Please don’t do it.
Don’t do it because I am your father, and I am supposed to protect you. When your mother first told me she was pregnant, I quit smoking. I quit that very day. I needed to live a long life. I needed to provide a home where you would live and clothes you would wear and food you would eat. I needed to be there to teach you how to throw a baseball, to fish, to shave. I needed to be there to listen and to give advice and to hug.
Don’t do it because I have so much more love to give, so many more stories to tell, so many more days to share with you. Don’t do it because even though you may not feel it now, I need you. You teach me as much as I teach you. You teach me tolerance and forgiveness and compassion. You allow me to see the world through your eyes, eyes that hurt for others and see those who are unseen. Please don’t do it because you are at the beginning of a wonderful story, not the end of a painful one.
Please don’t do it.
* * * * * * * * * *
Please don’t do it.
Don’t do it because I am your mother. I knew you before anyone else. I dreamt of you when I was just a girl. I knew one day you would come, and then, just as I’d hoped, I felt you stir inside my womb. I shared my heart and my blood and my strength. I told you stories before you could hear. I sang you songs just so I could feel you move. I told you of the future you could have. I was there for your first breath of life. I held you to my chest so you could continue to feel my heartbeat. I fed you with milk from my body. Then I changed you and cleaned you and fed you again. I answered your cries in the middle of the night and held you until you slept. I loved you enough to protect you when you were young and to let you fly when you were ready, but I will always be your mom. Don’t do it because today isn’t tomorrow. What is now is not what will be. There is hope even if you feel hopeless; there is good even though all you see is evil. There is joy beyond the pain. Don’t do it because you have so much more to give this world. Your voice soothes. Your presence comforts.
Please don’t do it.
* * * * * * * * * *
Please don’t do it.
Don’t do it because I am your brother, and you are mine. I was only three when you were born. I asked mom and God for a friend and they gave me you. You are the person who taught me to share. You taught me about selfless love. We fought with each other, but we were always a team. No one fought you without fighting me, too.
Don’t do it because you are supposed to be my best man, because you are the best man I know. When I fell, you picked me up. When I was lost, you guided me home. We’ve done chores, and homework, and we’ve always done them together. I was your first friend and you were mine. I am your big brother and I am better because of it.
Don’t do it because I know there will be more times than I can count where I’ll need your love and support and help. Don’t do it because it’s my turn to help you. It’s my turn to love you, to pick you up, to carry you. You are never a burden to me because you are my brother.
Please don’t do it.
* * * * * * * * * *
Please don’t do it.
Don’t do it because I am your best friend. We have laughed together and cried together. We have played and fought, but we always worked it out because friendship is forever. We have mountains to climb and dragons to slay. We have successes to celebrate and failures to overcome. We have mistakes and amends to make, and we need to make them together. Together we have been boys, and together we will become men. You are the person I tell all my secrets, the one person I know I can trust. You thought you could trust me. You shared your greatest burden, and I listened to you because that’s what friends do.
Don’t do it even though you hate me. You hate me because I revealed your secret, your plan. I promised you I wouldn’t, and then I did. I told because I had to, because you are my best friend. I made a choice. I would make it again and again. I would sacrifice our friendship because the alternative is unthinkable. I did it because I know in my heart that you would do the same for me.
Don’t do it because nothing will be the same without you, and together we can make everything better.
Please don’t do it.
* * * * * * * * * *
Please don’t do it.
Don’t do it because I didn’t say “no”—I said “not now.”
Don’t do it because our time is coming. We are and will always be a we. That will never change. Please don’t do it because there is no vision of my future that doesn’t include you. I am the bird that comes back to your hand. Of this I am certain. You were my first date and my first kiss and my first love. There are so many more firsts I want to share with you. So many roads we have left to travel, so many sights left to see.
Don’t do it because even more so than firsts—I want all the lasts. I want you to be my last date, my last kiss. I want you with me on my last day. Please don’t do it because we have plans—plans that can only happen together. Please don’t do it because if you do, it can't be undone. Please don't it because the end of you would be the end of me.
Please don’t do it.
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Thom, you made me cry - and I need to cry because this is something raw and real: it's the response of loved ones to a person who feels unloved; it's the affirmation for someone who feels worthless; it's the honest expression of how much it hurts to lose someone who's part of you. My own attempt at this prompt now seems trite and banal next to yours: I was going for a story, but you've written with your heart and reminded us what teenagers and their friends and families go through. "Please don’t do it because you are at the beginning of a wonderful story, not the end of a painful one." "Don’t do it because today isn’t tomorrow. What is now is not what will be. There is hope even if you feel hopeless..." Words we all need to hear. Words we all need to say. Thank you for reminding us.
