The Dead's Halloween

Submitted into Contest #65 in response to: Write about someone’s first Halloween as a ghost.... view prompt


Fantasy Funny Holiday

It was Saturday morning, the sun shone more brighter than yesterday, the clouds up in the sky were blue triumphant and glorious, the gorgeous flower in the garden were dancing in the dazzling sunlight, the weather was calm and pleasant and so Rupert Walshsam a 42-year-old man, with red hair, thin nose, having almond shaped eyes was sitting in the backyard lawn reading the second chapter of the novel ‘The house of Silk’ which he bought yesterday from the Dulrupe’s Ghost Library. He was a book lover when he was alive, he had hundreds of books piled on his bookshelves in his homish library which he commonly referred to as ‘My little heart of books’.

After a few hours Rupert had completed reading the whole novel. He went inside, made a cup of coffee for himself and then went into the hall, sat on the rock chair and started reading the newspaper. When he turned to the second page of the newspaper, an article fell down, he bent to pick it up and then saw it. The article was all about Halloween, yes! it is tomorrow.

A strange feeling of excitement filled as he read the whole article. It was written that tomorrow Sarah Hittah is giving a huge Halloween feast at Bernen Huelde and whoever wants to join the feast must mail them in the following mail Id. Soon his face turned pale.

He stood up, walked till the bedroom and there he was, in front of the old archaic mirror which was of the owner Mr.Robert Driscol’s great grandfather which he kept for his posterity but was so fond of it that he bought it to keep it with himself in this ghost world. The mirror had something special in it, it tells all the thoughts that are there in someone’s mind when he/she stands in front of it. The mirror was saying all the thoughts that came to rupert's mind “Alas! Tomorrow is my favorite festival, Halloween, and this year I neither have my family nor my friends with me here in this ghost world. So much fun we used to have, celebrating halloween, going to feasts, eating spooky foods, frightening everyone, making ourselves dress like ghosts, vampires and haunting creatures. I’m going to miss these memories a lot this year. This is my first year in the ghost world, I don’t even know many people here, should I go to the feast or not?” He sat on the sofa, went into deep thoughts for a few minutes and then said “Hmm… I should go to the feast because my favorite festival is halloween and I should know how it is celebrated here in this world, maybe it can be more unique than it was when I was alive.”

He finished the cup of coffee which he bought and after that he had emailed the Id which was given in the article to join the Halloween feast of the famous celebrity ghost Sarah Hittah. After that he was flat up on the sofa and was half-asleep when the bell rang. “Ahhh who must be now in the mid-afternoon”said Rupert in a sleepy voice. He woke up and went towards the main door, he opened it and saw Daniel Brown, “Ohh hello Daniel, Come in” said Rupert. Daniel came inside and sat on the couch. Rupert in a heavy voice said “Wait I’ll bring a cup of coffee for you”, “No no I’ve had one before coming here” said Daniel. “Oh okay then, do you have anywork?” “Yeah, I hope you know tomorrow is halloween and so Sarah Hittah is giving a big halloween feast and I got this article in today’s newspaper. See!” As his excitement grew he spoke faster. “So what is your plan for tomorrow Rupert? According to me you should join me in the Halloween feast” ''Oh why not, sure. I’ll join you tomorrow at the feast. I’ve already mailed them for joining the feast.”said Rupert excitingly “Great.”added Daniel “Yeah”said Rupert.

Let’s go shopping then. We’ll buy clothes for Halloween. Meet me in the evening at St.Clohora said Daniel and Rupert agreed.They went to the Gogle’s mall for shopping.

It was cool weather with the sky of Shades. The colour of the sky was not naturally blue instead it was of orange and blue mixed color. That’s just so beautiful said Daniel and Rupert replied Yeah. They were walking hand in hand and were holding their shopping bags in the other hand. Rupert turned to the right and screamed that the Sunset is so beautiful, Daniel was frightened by his scream and the other ghosts who were walking passby started gazing at him. He said nothing, grinning, widening his mouth and showing all the white pearly teeth he had. 

They came back home probably at midnight Eating dinner outside in a restaurant. They were eagerly waiting for tomorrow. Rupert wasn't sleepy even at Midnight, he was in his bed and was again and again looking at the clock. His eyes were filled with excitement and curiousness to know how halloween is celebrated in this ghost world. 

“Sleep Rupert otherwise you’ll feel sleepy tomorrow at the feast”, Rupert whispered to himself and sank into deep sleep. 

