Wooden Village (incomplete)

Submitted into Contest #64 in response to: Write about a family attempting to hide their secrets from someone new.... view prompt



Okay, first things first a little information. This story is part of my main one that will be published in December (hopefully). The story centers around the theme, but this particular part of it doesn't. So I know I won't win, or even get approved, but I want feedback on this. It's one of my favorite parts.

Background information: Ummm, Mindhi's pregnant. Sandy is our main character. Sunny, her twin sister, is dead.

You're all caught up!

1 new message from Sunny😝.

Oh my God. It hits me like a semi-truck on the freeway, and I lay down on the bed in shock. Oh my God. Sunny. Not the hedgehog, but the girl… oh my God.

With shaking hands I open the Callisto sister group chat, and I don’t know what I was expecting. Maybe something about how scared she was, wondering what was happening in the back of the dark van. It would have been better if it was a message like that. 

It’s a video. It’s hilarious, typical Sunny. It’s an otter, eating a phone and swaying back and forth while jazzy music plays in the background. Normally I’d laugh my head off, but I just stare emptily at my screen, and a single tear falls and distorts the glowing image.

Mindhi pokes her head in the doorway and I meet her curious gaze. I gesture with the phone, and she takes hers out. I watch while she stares down at the screen, swiping with her finger. She comes and sits next to me on the bed and, still without words, I reach out and open Instagram. 

I bury my face in her shoulder while she opens the message. After a few seconds I’m aware of her arm around my neck. I look up into her sad-smiling face, and she strokes my hair. “I miss her too, Sandy.”

I nod. Words? Who are they?

“It’s hard, isn’t it?”


“You know she’ll always be with you.”


She pulls me tighter and there we sit, on the bed with our phones out, remembering our sister as the jazz music says everything we can’t.

And since I know this is nowhere near 1000 words, here are some extras which you can ignore.

We are extra words, which shall never be read. We march across the page like ants, determined to reach our destination of nowhere. Reading us is like condemning yourself to a life of boredom, because we are the extra words. We have no purpose. Skip right over us with your human eyes, pay no attention to our black figure. We convey no emotion, all meaning lost in the simple parade of the extra words, forsaken and invisible, never to be read.

We are extra words, which shall never be read. We march across the page like ants, determined to reach our destination of nowhere. Reading us is like condemning yourself to a life of boredom, because we are the extra words. We have no purpose. Skip right over us with your human eyes, pay no attention to our black figure. We convey no emotion, all meaning lost in the simple parade of the extra words, forsaken and invisible, never to be read.

We are extra words, which shall never be read. We march across the page like ants, determined to reach our destination of nowhere. Reading us is like condemning yourself to a life of boredom, because we are the extra words. We have no purpose. Skip right over us with your human eyes, pay no attention to our black figure. We convey no emotion, all meaning lost in the simple parade of the extra words, forsaken and invisible, never to be read.

We are extra words, which shall never be read. We march across the page like ants, determined to reach our destination of nowhere. Reading us is like condemning yourself to a life of boredom, because we are the extra words. We have no purpose. Skip right over us with your human eyes, pay no attention to our black figure. We convey no emotion, all meaning lost in the simple parade of the extra words, forsaken and invisible, never to be read.

We are extra words, which shall never be read. We march across the page like ants, determined to reach our destination of nowhere. Reading us is like condemning yourself to a life of boredom, because we are the extra words. We have no purpose. Skip right over us with your human eyes, pay no attention to our black figure. We convey no emotion, all meaning lost in the simple parade of the extra words, forsaken and invisible, never to be read.

We are extra words, which shall never be read. We march across the page like ants, determined to reach our destination of nowhere. Reading us is like condemning yourself to a life of boredom, because we are the extra words. We have no purpose. Skip right over us with your human eyes, pay no attention to our black figure. We convey no emotion, all meaning lost in the simple parade of the extra words, forsaken and invisible, never to be read.

We are extra words, which shall never be read. We march across the page like ants, determined to reach our destination of nowhere. Reading us is like condemning yourself to a life of boredom, because we are the extra words. We have no purpose. Skip right over us with your human eyes, pay no attention to our black figure. We convey no emotion, all meaning lost in the simple parade of the extra words, forsaken and invisible, never to be read.

We are extra words, which shall never be read. We march across the page like ants, determined to reach our destination of nowhere. Reading us is like condemning yourself to a life of boredom, because we are the extra words. We have no purpose. Skip right over us with your human eyes, pay no attention to our black figure. We convey no emotion, all meaning lost in the simple parade of the extra words, forsaken and invisible, never to be read.