Jane I’m not sure if I ever articulated this, but in my early days on Reedsy, you were one of the main reasons I continued to write. Your words were always exactly what a new writer needed to hear. You helped me believe I had a voice worth hearing and stories worth telling. I’ve had some good success as a writer. More than I ever anticipated but if I ever win a big award and am called to the stage to accept, I promise yours will be one of the names mentioned. Thanks for everything. Thanks for coming back and picking up right where you left off. Writing great stories and making me want to write them too.
I know I'm really late to comment but this story made me cry, you write so beautifully and I cannot wait to catch up on the rest of the stories you've written.
Jennifer!!!! How are you? I’ve missed you. Reedsy misses you. I'm so glad you wrote another story. I can’t wait to read it. Thanks you for taking the time to read and encourage me. This one was an emotional one to write. I’m so glad it touched you. You made my day.
I missed you too and I’m so excited to have multiple of your stories to sit and read! I needed some time away but I’m very happy to be back reading and writing again.
I did it!
I absolutely loved this! It also brings me sadness for all the people I have seen attempt/commit suicide. As an ER nurse, I see the aftermath and it is dreadful. If only somehow this type of note could be given to everyone, so at times the they feel lost and hopeless, they could read something like this.
This really hits home to me because one of my close friends just lost a cousin to suicide.
First of all, thank you for all you do as a nurse. As the son of a nurse, I know you are a super hero. I also thank you for you kindness and encouragement. I am glad this story resonated with you. That's part of what I was hoping for when I wrote it. Again, thank you.
As someone who lost a brother this way (many years ago), reading this was helpful because I still miss him. And I still think about what I would have said in our last conversation (had I known). This gives a beautiful structure to a letter I think I want to write to him so that I can finally move on from endlessly recomposing that 'last' conversation. Thank you, Thom. This is a moving piece of writing.
Penelope, first and foremost my heart aches for you and your loss. I’ve often said there are no words when it comes to soothing some hurts but if mine have helped in any way I’m am so immeasurably thankful. Please write your letter. Don’t hold anything back. Share it when you are done or hide it away or burn it, whatever feels right, but write it. You will find healing in it, I promise.
I love the title to this story and how it correlates with the story itself. Death doesn't just happen to one person, it happens to everyone that cares for the one who has died.
It’s the biggest shame that the person who dies doesn’t live to see how much the impacted the lives of others. Thanks for such an insightful and kind comment. Really thank you.
Thom I had goosebumps when I read this. It is so painful and beautiful at the same time, but the last voice especially moved me. I have known people (both close and distant) who have decided to end their lives and it would have been so nice to have had the opportunity to say face-to-face why they shouldn't. How much they are loved. Cherished. It probably wouldn't change anything but the opportunity to try would have been everything. The grief, the questions, the guilt that remains in the survivors afterwards is at times unbearable. Thank you for writing this
My heart goes out to you. No one who is touched by suicide is ever the same again. I think I wrote this as catharsis but I also wanted to show you can talk to someone who is in that dark place. Show them the truths they don’t see or have forgotten. Thanks so much for your encouraging words. They mean more than you know.
As an adamant lover of sad stories, this one broke me. It was too raw, too real, too relatable. As someone who has struggled with the loss of loved ones due to suicide, this is a story that takes that pain and weaves it into something tangible. When someone you love so deeply is so engulfed by the void that is depression, this is everything they don't hear, see, absorb. That love is lost in the darkness. Thank you for articulating this feeling. I cried while reading this and released things I didn't know I needed to release. I just wrote and posted a story about contemplating suicide, and this is a perfect reminder of just how important it is to persevere. Your work is so impactful in so may ways. Thank you.
Alexandra, I don’t have adequate words to express my gratitude. This was a challenge to write for obvious reasons and also a challenge to post. In one comment you made it all worth while. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Thank you, you are truly a kind and loving person and I hope you continue to write because you are already affecting, altering, and changing lives. I am so thankful and proud of the fact that you gathered the courage to write and post this piece. I know this is a lot coming from a stranger on the internet but the last section coming from the significant other's perspective really hit home for me. You did more to help me process than any therapist I've has thus far. Thank you, Thom.
Ooh I knew I was going to regret reading this at work! I couldn't help myself, though: I'm not sorry, either - so very good, as always with your work. Extremely poignant and so compelling: even though I'm not at all related to these people nor the subject of their pleadings, I really felt this. Excellent. Masterful. Brodkin Quality. :)
You are quickly becoming my favorite comment buddy. I’m glad you didn’t see yourself in this one. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.
Thom, this was so well written! I love how you tell the larger story within notes, rather than traditional exposition! Good job letting me know pretty immediately who the characters were, their voices were very tender and desperate. It really came through how much they cared about the "Main Character". I think it's brilliant that we have a whole story written about someone who doesn't actually "appear" in the usual way.
