops of blood to the Devil? I am just old and without vigor. I can only start bringing things when there is an exchange, and only then, the real Master gives me power."

"Don't make a joke over me. Old and without vigor. Only new-born babies are without vigor. No, I do not believe you. Tell me why you can't find your own way?"

 "What you mean, why and why? Stop this echoing. It has always been like that. Rubbish! You, modern people, do not respect old customs at all."

"It is actually not so important what I do or not but rather what you are going to do! Have you tried another way around?"

"No. How can I."

"Can you try?"

"No. I mean. No!"

"Why not?"

Kratt is trembling.

 "I do not understand - do another way around. I cannot. I do not know."

"I give you a word to add to the end of your "I do not know". Try it out."

The old floor, beaten by time, starts squeaking again.


January 13, 2021 14:52

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Mariam Michalak
02:57 Jan 19, 2021

I am intrigued and confused at the same time! This is very good!


Kristiina Zadin
06:42 Jan 19, 2021

Thanks :)


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Nainika Gupta
13:07 Jan 21, 2021

This...goodness.. was so cool! I loved the story, it made me think a little, which is awesome!! Amazing submission, Kristiina!!


Kristiina Zadin
13:39 Jan 21, 2021

Thank you! I also love to read stories that are making me think.


Nainika Gupta
13:44 Jan 21, 2021

Yeah!! They really are nice to read :D


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Jackie Small
08:57 Jan 21, 2021

Interesting but a little confusing. A slightly disturbing old fashioned fable but I was left unsure about what the message was. Clear easy read. Well-written.


Kristiina Zadin
13:38 Jan 21, 2021

Thank you for your feedback. English is not my native language and I have been struggling a lot because of it. It may be a bit confusing. I was using old Estonian (nordic) folk tale/character called Kratt. The man is doing an object from old household stuff and then gives three drops of blood to the devil as an exchange. The Kratt starts bringing all the good things to the new master but also can become dangerous if it does not get enough job to do. The meta - meaning about Kratt is that greed destroys your soul. Another thing, that I want...


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