Creative Nonfiction Sad

This story is about two water droplets...which were on their way to become water drops. 

Rain had poured out on the streets, the buildings, the trees, the cars. Soon, everything was drenched. The rain had later halted down to a drizzle and had continued like ways since the past night. The cars were soaked with little raindrops. 

Now, I believe all of you have at least once thought about how a drop on the window pane of your car moves down and eventually 'engulfs' the other drop(s). Well, this is not just due to gravity. There is another aspect to it. Let me explain with the help of two water droplets...

For ease, let's name the two droplets on their journey. The first one, we can call it Blob, and its companion, we'll call it Glob.

On this day, Blob and Glob were making their first ever journey. From the clouds above to the ground and below, we'll cover it all. They were created at the same time, and shared the same cloud. They stayed there for a few days and made their acquaintances. Blob and Glob soon realized that now their cloud was heavy enough. It had become very suffocating for them. Their time to touch the ground had come. 

They were filled with excitement. Maybe they'd form a rainbow, or better, a double rainbow. That'd be awesome.

The cloud reached to a halt and decided to let go of all the droplets it had been sheltering for quite a while now. It felt the joy of releasing all its weight and being able to nurture thousands of lives on the ground and in the sky while doing so. One by one, the water droplets like our very own Blob and Glob, descended towards the Earth. Our protagonists were now on the edge of their cloud. They made their leap of faith.

Down below, they saw the Earth. Green, blue and a whole lot of other colours reflected in their body. They had heard about the Earth from their fellow companions on the cloud who had been on a few journeys across and back, but it was way more beautiful than the descriptions. 

They continued downwards. The figures which were blurry earlier became sharper as they were being pulled towards the Earth by a force unknown to them. Approaching their destination, they saw strange moving objects, very tall things, leafy things and whatnot. It was the first time our droplets were experiencing this. 

Slowly as they continued descending down, things became clearer. They worked out that the strange moving objects were cars, the tall ones were buildings and the leafy things were trees. They had heard that to land on a tree would be the most interesting experience for them. They will then be able to see the insides of a living organism. They would grow and develop, just like their fellow droplets who had had this experience before. Being inside a tree would not only give them a chance to look inside it, it would also help them to be a part of the process of generating and nourishing several different organisms who stayed and depended on the tree.

They landed on a car. 

A car. The most boring and dangerous object to land on.

After their landing, our Blob and Glob were clinging on to the window for their dear life. They had formed a different shape now. Their upper end had been elongated and stretched, like they were being pulled, and their lower body remained like a hemisphere. On the window, they noticed something. Some of the bigger drops were consuming the smaller ones and steadily going downwards. They couldn't comprehend what was going on, so they asked their neighbouring droplets. 

In came the reply, the smaller droplets were merging with the bigger ones so that they could eventually return to the ground, or else, they would remain on the car for the rest of their life, which would end as they would soon evaporate due to the Sun. 

Blob and Glob were both intelligent. They decided to be the bigger drops, they didn't want to merge into other drops, and they didn't want to show that they were immature. They started to merge with some of their nearby smaller droplets. Sooner than they anticipated, they were about thrice their initial size. 

They had reached the end of the window. Only halfway more to go, they thought. After holding their ground for some time, both Blob and Glob realized the presence of each other. They met and greeted each other, both unaware of the fact that the other one was having the same motive - to be big enough to reach the ground. 

A little droplet in between them became the next target for both. The innocent droplet, Drip, was in a dilemma. Drip was full of common sense. He asked Blob and Glob to merge with each other and then with him. This would ensure that they reach the ground faster, as both of them were big enough for the task, when combined. 

New to the world, both Blob and Glob were full of pride and wanted to prove that they were the best. They wanted to prove their worth. So, they refused to the alliance and continued on their journey alone. Poor Drip was also left hanging on the end of the window pane. A few hours later, both had been able to merge themselves with a few other droplets and had reached just below the door handle, but neither one of them was big enough to reach the ground. 

It was morning now. The Sun was shining gloriously. In an ordered manner, the droplets started evaporating. First the ones on the hood, then near the windows and then the ones on the window. From their respective places, both Blob and Glob were looking at their comrades. They were dying. Their life was coming to an end. They would never be able to experience the joy of coming down, from the sky and landing on the Earth again. 

The droplets, which had by now turned into drops, realized their mistake and tried to come together to merge. 

All in vain. 

They couldn't change their position. They too were going to die.

Gradually, they began to feel the heat of the Sun, or was it the heat of their surroundings? Nothing mattered now.

With a last view of the Earth and its beauty, both Blob and Glob evaporated into thin air.

