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Adventure Coming of Age Fantasy

Now that I am old enough to go on my personal journey. Zurich the Imp Messenger came to the door and knocked. Knock, knock, knock! I was surprised to see the message. As a surprise to me and my Parental Structure it was a message from our rival nation the Icy Elves, who used the element of Ice to create weapons. We Snow Elves use our abilities to create wards and shields in defense. We now have to find a way to get there without incident, but how can we move to our enemy line? How can we prevent war? Why is doing this important? Well they stole something precious and are offering to return it.

I packed my supplies and began my journey. I know where I am going. I just do not know what to expect from our sworn enemies. Is peace possible for our long existence of war? Now let me get back to focusing on my journey, cause there are too many Snow Lions everywhere. For the most part they are docile unless you mistakenly step into their territory. and the Dragon that flies ahead protecting those who need him. His name is Izon and he is the father of both Winter Elves.

I am glad I do not have to tussle with the other Elves. I do not want that battle. I just have to find a way to cross the sea. Where Sea Serpents, and the Hippocampus. Oh never mind I have a ride. Now all I have to do is saddle up and ride. Could it be that simple? My voyage took a total 13 days. We made it through the easy part and what was left was where the adventure really began. Sea Horses on our planet are different from what you use so they are larger and have scorpion-like stingers which cause paralysis.

We also ran into Pirates known as the Volcanic Elves.

 It was dangerous and yet I succeeded at taking over that ship and crew. I used the Sea Horse poison to gain the upper hand. The Pirate Captain recited the words of his Ancestor, which meant we were allies

“We open our eyes,

And we see each other,

Standing here,

Beneath the willow.

We join our hearts,

Uniting as one with no other,

Standing here,

Beneath the willow.”

He then told me about how his people came to be. After the Grand Ceremony, the two newlyweds went to the Tree of one-thousand Flames, a tree that is very tall and has red vines with 21 leaves in a row and switches to the next side each vine has bluish-green leaves. The tree itself looks as if it is covered in burning charcoal and soot, the texture of the tree feels as if you were rubbing a log that cooled down enough to grab from the burn pit. Which the Fire Elves always did to make their homes out of the crushed remains of burning logs and sap from the Tree of One-Thousand Flames.

You could see the passion in their eyes as they spent their, possible final night together her hair sparkled as the light from the fire burning by their tent. The tent was made of Mammoth skins so you could fit a dragon inside as she laid her three giant emerald eggs and waited for them to hatch.

After he spent the week of passion with his beloved. Fykrox raised an army of Fire Elves to combat The horde. It took everything they had, including their lives. However, Fykrox and Fyrozion gave birth to two Nations. The Hellion Elves and Volcanic Elves, the third egg never hatched the baby still grows more and more powerful with every victory. The Volcanic Elves, who have a rough soot-like skin that has their brightly red blood veins now live on Volcayx and build Vessels from Volcayx Rootax that grows. The Hellion Elves, which are grayish-brown and have black veins that glow pink if its a woman or orange if it is a man, the glowing blood is due to the bio luminescence this makes it easy for the elves to tell who is who in the place they live inside of the Helclox, which is a cave system that sits just south of Volcayx, they both protect the world from another invasion.  Now my journey will begin again. I put the crew to work and we began to make weapons that did not exist before. Can we get the item back without incident? I actually think so, as I recall our origin.

 "What my fair Maiden" Izion said with compassion "what do you want my fair maiden, I would do anything to please you" the Fair Maiden responded "I would like what Fyrozion and Fycrox had a century ago." very well but we need the Vyken Stone from the Water Tribe of Tualauntis"  Izion proclaimed "you would need to give them something in return" The Water Maiden replied "They can have all my jewels as long as I can have you" Izion boasted as he transformed into an Elf.

 "By the way, my name is Lunaxy," said the Water Maiden. "Princess Lunaxy." so the princess and Izion were off on their ship to Tualauntis. "Let me speak first, they might listen to reason," Princess Lunaxy said "very well" replied Izion. They arrived at the shores of Tualauntis. "I have returned, with great news" princess Lunaxy commanded, "I will be performing the Fykrox Ritual and create three nations for the Water Kingdom."

  King Quorteena the first, walked out and said "where is the beast that stole my precious jewel" Princess Lunaxy pleaded "my father, he has returned me to this Fair land and he has brought more jewels" "I want the creatures head" King Quorteena the first, demanded. Out of nowhere, everyone heard a roar as the Grand Dragon Izion burst from the ship. He swooped down and landed behind princess Lunaxy. "I come in peace," said Izion "I ask for your blessing in this Ritual, we will divide the stone in 3" all the Water Elves ran forward screaming their Battle cry. Only if they knew about the Giantess waiting for them. "That's enough," the Giantess said with a boom. King Quorteena the first exhaled and yelled "we will take your terms, we ask for a bow in return for the Vyken Stone." 

 The Grand Dragon, Princess Lunaxy, and the Giantess were off to perform the Fykrox Ritual. An eclipse arose, it seemed that time stood still as Izion took Godslayer to the Vyken Stone. Creating the Bow of Quorteena, Icions Crusher, and Lunaxies ring. The Giantess had given birth to Icion, an immortal ice giantess and a new tribe of Ice Giants. Princess Lunaxy gave birth to the Snow Elves of the North and South Kingdom. 

 You see the northern Snow Elf has a lavender and white skin tone, while the Southern Snow Elves have a Crystal blue and white skin tone. The bow of Quorteena went to Quorteena the first, and the Oceanic Elves, Izions crusher went to Icion and the Snow Elves in the south, Snow Elves of the North got Lunaxy Ring which went to Queen Lunaxy. I woke up from my spiritual journey when the pirate captain informed us we were in the Northern Snow Temple. I was cautious about stepping out not because of the icy landscape but because of the army standing in front of me. It seems I was set up. Never trust a Pirate with a back story my lesson learned.

January 20, 2021 18:05

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1 comment

Zelda C. Thorne
13:30 Jan 29, 2021

Ok, lots of interesting ideas and potential! Personally, I think your writing would improve with more descriptive prose. Basically, I'm saying try to do more showing rather than telling. As it is, it felt like a massive info dump which is a barrier to the reader getting invested in the story. Well done on the worldbuilding though. Keep writing!


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