My story is entitled Eminem grew up in a bunker , where luxury bunkers are being built for a selected and lucky few to survive calamity and collapse in times of hazards.

Submitted into Contest #84 in response to: Write about someone who grew up in a bunker, and lockdown life is all they’ve ever known.... view prompt


Adventure Creative Nonfiction Mystery

My story is entitled Eminem grew up in a bunker where luxury bunkers are being built for a selected and lucky few to survive calamity and collapse in times of hazards.

The bunker consists of three main types. Among them includes

a)The nuclear bunker in Europe North Korea.

b) The Cold War bunkers that cover a country.

c) The bunkers built to survive Apocalypse.

Eminem hung out in a bunker complexes on the Great Plains with groups growing food in secret forests where people building heavily amoured vehicles with religious communities have collected supplies that they are ready to hand over to strangers in need.

Most Preppers infact prepare for doomsday they are everyday people who always anticipate and then try to adopt for the many conditions that they believe are inevitable and have been escalated through some sort of human hubris and other excessive reliance on technology.

Also in bunkers , disasters might seem to occur at the extreme end of the spectrum , which includes an all out nuclear war or a massive electromagnetic pulse from the sun that would fry our fragile electronics.

Eminem who lives in a bunker also knows that sometimes disaster seems to occur in such an environment.

Also the power to the bunker is supplied by five different redundant systems so when one goes down there are four back ups mainly.

Also about five hundred and seventy five bunkers are now fast becoming the largest prepper community on Earth.

The power to the bunker is supplied by almost five different redundant systems.

It can be noted that it is these redundant systems that assists in the supply of power to the bunker that seems to generate electricity.

Again the bunker is a place where Eminem grew up and had his livelihood. The bunker was the house and the dwelling place of the young Eminem.

Sometimes the young Eminem experiences disturbances and noises around the neighborhood. Also his brother brings ill mannered people and cruel people to the bunker their dwelling place who disturb and shout in the whole neighbourhood.

Eminem house or dwelling place the bunker is more like an inferno- a place like hell.

These same people switch on television in the bunker for twenty -four hours that they hardly switch it off due to this they seem to be wasting electricity every now and then.

They are noted to have been wasting electricity due to this at some hours the Electricity corporation intentionally puts off electricity because they do not seem to be using electricity wisely.

As at now there is a black out in the bunker which is experienced every now and then.

Eminem also does not like the way and manner in which his brothers friends seem to use electricity in an ill mannered way within the bunker.

Eminem reports them to the Police and also the Electricity Corporation so that such issues will be solved in the bunker amicably.

Again Eminem also advises people on how to use Electricity wisely and effectively in order to conserve energy.

Eminem advises them that Electricity is exported to other countries for foreign exchange so that the country will gain foreign exchange for the development of the country.

Also Eminem advises on the need for the conservation of energy that is Electricity.

In instances where one goes down there are four backups.

This is crucial to a life support system, losing power would kill almost everyone in the facility such as the bunker.

Also in the bunker , Eminem grew up in the environment where there was a theatre and a lounge where movies was screened often.

The cinema at the bunker was connected to the bar which was intended to act as a neutral ground for some future residents.

The bunker had a beer keg system and one of the residents provided twenty-six thousand bottles of wine from her restaurant to stock the wine rack.

There were severe limitations of underground living that is in the bunker anything extraneous must be eliminated.

The entire building of the bunker is thought of as a single unit, where the actions of each resident inevitably affects all other residents.

However, this is what makes the bunker more like a submarine of some sort than a tower block.

Also in the event of a major incident a Prepper suggested that the bunker he was building in Eastern America was the best escape plan possible in life.

Also as according to Eminem, building a bunker is like building a spaceship in the Earth.

In the bunker, it was observed by Eminem that there will be a system of rotating jobs for five years, so that people will be occupied.

Also the staff in the bunker would individually learn the different critical operations in the bunker.

Again in the bunker are all kinds of sports which includes all kinds of luxury , the cinema , rock climbing wall, table tennis, video games, shooting range, sauna, library and everything that is key to survival.

Also in the bunker , lock down life is all they have ever known and this with no doubts have a strong resonance to those in COVID-19 lockdown.

In the bunker , people live a normal life such as Eminem , people always want the need for good quality food and water , in order to feel safe and feel they are working together towards a common purpose.

Also one Prepper named Auggie built a large scale bunker in Thailand. Eminem spent time in the bunker in Thailand with his family feeling safe and secure where he became the best version of himself.

The bunker as imagined by others is a chrysalis for transformation into a model self where preparations leads to some perfectly routine existence after which time a person can emerge as a superior version of themselves.

The rational and orderly planned space of the bunker is the antithesis of what some see as the pointless acceleration and accumulation of modern life.

The Media have a representation of Prepping and bunker building as a gloomy, dystopian practice.

In California a bunker builder explained that no one wants to go into the bunker as much as they want to come out of the bunker.

However, the bunker is also a form of transportation , but instead of transporting bodies and other material through space , it also transports them through time as in the case of Eminem.

Finally , I will conclude that due to the COVID-19 pandemic , the future of humanity is not in the stars after all but rather deep under the surface of the Earth where bunkers must be built.

March 09, 2021 17:47

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