We are extra words, which shall never be read. We march across the page like ants, determined to reach our destination of nowhere. Reading us is like condemning yourself to a life of boredom, because we are the extra words. We have no purpose. Skip right over us with your human eyes, pay no attention to our black figure. We convey no emotion, all meaning lost in the simple parade of the extra words, forsaken and invisible, never to be read.

We are extra words, which shall never be read. We march across the page like ants, determined to reach our destination of nowhere. Reading us is like condemning yourself to a life of boredom, because we are the extra words. We have no purpose. Skip right over us with your human eyes, pay no attention to our black figure. We convey no emotion, all meaning lost in the simple parade of the extra words, forsaken and invisible, never to be read.

ONE LAST THING: wouldya mind checking our the full version? https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KtiT7YFXlhIhCi_BDi4zCIhDfgpjru0kQVPKeioSe4w/edit

October 18, 2020 19:24

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21:55 Dec 18, 2020

Heyyyy Ella!


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00:23 Oct 19, 2020

HI SKYLER!! Its definitely a very interesting piece and it really makes the reader want to know more on the situation, I think this was interesting, I can't really say much else since there is only that part😂. Oh right! you seem kinda sad..🥺. Maybe I'm wrong its just your page is giving me sad-frustrated vibes. Are you okay? And the first sentence on your bio is not true! I can't speak for anyone but I'm not sure if you remember but that one time when you commented on my story really made me happy. And I kept checking your page every now ...


Skyler Grey
15:28 Oct 19, 2020

awwwwww thanks :). I just feel like everyone here has stopped talking to me, ya know? Like, one day I have all these ppl who are making me laugh and reading my stuff and the next day, not a word from anyone. I don't wanna sound attention-seeking but it feels like y'all kinda forgot me? i don't know. Thanks for commenting though, you made my day :)


Skyler Grey
15:45 Oct 19, 2020

and the wriwrates, i get that I can't be involved in every single thing but i wish ppl weren't treating it like some closely guarded secret. it's fine that I'm not one of them, whatever they are, but i wish someone would tell me. for all i know its some sort of cult lol


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17:37 Oct 19, 2020

Yeahh okay I get what you mean. I had this problem a few weeks ago like sorta on here and outside of here. I felt like people would just come and like me for a minute and just go. And maybe sometimes..not saying they did...but sometimes they actually do. And I feel like the only way to deal with that..like how I deal with it is like EXPECTING they all will leave at some point. I definitely didn't forget about you cause I remember everyone who comments.. And remember you don't really need to be apart of a group or like remembered by a cer...


Skyler Grey
18:00 Oct 19, 2020

thanks :)


18:17 Oct 19, 2020

Are you gonna ask themm😲?? Or noo.


Skyler Grey
18:35 Oct 19, 2020

I did that like twice and got no answer, so noo


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13:35 Jul 15, 2021



Skyler Grey
18:39 Jul 15, 2021



19:10 Jul 15, 2021



Skyler Grey
16:57 Jul 19, 2021



19:36 Jul 19, 2021



Skyler Grey
19:27 Sep 12, 2021



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Skyler Grey
18:39 Jul 15, 2021



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Skyler Grey
18:39 Jul 15, 2021



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Lauren :)
05:07 Feb 19, 2021

ViCtoRy Is OuRs! Apparently its a challenge where you say it to someone and then have them pass it on. I got it from amethyst who got it from luna who got it from sapphire who got it from kate who got it from jade who got it from emerald. pretty random :D


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B. W.
06:43 Nov 26, 2020

Hey there, i dont have a lot to say except that I think it was a really good story that you did and it gets a 10/10 from me :)


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Radhika Diksha
14:05 Nov 08, 2020

Best story and wonderful concept. Keep writing


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12:21 Oct 29, 2020



Skyler Grey
19:51 Oct 30, 2020

hehe thanks


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00:45 Oct 21, 2020

Lol that’s a great downvoter note in yo bio 😂


Skyler Grey
00:53 Oct 21, 2020

thank you


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The Cold Ice
08:27 Nov 05, 2020

Wow wonderful story.Very nice.Keep writing. Would you mind reading my story “Leaf me alone”


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Sunny 🌼
22:36 Oct 26, 2020

LMAO! I was more invested in the extra words than the story! Not really, but they were funny and made me laugh! The story itself, well BOY AM I INTERESTED. I'm heading over to read the full version right now. Good job!


Skyler Grey
01:34 Oct 27, 2020

Thanks :)


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