Fiction Fantasy Adventure

Unusual words and definitions:

Anole-a green lizard

Setae-small hairs that assist lizards in movement.

A green lizard, named Jolie, saw water droplets dripping from the inside of a decaying log located in an unkempt backyard. The spring snow was melting and this caused hunger and excitement to course through the anole, sending her in a fit of circles at the threshold. She slid into the depths of the log, by way of setae on the bottoms of her feet. Speaking to her frog friend, Fritz, through release of a chemical through her scaly skin, she said she was ready to leave their hideout.

Because lizards and frogs belong to different species, having very different bodies and mannerisms, Jolie and Fritz communicated uniquely. Yet, friendship afforded the pair understanding of each other.

Fritz's moist body stiffened when he smelled Jolie's interest. Dread flashed memory of how the pair had barely escaped from being eaten on the day it snowed. The snow saved them, and now they were safe. He didn't want this to change.

He croaked in low pitch, and then hopped as high as he could within limited space away from the bad idea.

Sunshine was abundant on the day it snowed. The day felt perfect for hunting, so Jolie initiated an outing from their previous home beneath the house belonging to the yard. The two indulged in spring's plentiful present of insects until they were stuffed and sluggish. They were caught off guard when a determined sparrow attacked. 

During the melt, neither the lizard nor the frog were aware of the log being watched by the sparrow, who had failed to capture Fritz. It still hungered and wanted to satisfy a deliciously deadly craving. This is why it was watching and waiting.

Meanwhile, a young girl in the yard's house noticed the snow melting while seated at a table near a window displaying the yard. Anxiousness to play made her push unwanted lunch about a small plate hoping to be excused from eating. She imagined herself bundled, warmly, outside amidst what was left of the snow. She wanted to run carefreely and blow her bubbles.

She noticed a sparrow high up in a tree her father promised to cut as soon as spring took full hold. The bird, though perched silently and still, seemed to be inviting her outside to play with it. Right then, she thought it would be wonderful to share her bubbles with the bird. She decided she would blow some that would sail high up to the top of the tree. She smiled when she imagined the bird's delight.

The girl could not see the lizard and frog. She was unaware of the conversation they were having. And yet, the three were all part of what took place after the snow began to melt.

Jolie followed Fritz to the far end of the log where leaves and dirt created a wall. Her hunger intensified urge to return to hunting. She hissed, then bumped up against him, begging her friend to join her. 

Fritz, with an inflated voice sac, continued to croak his no. The scratch on his back stung, reminding of when the sparrow had clutched him as dinner. The log and the snow had saved them. He decided he could remain here forever feasting on algae and unfortunate critters that made their way inside.

Jolie gave up on trying to convince Fritz it was time for them to return to normal life. She moved towards the light alone clicking anticipation.

The sparrow saw her exit beneath the droplets. It stilled itself even more in wait for the perfect moment to attack.

"Hurry and eat your lunch," the girl inside the house was encouraged after being seen eyeing the window with great desire. "You can go out once you finish."

Excitedly, the girl went to work at clearing the plate, stuffing her mouth and almost choking.

"Take your time," she was warned. "The snow will still be there when you finish."

"But the bird will be gone," she thought but kept to herself.

Carefully, she chewed the mouthful before picking up a small plastic cup from beside the plate. 

Jolie scurried out of the hideout, feeling brave in embrace of freedom. Right away, she saw a mound of leaves moving that she hurried over to. The cricket tried to flee without success. 

Satisfaction enveloped the anole after eating the light snack. Zitting left and right, she continued her search about snow covered leaves for more. 

Fritz entertained fear although he was safe inside of the log. He felt torn between wanting to remain where he was and not wanting Jolie to face danger alone. Life without her would be less fulfilling, he decided after remembering their many adventures. He hopped towards the light.

The young girl inside of the house had cleared her plate and emptied her cup. She put on a heavy coat and a wool hat before taking a container of bubbles from her room to share with the bird. Now, she was ready to enter the great outdoors.

A pine shrub less than a wingspan away from Jolie seemed to the sparrow to be perfect for relocation. It would wait there until she moved beneath it. Then, the sparrow would claim the lizard for itself.

Fritz saw the sparrow glide in decent from the top of the tree to the shrub near his friend. He shrilled warning, while rebuking his desire to return to the log.

Jolie lifted her head from her search feeling happy to see Fritz, and directly on the heels of happiness she felt fear. Immediately, she turned brown as dirt when she eyed the sparrow.

Just as the bird revealed its presence with forceful flap of its wings as it reached sharp talons towards its prey, the girl ran towards it whistling as best she could with a loaded bubble wand in hand. This startled the sparrow, giving a second for Jolie to move out of its grasp.

A large rainbow filled bubble left the wand in the direction of the sparrow causing it to ascend awkwardly trying to miss it. More bubbles followed. One burst at the sparrow's retreating feet.

The girl giggled as she watched the bird fly away from her returning to the top of the tree.

Both, Jolie and Fritz returned to safety inside of the log.

"I'm never going out with you again," Fritz told Jolie by way of sound she understood. 

Jolie bumped into him in affectionate acknowledgement of his fear. She was happy to be safe within the log again with Fritz, although she was still anxious and hungry.

August 05, 2021 21:42

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Gip Roberts
22:49 Aug 19, 2021

I liked this a while back based on the first paragraph, and now I'm glad I've read it. That's creative, using a lizard, frog, and human as the three perspectives and explaining the feelings of the two who can't "talk" by their behaviors. My favorite line: "He croaked in low pitch, and then hopped as high as he could within limited space away from the bad idea." Jolie, the adventurer; Fritz, the wise; the child, the inadvertent hero who saves the day with her bubbles.


Dee Wes
19:08 Aug 20, 2021

😊 Thank you, Gip, for taking time to read this story and for appreciating its design. Our best stories are the ones we enjoy writing. It feels wonderful to see the fun I had reflected by a reader.🎉


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