They could've prevented it from happening. They could have easily merged with each other, to be soaked into the ground and experience the process of moving in through a tree and floating back into the skies, only to experience it all over again. Their pride and stubbornness paved the way for their demise.

In our lives too, many-a-times, we play the role of Blob and Glob. We need other people, to have the best experiences, but are too stubborn and too self-centered to admit it. We might have many opportunities to be a part of a bigger project which would have helped a lot many other people, just like the tree was for Blob and Glob, but due to their pride, they lost the opportunity, the same might happen to us, but it can be prevented.

By taking the right decision.

May 20, 2021 17:11

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20:05 Aug 17, 2021

Hey Jain! Great story i loved this one!!!!!!! :) I had a question to ask you so get back to me as soon as you can!!!!!!! Thanks!!!! -JJ


Dhwani Jain
03:32 Aug 18, 2021

Hey! Thanks for this comment. I live in India, so I saw this message just now. Tell me what you wanna ask.


11:09 Aug 18, 2021

Do you knw what role playing (rp) is??? and if so, wanna rp?


Dhwani Jain
13:25 Aug 18, 2021

I don't, but I know it is related to a collab sorta thingie on the comments only. I'd love to


15:46 Aug 18, 2021



Dhwani Jain
16:14 Aug 18, 2021

So....how do we do it?


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Dhwani Jain
13:48 Aug 18, 2021

Bio updated


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16:59 May 27, 2021

Wow. I think this might be one of the best things I’ve read on Reedsy. Definitely one of the most unique. So amazing job with that!! Like Esther Kurisu said, I really like the the no dialogue here. Your imagery and descriptions are fantastic as well. I also appreciate how you gave the story a moral. Tiny thing, I know, but I personally don’t have the patience to incorporate them into my story, but LOVE reading them in others’ stories. What happened to Drip? Did I miss that?


Dhwani Jain
17:11 May 27, 2021

Whoa! You really know how to deliver a compliment, I'm flattered! Thanks for the appreciation... About Drip, I added this sentence there : Poor Drip was also left hanging on the end of the window pane. No problem if you missed it, but I loved that you remembered him, seeing that he was a secondary character... This meant that he had been evaporated later


17:15 May 27, 2021



Dhwani Jain
17:24 May 27, 2021

I know...


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Dhwani Jain
17:14 May 20, 2021

Hello! I hope you like this story. It's my first time writing a story without any dialogues. I have written it in the best possible way and have tried my best to bring the characters to life. I would appreciate it if you would leave a review comment below and read my blog : www.djdhwanijain.wordpress.com Thank you for reading and enjoying my story!


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H L McQuaid
13:14 Jun 01, 2021

I'll never think about water droplets the same way again. This was charming story with an important message. Your descriptions were vivid and I could picture what was happening. Sometimes the verb tense goes a little haywire. I think it might be more engaging if you tried the present tense. Then you could keep the past tense very simple, and use it for flashbacks, rather then getting into more complicated structures ('had poured' 'were soaked' "were making' 'were created..' etc). But overall a charming story. :)


Dhwani Jain
13:18 Jun 01, 2021

Thanks! I am flattered if I could help to change your perspective of water droplets! Sure, I will work on it. Thank you for the detailed feedback! BTW, the second part of My 80th Birthday Party is out! Where are you from?


H L McQuaid
13:45 Jun 01, 2021

I'm from Pennsylvania, but I've lived in London for 15+ years. :)


Dhwani Jain
13:59 Jun 01, 2021



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Esther :)
17:38 May 23, 2021

I really enjoyed the “no dialogue” feature and I think it was really cool to hear the story about raindrops. It was a very interesting choice of protagonists and a really unique concept! Great job! :)


Dhwani Jain
05:42 May 24, 2021

Thanks Esther!


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TJ Squared
14:58 May 23, 2021

wow, I think this is the best one yet! I really love the perspective of the raindrops, that was just amazing. i find it a little interesting that there wasn't really an antagonist, but I suppose there doesn't need to be. Seriously, great job with the descriptions and their journey! L.W.


Dhwani Jain
15:29 May 23, 2021

Thanks a lot. I feel it a great accomplishment....being able to write a non-fiction (kind of) story, without ever reading one. This idea occured to me while I was laying down on my bed, trying to sleep, but ended up looking at the raindrops that had been falling from the sky since the past night.


TJ Squared
15:47 May 23, 2021

you're extremely welcome :) tis tis an accomplishment indeed! that's one way to get inspired lol


Dhwani Jain
15:49 May 23, 2021

I know!


TJ Squared
15:50 May 23, 2021



Dhwani Jain
15:51 May 23, 2021

Thanks for your feedback on my website! :)


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