Romance Thriller

Looking up at the sky, I felt unsafe or uneasy to walk back home alone, the cold gust of wind shivered me not because of the cold but because of the completely dark and empty street with no cars and no people on the sidewalk. Probably not completely alone, I had 3 huge bags with me which contained some sort of many things which I bought from the all-purpose store. My hands which were aching are now going numb so I decided to put the bags on the nearest bench and shook my hands to release the pain and numbness. Lighting struck some distance away and a drop of cold water ran down my nose giving me shivers in my spine. I thought it would be best to go back home as quickly as I could and thought to myself "I don't wanna get drenched, please don't rain now please don't, please. " but unfortunately the bags didn't wanted to go back. I assembled the bags in my hand and had barely extended my leg and..... 


All the three bags burst open from the bottom and the things scattered on the sidewalk like spilled rice on the floor. 

And what's even more interesting is... The dark cloud which was appearing red in the night sky burst open above my head, soaking me completely from Head-Toe. The grocery boxes that were made up of cardboard were also getting wet and I couldn't understand what to do and finally broke down on my knees and started crying. I became very much emotional on that little thing. 

I am Chloe, and I completed 23 years of life journey till present now. I'm a very energetic girl, I'm a chef, but there are some black spots in my white background too... My mom divorced my dad when I was 11, she went away with my younger sister of 7. I had to do everything on my own and my dad can be literally called a man with no character because he keeps bringing new women of all ages ranging from 14-54, and keeps sharing beds with them at night. You can't stay at our place at night because of the noises, cries and obviously moans. Sometimes my dad even brings 2-3 women together. He actually brings those girls from the bars he visits every week and from his social media pages, and... the more important thing is he has completely forgotten that he has a daughter because he treats he like a paid slave to do the household works, buying grocery, cooking, cleaning and etc.etc. These are the reasons my mom divorced my dad and I became emotionally depressed or unstable.'

Suddenly someone held out an umbrella above my head. I wiped my tears with my hands and looked up... 

A man of probably 25-27 years, with a very muscular body, emerald eyes and dark brown hair with a handsome appearance much taller from my celebrity crush from the Chinese Drama 'My girl'.

He broke the silence "Get up I'm getting wet and no need to cry now I'll help you get home", his voice was so deep and awesome I thought the ground was shaking and I was completely attached the the ground. "Please help me get up, I can't lift myself from the ground", I spoke in a very soft voice. He rolled his eyes and extended his eyes towards me. My attention was caught by the veins in his hands, so damn hot...., for an instance I felt a desire of lust for him. I was so attracted to his hands I forgot that my things and that man himself was getting soaked in the rainwater. I stared and stared..., when suddenly I noticed some black sparks coming from his hands. I thought I was hallucinating so I blinked my eyes once or twice and the spark was completely gone.

He interrupted my thoughts, "Do you wanna sit and stare at my hands like that? Then I guess we need to get to a shelter without rain and lightning." I looked at him and as soon my hands touched his, everything turned black in front of my eyes... I closed my eyes then again opened them...

I found myself standing in front of the door in my house with the three bags completely intact, no burst or tear mark no item missing everything was in its place, and I was completely dry. The whole incident, the hot stranger seemed to be a dream or an illusion. I took out the keys from my pockets, went in and while putting the bags on the kitchen counter, I noticed a name imprinted on my hand-


Shocked I ran up to my room took my phone off the charger and saw an unknown stranger was calling me, sliding the notification back I pressed the camera icon and placed my palm under my phone but the print vanished in thin air.

I rubbed my hands but all in vain, the print didn't appear, another call from the stranger and without thinking I picked it up


Stranger-Meet me tomorrow at 8-pm on the same place we met today.

Me-How did you get my number?

Stranger-You know Chloe we creatures take everything we want to-Remember to meet me...'

The call ended and I really wanted to know him so I decide to meet him.

I reached the bench where the handsome stranger and I met... sat down on the bench and waited a while but saw no one like him. I thought he would be waiting a little further so I got up and had only moved 2-steps, but my mind said someone was behind me so I looked around and saw him sitting on the bench. I was horrified and thought of running away from him. But as I thought this he said, "You don't have to run away, believe me I won't do anything to you". Listening this I became more frightened and started screaming but as soon as he touched my hand and everything went dark and I found myself sitting on my bed. I noticed there was a similar print on my hand-



(meet-me-tomorrow-at-7-pm-at-the-Heaven's-Recipe- restaurant.)'

As I completed reading the message, it disappeared. I realized something was wrong, so I decided to meet the stranger again and catch the mess he's making. 

Entering the restaurant I saw the stranger waving his hand with a big smile and calling me. I went and sat on the opposite chair facing his. He had already ordered the food which arrived some time later. They were the most expensive dishes of the whole restaurant. We talked a lot while eating and I got to know that his name was VLAD. No matter how hard I tried to convince him to say his sir-name, he only said D. We parted at the place we met last day, he wanted to bid me goodbye by kissing on my hand but as his hands touched mine everything as usual went dark and I found myself in my bathtub. I searched my hands for a note and it was written-



I really wanted him to be mine, so I couldn't deny and I went to the cafe... and as if he had been reading my mind he proposed me with a big bouquet of flowers to be his girlfriend and I couldn't resist, I said yes. He picked me up in bridal style and kissed me but unfortunately his hands brushed with mine and I found myself in the kitchen. Weeks after weeks passed, we met each other have romantic dinner dates with each other, but every time my hands brushed with him I found myself in my own house doing some chores. One day at 9-pm Vlad called me and he asked me to meet him at the end of the forest's of Saintflore that midnight. I didn't have then time to ask 'why', he hung up. 

As I wanted some adventure in my boring life I went there. I didn't see Vlad so I turned towards the forest and waited for him to come. 

In that moment someone hugged by shoulders from behind... I knew it was Vlad, so I turned to him...

But I got scared seeing him, he was not the Vlad I knew, he was completely changed in his appearance. The skin surrounding his eyes have turned black, his lips too was black. His hands have turned purple, And he had 'FANGS'. I wanted to shout but he bit my neck and I could feel he was sucking blood then I felt some unnatural power holding my hands... I shouted but my voice was no longer heard.

When Vlad left my neck I fell down on the grass, everything spinning before my eyes. Suddenly I heard Vlad whispering now "You're one of us now".

June 03, 2021 13:37

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