
Today is New years eve. I am glad that it is soon to be 1979. One thing that I haven’t done though. My resolution for this year! I forgot about it! I have to figure out what it is! Right now! I only have 7 hours till it’s 1979! I better hurry!


I think that I would have put my resolution in my journal from last year. I keep my old journal on my bookshelf near my living room. Maybe. That was where it was 2 months ago. But then again I did rearrange my house. I’ll check over there anyway because it could still be there. Then I hear the doorbell ring. My friend was going to be coming over for new years so maybe she could help me find my resolution.

Sophie barged in(she knows where my secret key is) “HAPPY NEW YEARS EVE! 1979 HERE I COME!” She yells a lot. It’s not all that bad though. She yells at kids that bully others at our school. We have been friends since the 3rd grade! Which is like 9 years! Sophie is really good at finding things.  

“Hey Soph. Could you help me with something?” I ask

“Sure! Whats up?” Sophie is helpful and creative and smart, in other words a good friend.  

“Well I haven’t finished my resolution for this year and I NEED to do it in the next 5 and a half hours! If I don’t do it by then I will have a curse on me for the rest of my life!” Sorry I forgot to tell you that if my family doesn’t finish our resolutions by the end of the year, we get cursed. Luckily if someone in my family doesn’t do their resolution then I don’t get cursed. Soph has a concerned and confused look on her face.  

“Lets go. Do you have any idea where it may be?”

“I was going to check my bookshelf and my room. Those would be the most logical places. I’ll go check and you can help yourself to some cookies and a drink.” I walk over to my living room with a stool because my bookshelf is pretty tall and I could have hidden it on the top. Once I am finished searching the bookshelf(it was unsuccessful) I head over to my room. I think that it is in my closet. That is the first place that I check and guess what?! I found it! My old journal all scribbled with a blue pen, the purple cover hidden under the blue ink. I have written all of my resolutions and goals since I was 6 years old in that journal. It got full though so that's why i had to get a new book! I ran back to the kitchen to tell Soph that I found it. I flipped to the end. My resolution for 1978 is to make 3 friends. I have no idea how many friends I’ve made this year. Well I guess I can go out and make 3 friends today! Soph said that she would go with me to find some people to talk with. I could even make friends with her friends. That is not against the rules of


Luckily quite a few of the restaurants that I like are open late on this night. I think that the best places to make friends are restaurants, bars, and stores/malls. Soph decided to invite her friend Camila to dinner. She told me that Camila is going through a lot right now and she could use a friend or two.  

Turns out Camila is super nice! She is calm and has an open mind. We get along very well so I gave her my phone number so we can talk after this. I learned a little about her like her favorite color, favorite book, favorite kind of food, and favorite dessert. I’ve made ⅓ friends! 2 more to go!

I saw a girl who looked about my age. I decided to walk up and talk to her. She has dirty blond hair and green eyes. She stares at me for a second wondering who the heck I am.

“Hi! My name is Sarah. You don’t know me. I just thought that since you were alone I might as well come and sit by you if that’s alright.” You couldn't tell but I am scared of talking to others

“That’s fine by me! My name is Mable. Nice to meet you!” Mable’s voice is soft. We talk about school and what we are going to do once we get out of college. Mable wants to be a pro soccer player for the Portland Thorns. She also wants to write books. She loves writing romance and mystery. We talked for an hour before I said that I had to go. I have 1 more friend to find. I really hope that me and Mable and Camila stay friends. They are nice people. It will be nice to have more than just one friend.  


It is 10 o’clock now and I have no idea where I’m going to find my last friend! Soph has no idea either! What kind of curse am I going to have on me? How serious will it be? Will it kill me? Turn me to an animal? I start to panic. Then I get an idea. It doesn’t have to be a friend. Well it doesn’t need to be a friend that is wealthy and going to talk with me every month. I ran back to my house as quickly as possible, grabbed some cash and made a gift basket with some food, flowers and a warm blanket that I got from my co-worker.  

For as long as I have lived in my house, down the street a little a homeless man lived. He always was asking for some money or food just to live another day. Today is a great day to help him.  

“Hello sir! I recently noticed you living out here, and thought that you may need a few things” I handed him the basket. The look on his face was awe. He looks at me and smiles. He can’t speak so he smiles. That smile brings me so much joy.

January 02, 2021 04:56

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I think that this story was very unique ad great for this prompt. Great job!


Lauren :)
17:19 Jan 11, 2021

Thank you :) Also great job! 4th place on the leader board! Keep up the great work!


Your welcome! Also, thank you so much Lauren!


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Isla Wren
16:23 Jan 08, 2021

Hi there! I’m new on Reedsy, but got matched with your story for the Critique Circle. I thought the premise is your story was unique, and it’s the only one I’ve seen so far where they aren’t ringing in 2021. For grammar, I did think the opening had a lot of exclamation points, may want to break those up a bit. There are some other easy fixes, a few forgotten periods, that sort of thing. When your character is making friends at the end, I would love to see more dialogue, instead of the character telling us how nice the new acquaintanc...


Lauren :)
17:29 Jan 08, 2021

Thanks Isla! Reading it again I see what you're talking about. I was kind of rushing to get it in before the dead line. I only had about 1 minute!


Isla Wren
19:22 Jan 08, 2021

I am always writing til the buzzer too lol!


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Lauren :)
17:29 Jan 08, 2021

Thanks Isla! Reading it again I see what you're talking about. I was kind of rushing to get it in before the dead line. I only had about 1 minute!


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Lauren :)
17:29 Jan 08, 2021

Thanks Isla! Reading it again I see what you're talking about. I was kind of rushing to get it in before the dead line. I only had about 1 minute!


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Lauren :)
05:07 Jan 02, 2021

Oops I just realized that I forgot to finish my sentance right before HOUR 4. Sorry guys. It should say 'That is not against the rules of resolutions'


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Mira Caplan
21:10 Jan 05, 2021



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03:03 Jan 05, 2021

Yay Lo! So excited you posted again! I loved this story and the way you built on Sarah's character! One thing to just point out. In the beginning, you started with Sarah thinking she couldn't wait for it to soon be 1978, how ever a few sentences later, she says, only 7 hours left till 1979! Very small correction, and overall this was a really good read!! Nice job!!


Lauren :)
03:17 Jan 05, 2021

Okay! Thanks for the tip Luna! (I fixed it)


03:23 Jan 05, 2021

Ofc! Glad I could help:)


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