Once upon a time Joshua Jackson travelled together with his family for a summer road trip to the Pacific Coast Highway in California, United States of America.

Submitted into Contest #99 in response to: Write a story about characters going on a summer road trip.... view prompt


Adventure Creative Nonfiction Teens & Young Adult

Once upon a time Joshua Jackson travelled together with his family for a summer road trip to the Pacific Coast Highway in California, United States of America.

It was this little child Joshua Jackson who travelled to the United States of America with his family on a road trip for summer vacation. Since he was a stranger in that country he stayed together with his family and they had accommodation in a Hotel. Joshua Jackson also realized that when going on a summer road trip one must adhere to these conditions stipulated below. Among them includes

·        Check all local laws and other rules.

·        Do Master the Art of Google Maps.

·        Again download the map with your mobile phone.

·        Get a local sim.

·        Be flexible also when going on a road trip.

·        When going on a road trip do not stuff your car with too much food.

   In addition, when going on a road trip one must respect the law of that country.

When Joshua Jackson won the Green card Visa lottery and he was asked to come over with his family for a visit to the United States of America to be presented with a free housing facility and also a summer vacation.  As an Adult he prepared to visit the United States of America on a road trip during the summer vacation.  Also Joshua Jackson decided to go on an epic road trip to the United States of America. It was at that instant where he devised a plan with other passengers who came along to also board the bus with him. There was an agreement on a budget that will be incurred during the road trip. Joshua Jackson also put together the perfect playlist ahead of time and schedule. He also used the Podcast during his road trip. It is noted that Road trips may take more time especially when travelling to Nigeria but the memory of it you will create with family and friends including loved ones along the way is priceless and can be cherished by everyone.

In addition before going on a summer road trip, Joshua Jackson was advised on how to get vehicles ready for road trips.

Among some of the lessons he learnt includes:

·        Checking of car batteries.

·        Inspecting Belt and hoses.

·        Again, top off fluids and replace filters.

·        Also verify whether lights and electrical equipment are working.

·        Do often check brakes.

·        Also inspect the tyres.

However, it was his second time visiting the United States of America since he won the competition of the Green card lottery. It was his first time visit on a road trip to the United States of America on a summer vacation. Also early in the summer, which happens to be the warmest season in the Southern hemisphere from the month of December to February he boarded a vehicle to the United States of America, overseas.

Again, the summer period is a horizontal bearing beam especially one supporting joists or rafters. He got to the Station in the United States of America where he boarded a taxi with his family to his destination. Joshua Jackson had in his mind that when he gets to the United States of America, he will first secure himself a decent accommodation in a Hotel with his family. Joshua Jackson slept for a couple of five days four nights in a Hotel waiting for the judges to proceed with what he won in the competition or the lottery.

Later he was called by the Judges to proceed to their office for the ultimate prize, he received a nice house with a cheque of $50,000, fifty thousand dollars. Joshua Jackson was given the key to the house and other documents of land title and documents of the house.

In addition he had to thank the Judges for their kind gesture and then moved into the house later from the Hotel. Since it was his second time in the United States of America since childhood, he realised a lot of changes have taken place in that country. Joshua Jackson realised that there were more cars and Aeroplanes in that country including also trains and escalators it was a developed country. Also living in the house, it was a free accommodation but he realised the need to secure himself a good job in order to pay his utility bill or all the money paid to him will easily get finish within a twinkle of an eye. Joshua Jackson secured himself a job in the United States of America in the company of Coca Cola . The nature of business of Coca Cola was to produce Coca Cola including also distributing and selling it to all parts of the world for consumption.

However, working with Coca Cola his salary was very good, that Joshua Jackson had to save enough money in order to buy shares and land in that country. Also working with Coca Cola in the United States of America, his Salary was between $3000 to $7000 dollars in a month. During Summer holidays when Joshua Jackson works for extra hours, he was being paid an allowance after work. Joshua Jackson used some of his Salary in buying shares of Google and IBM computers, one of the companies on the Internet providing services on the Internet.

Again, Joshua Jackson also used part of his Salary in paying his utility bills in the house he was living in, in order to accommodate himself. He also bought nose mask and sanitizers which he distributed to his friends and family in order to stop the spread of the COVID-19 disease. Within a couple of months, he secured himself a piece of Land within that country, because the United States of America was a land of opportunity and plenty. He also realised that most Ghanaian live their homes to travel overseas for greener pastures in the United States of America. Also winning the Green card lottery means Joshua Jackson could work legally in the United States of America and earn a living. Working in the Coca Cola company in the United States of America earned Joshua Jackson enough money that within a couple of three years he bought himself another asset which was a house. So you can just imagine, he had only two houses as his assets.

Later after working for the Coca Cola company in the United States of America for two years, he established his own company as an entrepreneur. As an entrepreneur he established the MacDonald’s Restaurant where he was selling fried rice with chicken wings to earn extra income. He employed adults of the neighborhood with skills in cooking to assist him in the Restaurant. Most of them were paid salary and others wages for working in the Restaurant. Other Events and birthdays were even held in the Restaurant Mac Donald's. They sometimes offered free meals to the homeless and those in need whenever they were having promotions. Joshua Jackson also bought for himself about two cars whiles working in the company.

His wife also assisted him with the operation of the Mac Donald's Restaurant. After about two years in marriage, Joshua Jackson had his first kids. It was then that he realised that with the certificate he earned through the World Bible School in the United States of America he could start his own church. So, whilst in the U.S.A. he started his own church with his family, where he was a Pastor and sometimes, he employed other pastors to preach in his church. Also, Joshua Jackson built and established a church on one of his lands that he bought in the U.S.A.

In addition, Joshua Jackson had a dream of becoming a Pilot so he studied further in the aspect of Aviation from Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach Florida in the U.S.A. where he later pursued a course in Cabin Crew in Aviation and later became a Flight Attendant in the United States of America. Again, Joshua Jackson also engaged in a part time course in Aviation in regards to Pilot Training at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University. Within the period of four years, he earned himself the licence of a Pilot to fly Aeroplanes. Joshua Jackson dream came true so he became a Pilot ,he could fly Aeroplanes and solo Aircrafts in the clear blue sky. There is a saying that the sky is always the limit.

In addition, Joshua Jackson worked for American Airlines as a Pilot, he could possibly fly Aeroplanes and solo Aircrafts in the clear blue sky. Again Joshua Jackson worked for American Airlines as a Pilot in order to pay for the fees of his two kids who were both in the University in the U.S.A. one was in Yale University and the other Harvard University. Also Joshua Jackson flew Aeroplanes and then solo Aircrafts to other parts of the World including both Africa and Europe. Joshua Jackson later flew Aeroplanes to Ghana, Australia, China, France, Germany, Canada, Japan, New Zealand that helped him earn the license of a Pilot. Anytime Joshua Jackson sat in his church he wonders what a life well lived, he likes helping others to achieve their dreams.

Lastly, to conclude Joshua Jackson started writing books as an Author where he earned a few books to his credit, but later sales was good for him for the first time, that he even expanded as an entrepreneur in establishing for himself a library within his own neighborhood in the United States of America, Florida to be precise. Joshua Jackson then established a library in order to help students in their academics and also in life. Others thought he was a celebrity of some sort but it was then realised that he was just a quiet and learned fellow in a White neighborhood in Florida, United States of America. People also appreciated his good works in helping the community to achieve their dreams especially in the aspect of Academics.

June 25, 2021 17:25

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