Submitted to: Contest #86

The Greenlands (Part 1)

Written in response to: "Write a fairy tale about someone who can communicate with woodland creatures."

Adventure Fantasy Teens & Young Adult

Reinhart's POV

The sun shines through the window of my small wooden cabin. My eyes squint open and I look over at my small alarm clock. 4:00am it reads, I sigh softly at another early morning. I pull off my covers and step into my slippers at the edge of my bed. I scuffle my may over to the bathroom and close the door behind me. I jump just about half out of my skin at the bear standing in my room. He blinks at me before baring his teeth in a smile.

"Sorry, Reinhart I didn't mean to scare ya." He says with soft eyes.

I take a deep calming breath and put on a smile "You're all good Fargo." I reply back to him as I grab the toothbrush in his hand "You didn't use this as a fur brush again, did you?" I ask as I inspect it.

He looks at me with feigned hurt. "I would never, "He says with his eyes widening softly.

I suppress an eye roll and chuckle at him. Ever since I introduced him to my human instruments as he calls them, he's been using them every chance he gets. Sometimes he'll be sitting in my kitchen just messing with some of my stuff in there, other days he'll be in the living room trying to work the TV.

I hear a faint crash in the kitchen and I look at Fargo "Fawns up already?" I ask as I make my way into the kitchen.

A girl with ivory skin and light brown hair with light green streaks in it, her height about the same as mine with a slim build is standing over the oven with her tongue stuck out. She curses under her breath before she turns around. Her sharp eyes find mine and her cheeks flush with embarrassment.

"Shoot, I knew you'd be up early. I was just trying to make you something for breakfast since you always make me something special. I just don't know what humans eat." She says with a soft pout.

I smile wildly at how sweet she can be sometimes "That's alright Fawn, no need to stress. It was very sweet of you." I say walking over to her putting my hand on her back right between her brown multi-colored wings.

She leans into my touch lightly before I hear another crash. I turn to see Fargo standing there with a guilty look on his face. I look slightly behind him to see the broken remote on the floor along with a flower vase. I shake my head with a laugh, I walk over to the closet near my room and pull out a new vase and remote and I hand the remote to him with no words. I pick up the flowers and place them into the vase and walk over to the sink filling it back up with water and placing it back in its original spot.

"Sorry, Rein it was an accident." He says now holding the remote and looking sad.

"Don't worry, accidents happen Fargo," I say, shrugging it off. This isn't the first time this has happened, and it won't be the last. I step out of the kitchen and back into my room closing the door again. I hear Fawn talking to Fargo quietly as I pull my nightdress over my head and place it into the small laundry basket. I put on deodorant and then grab one of my blue over-sized sweaters, I pull it on and then grab a pair of jeans and my blue converse shoes. I pull my brown hair into a loose ponytail and push on my harry potter-like glasses. I look at the mirror briefly and take in the view of myself with tanned skin and freckles scattered across my face. I shake my head as I make my way back out and into the kitchen. I cook Fawn, Fargo, and myself breakfast.

30 minutes later

After the three of us ate our breakfast, I hear I light fluttering outside. I turn around already being familiar with the sound and open the back window. A girl with purple hair, her skin has a light pink slightly yellow tint to it. Her multi-colored wings are spread wide as she lands on the window seal. Her sparkly eyes are several different colors of the rainbow, the most prominent one is yellow.

"Hey, Celeste, what brings you here?" I ask as her wings fold onto her back.

"I thought I'd stop by, let you know those men are back again." She says her eyes flashing slightly red as her voice deepens in anger.

"Where?" I ask my own anger filling me.

"RIght at the edge of the forest. The blockade you built last time won't stay for much longer at the rate that they're banging at it." She says with a sigh

"Alright just give me a second to grab my things and I'll go deal with them," I say with a shake of my head. "While I'm gone could you please make sure Fargo doesn't break any more remotes and vases and make sure Fawn doesn't follow me, please," I say looking at her with a determined look

"Absolutely."She says with a stern nod.

I walk into my room and open up a small hatch behind my bed, I pull out my bow that about a foot long and my quiver of arrows. I place the quiver on my back and my bow in my right hand. Not wanting to alert them that I'm gone I open my bedroom window and jump out of it onto the gravel below. I see Faye standing in front of me with a raised eyebrow.

"Where are you going that you would have to jump 4 feet out of your window?" She asks me with her hands on her waist

"Um...Celeste said that those men were at the edge of the forest so I thought I would go check it out." I replied back looking kind of sheepish

"Oh, well then can I come with you?" she asks, her eyes sparkling lightly.

God, I can never say no to my small little bean. I shake my head with a sigh and she starts jumping up in down with happiness, knowing the answer before I even say anything "Yeah, sure."

I will continue this later lol :)

Posted Mar 19, 2021

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32 likes 24 comments

Hehe... I didn't read that much of it, don't worry. just wanted to SNATCH a peak at that. It seems really good, btw. Lol I just came here bc I remember (I am pretty sure you were involved in this, and if not, I am terribly sorry) when Abbie put something out and was like "Only ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ can read this" and I was like "The gay pass? Lol don't mind if I do"
Lol I can't wait till you finish! *REMIND ME PLZ*


18:03 Mar 19, 2021

Haha Yes I was apart of this lol


18:07 Mar 22, 2021

Fawn(Abigal Cross)
Fargo(ME lol)
Reinhart(Also me [:)


<inactive> .
05:55 Mar 21, 2021

Yooo I drew Faye!!!


<inactive> .
08:45 Mar 20, 2021



18:05 Mar 22, 2021

Glad you like it :)


<inactive> .
18:54 Mar 22, 2021



19:29 Mar 22, 2021

Yeah, I saw it... She is very pretty :)


20:54 Mar 19, 2021

I loved it so much!!!! Awesome story can't wait to read more!!!


18:05 Mar 22, 2021

Thanks :)


Jasey Lovegood
23:14 Jul 24, 2021

~ Hola Jace ~

I really liked this story, and it suited the prompt really well! I'm going to go read Part 2 now :)

- Jasey


Sunny ๐ŸŒผ
19:22 Apr 25, 2021

So far, what I'm getting from this is talking animals, half-animals, and human supremacists. Nice.


Luna Wood
23:41 Apr 06, 2021

Do you have an idea of when part 2 will be out? I can't wait


15:48 Apr 12, 2021

Ahhh...sorry, spring break happened and I got distracted and I'm a huge procrastinator...I was writing it two weeks ago but then my computer crashed and I lost it all...(I saved it to a doc but the doc didn't save smh) I forgot what I was going to write and now I'm just lost...I'll be trying to get it done sometime this month(if I say week I'll end up never completing it lol)


Luna Wood
19:03 Apr 12, 2021

Oh, sorry to hear that. Hope you remember.


18:36 Apr 06, 2021

Omg I'm ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ too!!!! Also tht was for reading your bio XDD


16:23 Apr 16, 2021

Yes! a fellow sapphic :) HIIIIII!!!!


16:26 Apr 16, 2021

Yassss!!!!!! Bello!! *turning on my minion impersonation*


12:20 Apr 20, 2021

YESSS we love minions :)


Ari Berri
16:44 Mar 24, 2021



16:23 Apr 16, 2021

Thanks :)


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