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Adventure Fantasy Funny

Kaiona sat up gasping, feeling quite disturbed.

Right, another one. What had it been about again?

She could recall the rumbling, the miniature earthquakes that shook the ground. Her companions fled into the forest, never to be found again. The gray clouds rolling over the once-thriving village that was about to be destroyed. 





Honestly, it was kind of sad. Every night her dreams gave her plenty of time to connect with new people, make new friends, that sort of thing. But then she woke up, and she lost them.

Some dreams were peaceful. Some were full of terror. Some were empty, no life to be found.

She’d managed to survive this one. Quite a few times she’d woken up with plenty of cuts on her leg for proof that these were real. She never doubted her sanity ever again after that.

Kaiona rubbed her temples, breathing hard. Sometimes she wondered why it was her. Why couldn’t she have led a normal life? 

Groggy and still sleepy, Kaiona tossed her blankets off and tried to reason with her drooping eyelids.

C’mon, she pleaded, I have school today and I can’t be late. I can sleep later.

Nope. Didn’t work. Maybe an extra half an hour of sleep didn’t sound so bad after all. 

Her last thought as she nodded off was I wonder what it is this time.


Kaiona was in a palace. A very grand palace, she must say. 

She was standing within a crowd, which was screaming something at the defiant-looking lady on the throne next to the apparent king. 

She’s beautiful, Kaiona realized, drawing in a sharp breath. The woman’s beauty was humanly impossible.

Now the king was roaring something at the crowd, his face as red as a beetroot. He had a neatly trimmed mustache under a hooked nose, which wiggled around as he shouted. Kaiona watched, amused, as the pretty woman placed her perfect hand on the king’s shoulder and said something, which made the king so mad he started to shake from head to toe.

The crowd’s words were starting to get to her.

“Your own guards beat my son to death on your command! How could you ever think this kingdom could live peacefully ever again?!”

“My husband earns barely enough money to keep our family alive! I bet you wouldn’t even lend a hand if your subjects were penniless, you greedy, filthy bonehead! Lying around in your treasury all day, enjoying your riches, while the people who depend on you suffer!”

“Hold on,” Kaiona said, tugging on a nearby man’s sleeve, “What’s going on here?”

“Aren’t you from around here? Where’s your guardian?” He snapped, then softened, “Oh, you’re one of those homeless ones. Another reason we should kick that idiot's butt off the throne and replace him with a king who would actually care. We’re fighting, kid. Litfe isn’t fair around here.”

“What about her?” Kaiona asked, pointing at the woman, “Who’s that?”

“Oh, the princess,” The man said gruffly, “She’s right in her mind, unlike her father, but quite full of herself. Clever, too. Nothing’s really wrong with her, I guess, but most people aren’t in favor of her. Say she’s too cruel.”

“Hmm,” Kaiona mused, "Interesting. Anyways, thank you!"

She hurried off, trying to get a better look at the princess and the king. The king did look quite crazy. He was still beet red. And shaking. Yes, don't forget the shaking.

Kaiona tried to pull people aside, tried to get up to the front, tried blocking out the noise, tried, but couldn't.

"Hey!" She yelled, hoisting herself onto a nearby marbel statue, "Hey!"

The princess looked up at her, eyes full of ice.

"You!" The king barked, spitting everywhere, "Get off the statue!"

Kaiona rolled off the statue.

Then she woke up.

Her mother was standing over her. Kaiona was lying on the floor now.

"You're late for school again," Her mother reprimanded.

Had she slept for that long? Kaiona's internal clock must be off.

Well, she could bike to school if she'd missed the bus. Breakfast was something she could do fast.

As she took her bike out, she saw a girl standing in front of the garage. The girl tilted her head.

"Is this a dream?" She asked.

"No, dummy, this is real life. Is your head clear or should I knock the fog out of it? Stop standing in my way."

"Oh, sorry," The girl said, genuinly apologetic. "Oh! Is that a bike? I've seen those used by other people in other dreams."

"This is NOT a dream!" Kaiona snapped. "Get home now. What are you doing here?"

"Um..." The girl said, scratching her head, "I woke up here?"

"Look!" Kaiona exclaimed, seizing an opportunity, "There's a UFO!" She pointed at the sky.

"What's a UFO?" The girl asked, watching the sky curiously. Kaiona hopped onto her bike and pedaled as hard as she could.

"Wait!" The girl screamed, "Where're you going?"

Kaiona didn't answer. She let herself fly against the wind, blowing away her troubles. Her questions about the girl.


That afternoon when she got home the girl was still standing in front of her house, waiting.

"What are you doing?" Kaiona snapped, shoving her bike into the garage.

"This is the most boring dream I've ever had," The girl said pitifully, "What fantasy world is this boring? Life here must be terrible."

Kaiona kicked the girl out of rage. Then the girl disappeared.

"Wow," Kaiona said, dusting her hands off. "I must be superhuman."

Now, this was wrong. Kaiona was NOT superhuman.

Upon entering home, Kaiona told her mother about her adventure. Her mother shook her head.

"Now, Kaiona, you must be hallucinating. Go take a nap and clear your head."

So Kaiona pouted, stomped up the stairs, and threw the blanket over herself.


Even to this day, everyone still speaks of the legendary Kaiona who died in her sleep. Rumor once spread that her mom opened the door to find Kaiona bleeding from several wounds and punching her blankets. Finally she bled to death, no matter what her mother tried.

October 01, 2021 22:57

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1 comment

Emery Starshine
22:57 Oct 01, 2021

Lulz I legit wrote this in 10 minutes so it's not the greatest lulz sorry guys


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