Alarm rang with a twinkling sound and so Rupert woke up. Finally it was Halloween, he jumped up from the bed, wore slippers, went into the bathroom, freshened up and then he wore his black coloured costume with a skeleton drawn on it, a ghost tattoo on his hand, fine horror makeup, face and hair cover sort of thing that had a figure of the skeleton’s head. It was a bit tight at the start but then totally fine. He was ready for attending the halloween feast. He went to Daniel’s house and rang his doorbell, he had rang it twice, then thrice and finally when he rang it for the sixth time Daniel opened the door.

He had imagined Daniel to be ready in the dress of a vampire, attaching a fake pair of long, sharp and pointy teeth, and a scary makeup with a bat tattoo on his neck, but he wasn’t instead he was in his nightsuit and was looking ill-favoured and dull. Why in heaven aren’t you ready for the feast till now asked rupert. Daniel answered I’m not well Rupert, I can’t go to the feast. It’s okay it looks as if you’re severely unwell, nevermind take care rupert said agreeingly. Daniel replied, Yeah okay but make sure you go to the feast. Rupert asked Me? Why would I go to the feast alone if you aren’t going with me. Daniel replied I wouldn’t let you cancel your curiosity for enjoying your first halloween in this ghost world just because of my sudden illness. But what’ll I do there without you said rupert. I know you could have enjoyed more if I would have gone with you but if I’m not going it’s okay you go alone, you’ll surely enjoy it alone, even my first halloween in this ghost world was spent alone and it was awesome. Just go for the sake of my happiness otherwise I’ll be disappointed, said daniel. Okay then I’ll go said Rupert immediately and they both smiled at each other. 

He reached the bus station and was waiting for the bus. Down came a bus from up above the sky. It was a green colour, a small tiny bus with a lot of passengers looking as if there were no more seats left in that bus. A person came out of the bus and said I’m the conductor of this bus, do you have to go anywhere? Rupert replied Yes to Bernen Huelde for Halloween Feast but it looks like there are no seats left in this bus. Haven’t you ever travelled in a flying bus before, asked the conductor surprisingly? No I’ve not said Rupert hurringly. Oh that's the reason you don't know about this bus, Come inside, you'll understand everything said the conductor.

Okay said rupert and he went inside the bus and was surprised to see the interior of the bus. It was as large as a playground. Woahh said rupert surprisingly. Yes It is quite large and has an abundance of seats, here’s your ticket said conductor and gave it to rupert. Rupert took it, he went towards a seat which was empty and sat on it. It was obviously awesome travelling in a flying luxurious bus.

The Bus stopped and a man entered. He was wearing the dress of a lawyer. Rupert saw Coming him towards his seat and he was absolutely right he came and sat beside Rupert. Rupert was being suspicious and was thinking in his mind, A ghost in a costume of a lawyer on Halloween, seems something is crazy. Someone from the bus to another ghost said that the ghost police had promised that they'll find out the real culprit by today and so will destroy the key too.

The person started speaking after a few minutes and said I am Adam Foofoy, Oh I’m Rupert Walshsam, said Rupert immediately. Nice to meet you Mr Rupert. Oh well what are you doing wearing a lawyer's dress on Halloween asked Rupert. Adam said stutteringly Actually... actually I was a lawyer when I was alive so I love wearing this dress. Ohh said Rupert and widened his eyes and Adam was looking at him in such a manner that it seemed that he was afraid of him when he was talking. Rupert kept on asking questions and Adam kept answering him. Adam asked Rupert where are you going?, and he replied to the halloween feast at Bernen Huelde. Oh great enjoy yourself, well my stop is coming now I’ve to go said Adam graciously and Rupert smiled back. There was a rough landing, a hustle and bustle in the bus because the bus was imbalanced and then the bus was again under control and became balanced. They both said each other Goodbye and Adam went off.

After a few minutes Rupert reached the Halloween feast. He was entering the gate when a horrible creature told him to stop. He said he is the security guard here. First he has to check then only he can enter the feast. “Show me the mail that you have received as a reply from the halloween feast organisers,'' said the security guard. Rupert showed him that mail. The guard was strange looking, he had a long nose, was fat, had two small ears, was very small in height and was wearing glasses. He also checked his bag and pocket and then let him go inside the feast.

He was walking through a tunnel kind of structure decorated with blue and red light and skulls hung in the walls, the floor was stony and when he was out of the tunnel the area was as huge as approximately a big stadium and was fully decorated with scary things. There were four corners and the middle area was crowded with ghosts. One corner was full of scary decoration items, the second one having large number of food stalls with a variety of food items, the third one having 4 to 5 stall of books that contained all the adventurous, haunted and Scary books, and the last corner had stalls making haunted and scary tattoos and selling scary stuff toys. Rupert was so delighted.