Well done!
Hannah, I've missed my palindrome friend. I'm so glad you swung by and gave me a read. You know what I think about you as a writer and that always makes your feedback that much more impactful. Now stay a while and write. :-)
Aww, Thom, thank you! You are so kind! I have been battling a lot of "writer's block", but I jumped back in this go round! It feels good to be back! <3
This is such a painfully beautiful piece. I’ll be honest, it took me two tries to read it. I had to put it down the first time because Is was too much for me in that moment, but I am glad I came back to it. The whole section about the mother, it was so spot on. Every word rang true.
Thanks for the tears.
Michelle, I am speechless. This was so difficult to write and I wasn't even sure if I was going to post it but your feedback is validation of my decision. Thank you so much for being so encouraging.
Beautiful and insightful! Very strong catchphrase. And wow, you wasted no time in responding to the prompt!
Thanks so much!!
Thom, you are so good at these stories that waste no time grabbing readers by the heart and squeezing. What a great response to the prompt; the repeated line at the beginning and end of each section work perfectly. It’s exactly the kind of phrase someone in this situation might feel they couldn’t utter *enough.*
Really loved these lines:
“You teach me as much I teach you. You teach me tolerance and forgiveness and compassion. You allow me to see the world through your eyes, eyes that hurt for others and see those who are unseen.” —such a true and beautiful way to describe parenthood. Love this so much.
“Please don’t do it because even more so than firsts—I want all the lasts.”—so powerful.
Great job. Best of luck to you with this one!
Aeris, I really appreciate you stopping by for this one. I know this wasn't a typical story but I'm glad it resonates. Thanks for always finding time to encourage me. It is what this community is all about.
Such a moving piece. Extremely insightful about the dealings of suicidal ideation from those who would be affected if the person they loved were to succeed. The best friend is truly a best friend. The pressure of keeping secrets can get out of control sometimes, especially in instances such as suicidal ideation when friends know and don't tell. Having worked with teens my entire career, many wish they would have said something, let me tell you. All I can offer them is an ear and a good cry with a hug because, like you say, "Please don’t do it because nothing will be the same without you."
I found one tiny typo right at the end.
"Please don't to it because the end of you would be the end of me." Thanks for the good read. LF6.
Thanks so much, Lily. There probably isn’t a single person who hasn’t been touched by this tragedy. I hope this inspires people to speak up.
Me too, Thom! LF6.
As someone who's thought of offing myself, I can't even explain how I feel right now. When I was at my lowest point, I couldn't even think of how it would have affected my family, especially my little brother. I'm in a better place now. But thank you for creating something so profoundly beautiful that touched me deeply/
I'm new to the Reedsy community. This is realistic and so moving. Currently crying.
I am absolutely touched by your kindness and openness. Thank you so much.
A lot of stories (mine included) deal with suicide from the perspective of the person who commits it. I love how this story deals with it from the other perspective, as neatly portrayed by the title.
I thought it was really cool how you had multiple people writing this note. They all have something different to say about the person committing suicide, but the "please don't do it"s at the beginning/end unify their messages.
This was tragic, but the lesson is so important: don't do it because your life doesn't only belong to you. We're all interconnected, as cliche as that sounds.
Well done, Thom.
Hi, Thom. I did read and like this the last time you entered it, but never commented. Now is the time.
As soon as I read this prompt, I thought of this story, and I wasn’t too surprised when I saw that you had re-entered it here.
This really gut-punched me. I can feel the pain of each person as I read their note. Each person has a different reason, and uses their own voice to tell it. I think that each person’s voice and language—the father, the mother, the brother, the best friend, and the girlfriend—seems to fit perfectly to their relationship with the unseen person they are begging. I pray that everyone who feels like it would be better to stop living have people to tell them what you have said here.
I want to find more to say to you, give you an incredibly long comment, but I feel the best thing now is to sit quietly. Thank you for writing this, Thom.
Hey Thom,
WOW! This one was breathtaking. I thought your concept was brilliant and the language was perfectly gut wrenching. I thought you addressed this very difficult topic in a beautiful way. I also loved the way you chose to format the piece as letters. I think that I was also hopeful by the end, that these stories, mini snippets of a person’s life, would be enough to touch their soul. It was truly beautiful.
My eyes are watery, but we'll just say that's because of allergies because I don't like to cry.
I've received a few letters like this from people I love and let me just say, this is really accurate for a "please don't do it" note.
It really is painful that sometimes life gets so hard that we resort to writing these for the people we love, because just telling them "no" won't be enough, and we know it.
Sometimes things end up being lost causes, but this is not one of them.
This is a masterpiece.
Jex <3