Adventure American Fiction

Chapter 4, Portal

The girls sank and they felt their backs hit the ground. That is when the floor turned purple and Christine was sucked in. Marie was being sucked in but her foot was stuck on a piece of coral. Marie tried to break free, that is when she felt her ankle snap. Then her sister grabbed onto her shirt. They both landed on the grass. Marie coughs water and looks at her sister and sees her in all gold armor with angel wings spread wide. She had blue eyes with blonde hair blowing through the wind. Her hair had gold leafs mixed throughout it. 

  “Are you ok Marie?!” Christine asks quickly.

  “What happened to you?!” Marie asks.

  “What do you mean, what happened to you!?” Christine questions. Marie looks into the water. She was wearing a blue dress with white roses scattered around the dress and a silver crown on her head. “Like, you look like a princess or something.” 

   “What do you mean? You look like an angel.” Marie grins.

  “Yeah. I think I know that. Thanks for the hint.” Christine rolls her eyes.

  “Sorry…” says Marie. Christine spreads her wings out wide. Gold sparkles in them. Marie stands up, her crown glistening in the sun.

  “Let’s look around,” Says Christine. “Better if we know where we are.”

  “Yeah,” says Marie. They see a huge castle in the distance and look at it.

  “That seems promising,” says Christine. She opens her wings wide and grabs Marie’s arm. She flaps her wings and lifts about two feet in the air and then lands a little roughly on the ground. 

  “Here, you try flying up without me first,” Marie says. Christine nods and flies up a little higher and holds her arms out wide for balance. She flies a bit higher and then falls with an, “oof!”

  “Ow,” Christine groans.

  “We could just walk,” says Marie chuckling. 

  “Your foot looks hurt,” says Christine. 

  “Yeah, When we went through the portal I felt my ankle snap.” says Marie, hiding her foot.

  “Well,” starts Christine, “Imma learn how to fly I guess…” Marie looks at her sister's wings as Christine flies up, this time gracefully and grabs Marie. Christine flies Marie and herself to the blue and silver castle. They see the entrance and Christine lands with a thud and Marie lands softly on her silver shoes. “This is it,” says Christine. In all white letters on the top of the castle read,

  “Queen Marie Harper.” And in front of that, there was a boy with silver armor and brown eyes and hair with an iron helmet, a light blue topaz shining on the front. 

  “Who are you?” Marie asks politely.

  “My name is Michael” answers the boy. He stays in his stern position and stares blankly at them.

  “Where exactly are we?” Asks Christine.

  “Why, you're in Marie’s kingdom,” Michael replies.

  “Huh…” says Christine, looking around. “Your famous”

  “I guess I am!” Marie smiles. 

  “Welp, thanks Michael but we must get going,” Christine says.

  “Alright,” says Michael. 

  “Let’s go,” says Christine.

                   Chapter 5, It’s A Large World After All

  Christine flew off with Marie holding her hand tightly. They flew over the vast land and oohed and ahhed. Christine lands on an edge of a lake. Marie smiles as her eyes sparkle in the sun. They see the water start to move. Christine gets a huge sword out of a case on her back. She steps in front of her sister and holds it high, wings spread wide. Marie looks at her sister, shaking.

  “Come out!” Christine demands. All of the sudden, a girl with green skin, seaweed scattered hair, and green eyes, emerges out of the water onto a rock. She had a tail with shells scattered around it. A mermaid? Christine thought. She looked at the creature and lowered her sword. She rested her wings and Marie saw the creature.

  “AHHH!” she screams.

  “Shhhhhhh!” Says Christine.

  “What is that thing!?”  Marie yells. 

  “You’ll scare it away before we find out with that voice,” Christine says rudely. Marie gathers her courage and walks near the water's edge.

  “Hello?” Asks Marie. “We mean no harm!” The creature makes a whale-like sound and Marie smiles. “That’s a wonderful name!” She says.

  “What’s she saying? And how can you understand her?” 

  “I’m not sure but she said her name is Aislinn” 

  “That’s a nice name,” says Christine kindly, looking at the creature’s emerald eyes. The creature  made another bellowing sound and Marie smiled.

  “She is very grateful that we are kind to her,” Marie says. 

  “Has she been living a ruff life?” Christine asks, hands on her hips. The creature makes a bubbly moan and Marie frowns.

  “She’s been abused before,” says Marie. “That’s why her tails got a rip in it.”

  “Oh,” says Christine, frowning. “I’m so sorry. Does she know where we are?” Christine needed answers. Marie turns to the creature and makes a terrified shriek.

  “She says we’re in the land of the twin sisters right now, but there’s another side that she’s warning us to stay away from,” Marie says.

  “What’s the other place look like? Just so we know,” Christine asks. The creature frowns and makes a small grunt.

  “She said it’s black like smoke and it smells like blood,” Marie says, her voice shaking.

  “Alright, last question, WHAT AM I?!” Christine yelled. The creature makes a laughing sound and smiles.

  “She said you’re my guardian angel,” says Marie. 

  “Huh, I’m cool with that. As long as I get wings and a sword, I’m ok with it.” Christine grinned.

  “Nice to meet you but we must get going,” Marie says sadly. “Sorry!” The creature takes a bow, and then jumps up, does a flip in the air, and lands in the water with a splash. 

  “Well that was interesting,” says Christine. “Wonder what she meant by ‘twin sisters’...”

  “I’m not sure,” says Marie.

  “And I also wonder what she meant by ‘twin brothers’...” Marie could tell her sister was very confused. Marie trips and falls into a world of black and smoke. Christine keeps walking, thinking that Marie is still by her side.

Posted Feb 23, 2021

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22 likes 9 comments

Laiba M
00:58 Feb 26, 2021

Hi! I love this story! I really liked how the ending raised so much suspense because Christine didn't realize Marie wasn't with her!!


J The Hedgehog
18:57 Mar 01, 2021

Thank you


J The Hedgehog
18:57 Mar 01, 2021

We are busy writting more


Laiba M
19:48 Mar 01, 2021

Of course! And I'm so glad to hear that!!


13:55 Mar 01, 2021

Thanks! Me and Hehe hedgehog made this using our middle names!


Somegenius Kid
06:55 Mar 05, 2021

the hedgehog is soo cute!!
Pls don't forget to follow me too!! : )
I really love the story tho!!!


J The Hedgehog
13:05 Feb 23, 2021

We are working on more chapters


J The Hedgehog
13:05 Feb 23, 2021

This is part two of me and eco darkness’s story. “Ice Day”


J The Hedgehog
13:04 Feb 23, 2021

Note not part of prompt


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