First he went to the food stall, of course he would because he was a foodie. He bought finger fries, sporocoffee, brain pastry and intestine Chow Mein noodles. He found a chair as well as a table and settled there. He ate all the food items charmingly and thought it was the best Halloween but it would have been more great if he could have Daniel with him and thought and then ordered some more finger fries by the skeleton waiter for him. He was over eating his food and his stomach fully filled.

He went to the next corner, he reached the scary decoration stalls. He told the shopkeeper “could you please show that Vampire designed clock”. “Yes sure sir” said the shopkeeper “See this” “what is the price of it?'' asked Rupert and when the shopkeeper was about to answer he felt someone's hand on his shoulder, he moved towards his back and screamed ghost... There is a Ghost of my grandpa an.. And grandma too.. Omghii... Then the shopkeeper reminded him “but sir why are you afraid, you yourself are a ghost” “Yes.. yes ah I am sorry grandpa and grandma” said Rupert taking a deep breath. “It’s okay dear,'' said grandma sweetly. 

“You Rupert, You haven’t changed, still the same coward boy” said grandpa. Leave him my dear grandson, how are you? Asked grandma. Rupert told “Grandma I was missing my family a lot but now I will not because I am happy after meeting you both.” Okay then take this, this is our address and whenever you want to come, come and stay with us, we will also feel happy said grandpa grinning. “Now we have to go” said grandma “but why grannie? Asked Rupert. I thought we would enjoy the halloween feast together” said Rupert immediately. “I'm sorry dear we have come here for a long time, now we have to go back home”, grandma said, Rupert said bye in a sad manner again and said see you soon, then they went. 

Rupert buyed that Vampire clock from the shop and went to the next corner. It was his favourite one, the books corner he bought a dozen of adventurous books and a dozen of scary books, so his next month's 24 days of reading routine was fixed. He moved onto the last corner where he saw a long skeleton teddy bear and a small bat cushion at the right of the stall and saw Lily and started saying, “OMG my Lily” Lily also recognised him and came close to it. He then took him in his arms and they both hugged each other. Lily was his lovable pet which died just before he died. Lily was just like his best friend. They again went into the food stall and Rupert bought a fish curry for Lily and she ate it delightedly.

Rupert then was passing through the stalls once again and he saw a door just beside the book stall and went into it with Lily, he thought there must be something really interesting there too. He saw a door and when he opened it, saw a lot of ghosts dancing in the room. One of the ghosts asked him to dance too and he went there, danced with them on a scary song and then came out. He then saw another door, opened and saw four ghosts playing carrom and went into the flashback when he was alive and used to play carrom with his friends and his friends used to praise him with the word ‘Champion King of Carrom’. He came into his present when lily slapped him with her paws. He went out and saw there was a hustle and bustle.

He saw the ghosts in the feast are attentive to the ghosts in the police dress. He went near them and tried to hear the ghost police, he was saying “has anyone seen a ghost with a weird little red coloured bag that has a picture of the key, it was sold last week from Lohma’s bag store. Has anyone seen a ghost holding that kind of bag”, no reply came, the police locked the gate and all the doors so that no one could go out. One by one all the ghost bags were being checked and came the turn of Rupert, he wasn’t able to hear anything that the police said because he was at a long distance and the feast area was huge, he had only heard that there would be a bag checking.

When the Police officer hold the bag of Rupert in his hand, his eyes enlarged and holded Rupert's hand and told “You are under arrest Mr.whatever your name might be, you have taken this bag and are having the key with you but you didn’t gave any reply when I asked for it, now you’ll spend all your days in this ghost world in the prison of Ghosts” but then The door opens and another ghost police comes inside and was holding a person tightly and that person was none other than Adam Foofoy. Sir here is the real culprit and we have the proof against him, he has even accepted himself in this video footage that he had taken that bag when we started searching for it and he put it into this innocent person’s bag while travelling in the flying bus.

“I met you in the flying bus, when did you put this key in my bag?”asked Rupert. Adam replied “just when the bus did a rough landing and the bus was imbalanced, at that time.” Rupert asked “You were wearing a lawyer’s dress and you said you were a lawyer when you were alive” and Adam answered in the middle “I told you a lie” said Adam “Ohh, Ghost Police, what is so special about this key?'' asked Rupert. The ghost police replied surprisingly “don’t you know about this key? Well, it seems this is your first year in Ghost world.” “Yes officer” replied rupert “Okay then let me explain you, this is a key to a door in the tooror which is said to be the home of a highly dangerous ghost monster and if you open that key then it means you have invited that monster here to destroy everything” said the officer. “Oh looks like a fictional story, anyways thank you”replied rupert. And as the feast was over, he came back home, stood in front of the archaic mirror and it said “ It was the best halloween ever ” and then he went into a deep sleep.

October 31, 2020 03:19

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