All that's wicked is not gold.

Submitted into Contest #277 in response to: Write a story with the word “wicked” in the title.... view prompt


Fiction Adventure Fantasy

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

All that's wicked is not gold. 

Trigger warning. 

Chopped off. 

Chapter one. 

Ashlee Osborn. 

One day a women gave birth to two identical twins. One was a boy and one was a girl. They lived in a stone made cottage it had one bedroom a dining room and a toilet. It was so cold in the winter months and in the summer, it was so hot. 

 Their mother stayed at home while her husband butchered forest animals. He would shoot them with his bow and arrow that was passed down from his father it had been in the family for generations. Their mum would go shopping at the farmer's market she would put them in her bra and then walk away as fast as her legs would let her.  

Until one day the soldiers caught her by silently following her back to her cottage.  

"Get down on the ground, on the ground now." Said the soldiers in an angry tone. 

They arrested her for stealing put her hands behind her back, handcuffed. They chopped off her hands and bandaged them and sent her to prison. She was there for two years, and she died two years later as she was being starved. The soldiers would not feed her. It was impossible for her to do it herself. No hands. 

A few years later the twins were twelve years old, and their father remarried another woman. As evil as they come. The twins would call her an evil witch! She would never cook or clean their father had to do it all. Sometimes she would make them scrub the floor with toothbrushes. The feeling was mutual she hated them.  

So, one day when their father was out hunting for food, she drugged them and dragged them into the forest. Hoping that the darkness would overtake and shut down their tiny little bodies. Their father was in despair she told them that the soldiers came and took them. Their father was in despair. Their father cried. She said they were going to sell them for money.  

Chapter 2. 


It was dark and cold when she awoke to the reflection from the sun. Shivering. Her twin brother lying next to her with his hands around her stomach to keep her warm. She shook his shoulders to wake him. He woke up shaky and cold. They both sat up and felt really dizzy, similar to feeling sea sickness struggling to hold their heads up. Everything felt like it was moving.  

They stood up and all they could see was trees. Not a road in site not a soul. As they walked, they felt dizzy from hunger and thirsty for water.  They had walked for 1 kilometer and their feet where blistered and sore with splinters in their feet.  She was in tears, but he stayed strong and comforted her. Her pink polka dot dress was so dirty filled with mud. Forever ruined. To their excitement they found apple tree's they raced to them and picked them off the tree. Scoffed them down within two minutes.  

They picked four apples each more than they could carry.  They continued walking and eating at the same time. Then a little white rabbit appeared, she bent down to pick him up.  

"Are you lost in here to buddy?" She said confused.  

The rabbit was white with red eyes and had a collar on with an address on it. In the shape of a watch, he was holding it pointing to the time. It was 5am. She put him down. 

"Did that really happen?" She said to her brother. 

"Yep." He replied. 

The rabbit waved at them trying to direct them. They followed the rabbit for about two kilometers. The rabbit led them to a cottage that looked unoccupied.  The rabbit pointed to the door. She knocked on it.  

"Who's there?" Said a woman's voice. 

They noticed the house was full of candy of all different shapes and colors.  

"Me and my brother are lost can you help us?" She asked politely.  

She took a bit of cookie dough from the door and gave it to her brother he put it I his pocket for a later time.  

"I think we found your rabbit miss." He spoke. 

The door opened slowly. It was a woman with green skin, long fingernails had a black robe on and a black witch's hat on her head covering unkept hair. The woman looked at her and her brother. Freaky.  

"Come in darlings I have plenty of food to go around, we are having rabbit tonight. "  

They felt a shiver all the way down their spines. Something wasn't right.  

"Something isn't right!" He whispered to his sister. 

"We've got to get out of here!"  He said anxiously. 

"We have to save the rabbit." She replied with tears in her eyes.  

The woman had a crystal ball on the table it was huge and made of clear quartz. The witch stared at it and cackled hysterically. Her green hands holding it. They attempted to sneak out the door behind her. The door slammed.  

"Haven't you heard the rumors about me children? I lure them in with candy and then I fatten them up and eat them for dinner." She stared into their souls by looking them straight in the eye while saying it. 

"Help us, somebody help us." They cried.  

The witch brought out a little girl in a cage she had a red hooded robe on that was covered in mud. Bruisers all over her face. She was in a fatal position, the cage was small it looked like a bird cage. The little girl was asleep you could hear her snoring. 

"I put a spell on her so that she won't move while I'm cooking her. First off comes the hands and then the feet and then the body later. I like it crispy." The witch laughed hysterically. As she lit up the fire.  

The little girl woke up. She started to scream. Ear piercing. She tried to move but she couldn't. The twins heard a rustling in the bushes outside. They looked out the window and saw a man. They started to bang on the windows and scream. He ran as fast as he could he came and looked through the glass window. He saw everything. 

As she bent down to put another stick in the fire the twins signaled each other and pushed her in to the fire. She screeched and let her burn. The man grabbed the girl in the cage her body deformed because she had been there for so long. Her back developed scoliosis she was taken to the hospital as soon as she reached home to her mother.  

"Little Red your home! You have been away for so long I am so sorry. I should not have let you go from now on we will conquer the forest together. " She cried. 

The twins Hansel and Grettle were put in to foster care as their step mum killed their dad. She kept the home, and the twins had a chance to go there but they refused. They lived with a beautiful family that took care of them. They had two brothers and three sisters in their new home. Thankfully they were not separated.  

The witch did not survive she after the twins locked her in the fire to burn. The man that rescued the children was given a bravery award for finding the children and taking them home.   

November 22, 2024 01:11

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Millie Martinez
14:13 Dec 21, 2024

beautiful story especially the different interwoven fairytales. Wonderful take on pre existing stories


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Tommy Goround
20:08 Dec 04, 2024

This made me happy. Thank you


Ashlee Osborn
20:28 Dec 04, 2024

Aww you are so welcome,! Your a champion


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Cedar Barkwood
14:50 Dec 01, 2024

I loved how perfectly you weaved all the fairy tales together into one story. You wrote the whimsical situations wonderfully. Thank you for sharing!


Ashlee Osborn
22:17 Dec 01, 2024

Aw thank you so much!! :) you're a legend


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Armen Pandola
17:23 Nov 28, 2024

The story evolves well into fantasy and then back to a somber reality. Numerous grammatical errors slow it down - e.g. "He would shoot them with his bow and arrow that was passed down from his father it had been in the family for generations." They slow down the momentum.


Ashlee Osborn
21:43 Nov 28, 2024

Thank you 😊


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Mary Bendickson
19:32 Nov 26, 2024

Different twists on familiar tales. Don't know if it was meant to be funny but identical twins can only be the same gender. Thanks for liking 'Fair Lady II'.


Ashlee Osborn
20:49 Nov 27, 2024

Oh really? I didn't know that, thanks for the heads Up 😀


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Millie Martinez
14:18 Dec 21, 2024

Actually whilst most identical twins are monozygotic meaning the same genders, there are rare cases of sesquizygotic (semi-identical) twinning, which can cause identical twins to be a boy and a girl.


Mary Bendickson
17:52 Dec 21, 2024

Learn something new everyday. Pardon me, Ashlee, I didn't know.


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