An elite team of agents

Submitted into Contest #58 in response to: Write a story where the power goes out on a spaceship or submarine.... view prompt


Science Fiction Funny Adventure

Somewhere in the deepest part of the Pegasus Galaxy near the Yumi star system and it's 23 planets, was a duel level, ship with 4 crewmembers who met at a party of another friend on the planet Caprica. These crewmembers were four best friends who loved to travel the stars, eat good food, visit new galaxies and star systems, and play Super Mario, Need for Speed and simulation games on their 4D holographic game system. 

The crew consisted of three smart guys ( Tapatito, Amos Yee and Connor), and a cool girl named Elif. They have been traveling through space for almost a week time, on a journey back home from the planet Decipherinc in the Pegasus Galaxy, to their planet called Bebo in the Aquafina Galaxy to attend school there. They have traveled this route many times and it is the fastest route to Their destination. Elif came up with a slogan for the group. Their slogan is "we are an elite team of agents". Which was Elif idea when she was watching tv at a hotel room in the planet Earth in Anaheim, California.

After reaching the center of the galaxy, Amos (the driver) prepared the ship to go into a hyperdimensional drift. As they traveled through a hyperdimensional wormhole to fast track their arrival to the Aquafina Galaxy, and the ship started drifting in the folded space within the wormhole, the secondary power to the ship shut off. The ship was still operational, and the life support technology still were online, but all the nonessential things were off limits. The only light that was coming into the ship was from the stars zipping by as they traveled the speed of light through the wormhole. Now the ship itself was brand new, so they never experienced something like this before. So Amos, Connor, and Tapatito started panicking and running around scared out of their minds. However, while the rest of the crew was running around scared ( or what Elif likes to call "wasting oxygen"), Elif pulled out a tablet computer from her backpack, and with a few taps on the tablet, brought on the emergency power online. "Emergency power online" says the ships onboard intercom aka SOI. Which of course was enough to see what's around you, but is not enough to run the entire ship, let alone keep the rest of the crew quiet and calm ( but most importantly quiet). So Elif took control of the situation and the crew.

The power went out because the circuit board tripped a switch when the ship hit an electromagnetic field when the ship started the hyperdimensional drift after the entry into the wormhole.e

A five-dimensional space is a space with five dimensions. If interpreted physically, that is one more than the usual three spatial dimensions and the fourth dimension of time used in relativistic It is an abstraction which occurs frequently in mathematics, where it is a legitimate construct. In physics and mathematics a sequence of N numbers can be understood to represent a location in an N-dimensional space. Whether or not the universe is five-dimensional is a topic of debate.

Mathematical approaches were developed in the early 20th century that viewed the fifth dimension as a theoretical construct. These theories make reference to Hilbert space, a concept that postulates an infinite number of mathematical dimensions to allow for a limitless number of quantum states. Einstein, Bergmann and Bargmann later tried to extend the four-dimensional spacetime of general relativity into an extra physical dimension to incorporate electromagnetism, though they were unsuccessful.In their 1938 paper, Einstein and Bergmann were among the first to introduce the modern viewpoint that a four-dimensional theory, which coincides with Einstein-Maxwell theory at long distances, is derived from a five-dimensional theory with complete symmetry in all five dimensions. They suggested that electromagnetism resulted from a gravitational field that is “polarized” in the fifth dimension.

The main novelty of Einstein and Bergmann was to seriously consider the fifth dimension as a physical entity, rather than an excuse to combine the metric tensor and electromagnetic potential. But they then reneged, modifying the theory to break its five-dimensional symmetry. Their reasoning, as suggested by Edward Witten, was that the more symmetric version of the theory predicted the existence of a new long range field, one that was both massless and scalar, which would have required a fundamental modification to Einstein's theory of general relativity. Minkowski space and Maxwell's equations in vacuum can be embedded in a five-dimensional Riemann curvature tensor.

"Conner, go to the engineering room and get the power back online" said Elif. Conner stops running around and says " I am no fracking machine, frack those fracking machines. Isnt it right Amos"? " Does not compute, does not compute " says Amos jokingly as Conner and Amos laugh at Elif.

Elif in no way, shape, or form thought that the joke told by Conner and Amos was funny. So instead of laughing, she reply to Connor " Well what are you waiting for, go!" Screams Elif which sends Connor running toward the engineering room at the opposite side of the ship. " what makes you think that you are the boss of us?" Says Tapatito with a stern face. " You want to know why I am telling you lot what to do?" Asks Elif. "Because you're bossy and let this situation go over your head" replies Tapatito. "No, Because we are a elite team of agents who sticks together no matter what. And seeing how you didn't step up to the plate, I had to" said Elif. " Well good luck with that" says Amos.

"What is that supposed to mean? Asks Elif angrily. " You really think that Connor will do what you say? He's probably is sleeping in his office right now ignoring your little demands" says Amos. "That's not true" spews Elif. " He wouldn't let his best friends down. He knows how important our group dynamic is and he wouldn't do anything to ruin it".

Finally after what seemed like forever but only took an hour (because Connor fail twice and hurt himself), the power came back on at great speed, just as they exited the wormhole. At that moment, they realized how important having a team leader was to their existence. So they decided to make Elif the team leader. "I'm glad that you all came to your senses and did this very nice gesture for me. Because of your actions, we can continue to be an elite team of agents" says Elif as she puts a piece of cake in her mouth. They continued to have a meal until they got tired, and they all went to sleep in their respected quarters. The End.

September 11, 2020 08:04

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