Speculative Funny Inspirational

Living on Easy Street

Living on Easy Street refers to a life free of financial worries, full of comforts and all the luxuries of life. In general a life of ease.

Almost anyone would admit they dream of living on Easy Street. Imagine the wealth providing all the luxurious accommodations to make life perfect. Could be someone worked hard all of their career battling up the ladder until reaching the top to feel like they made it to Easy Street. Or perhaps someone was born into a limitless inheritance so that is all they were accustomed to their whole life. Penthouse views of sparkling city-scapes, endless rolling oceans views or wide open fresh smelling country vistas. Opulent furnishings in architectural masterpieces. Enjoying all the scrumptious culinary delights from around the world. Dressing in only the finest most fashionable creations by famous designers. Driving the fanciest cars or being chauffeured where ever desired. Flying in private jets on a whim.

It is easy to desire that kind of life style and many would fight to the very end or step over anyone they need to in order to attain that level success then be proud to show it all off to prove they deserve the rewards.

But ask some that have achieved that level. Is it all they expected it to be? Is there anything they find lacking? Do they really have it all?

It's not always easy living on Easy Street. Not in my town anyway. Yes, we have an Easy Street. There is only one house there. It doesn't go up for sale but once in about every thirty years or so. Maybe once in a blue moon.

That happened a few years back if I remember correctly. I wanted to go to the open house to see if it would be a good fit for my family. It wasn't. It is only a small two bedroom, kind of run of the mill type abode. Hm, maybe now I am retired it would be a good fit. Then I could claim I'm living on Easy Street when my class reunion comes up.

One would think, one would hope that being where it is located it would be much more than what it is. After all, living on Easy Street should mean living without a care in the world, having it made, being rich beyond compare. It doesn't. Not in this town anyway.

It means living in a modest blue ranch that needs updating with a detached one-car garage. Possibly still paying a mortgage with all the utilities, poor internet connection and expensive cable television. Not much of a yard because the Avery Street neighbor's back yard infringes on the half-block long haven on one side and the North Hennepin neighbor's back yard encroaches on its back yard. But famous Park Street, second only to Second Street as the most popular name for a street in the USA, intersects with North Hennepin and the iconic Easy Street. A triangular oasis houses one home to the front of the dwelling created by Park, Avery and Easy. So that's the world view. Not all that special considering one is living on Easy Street. No penthouse or country view.

Our town is ensconced in the Midwest so no ocean front villa either. There is a river but Easy is at the northernmost reach of N. Hennepin a good eight or nine blocks from that beauty. A little too far for a good view or even the fishy smell. There is a fine dining restaurant within walking distance along with the biggest car dealer in the valley should the inhabitant be ready to trade the reliable Dodge Caravan for a Cadillac Escalade. After all, if you're the one living on Easy Street, it should be easy to do. Didn't you get your government check this month?

What was that you said, Sir? Living in a blue house on Easy Street has made you a little blue? But aren't you supposed to be carefree and happy having it made in the shade? The lot is shady at least. Or is that dead tree I see in your back yard? Not going to be easy getting that down if it is inside your fence. Well, take it easy anyway.

So, you were saying, you are blue because why? All your relatives come to you for handouts because you are the one living on Easy Street. Don't they have government checks?

And your loving wife wants you to tear down this shack size cozy cottage and put up a McMansion more fitting for the name of the street? There wouldn't be enough room for one of those. It would have to extend out into the street and that would take away the grandeur of Easy Street living if Easy Street were destroyed to accommodate relentless renovations. Maybe add another story or two to the footprint? Oh, she is hard to please. But she is living on Easy Street. Shouldn't she be happy beyond compare? And you seem like such a generous, kind man. You are the one, are you not, that made her dreams of living on Easy Street come true?

I see, she was imagining a little more, huh. How about we help re-imagine what a different reality would be? Doesn't she realize how truly rich she is?

She has a loving, thoughtful partner to help get through all of life's challenges.

You are both healthy and able to use all your faculties to stay active.

Your home is charming and welcoming and it doesn't take forever to keep it clean.

You can afford to have help with the landscaping. It has nice curb appeal.

All your basic needs are met and you have enough resources left over for some of your wants. Well, less extravagant wants at least.

You live close to your extended family so are surrounded by those you love on special occasions or anytime you want.

You are active in your community.

You have faith in a forgiving Savior so your eternal hope is secure.

You know what, Mister Living on Easy Street? Listing all these blessings made me realize I must be living on easy street myself. I don't need the fancy address. I already have it all.

March 27, 2024 01:22

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John Rutherford
15:41 Apr 04, 2024

A soul searching exercise.


Mary Bendickson
17:44 Apr 04, 2024

Indeed! Thanks for searching.😊


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Helen A Smith
13:37 Apr 04, 2024

You make some great points here, Mary. Sometimes it’s easy to forget and lose track of the reality- that many are living on Easy street and either don’t realise it or appreciate it. Easy street is both literal and figurative by the looks of it.


Mary Bendickson
16:57 Apr 04, 2024

Exactly right. Glad you liked it.😊


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Fern Everton
20:17 Apr 03, 2024

In middle school creative writing (which I took both years in that school), we had to read monologues out loud to the class. This story reminds me of that! It’s an interesting take on a term like that with a lovely message at the end. Well done! I love this!


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Viga Boland
17:53 Apr 03, 2024

Excellent take on the prompt and tons of wisdom in the delivery, Mary. Thank you.


Mary Bendickson
22:13 Apr 03, 2024

Thank you and thanks for following.


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Philip Ebuluofor
05:54 Apr 01, 2024

I once spent three years going to and fro street known as 'Girls Street' to get to my school. Only that there are more males there than girls. I am guessing it must be the case in this Easy street too.


Mary Bendickson
16:11 Apr 01, 2024

Exactly right. Wonder sometimes how things get their names.


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01:47 Apr 01, 2024

Great story! Great message


Mary Bendickson
16:09 Apr 01, 2024

Thanks. You have probably been there but it hasn't been too easy.


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Martin Ross
22:21 Mar 31, 2024

I’d love to hear this delivered to high school or college grads with dubious aspirations. Great message well-told. But what the hey? We have a modest blue ranch house, and our last vehicle was a Dodge Caravan. What kinda AI wizardry are you using??🤣😉


Mary Bendickson
16:03 Apr 01, 2024

Still driving the Caravan but our ranch is cream color. Writing what I know.


Martin Ross
16:14 Apr 01, 2024

What you have to do.👍👍 Except to clarify: My dad buried folks in the Depression, but never murdered any physicists (that I know of).


Mary Bendickson
18:03 Apr 01, 2024

So glad to hear that.


Martin Ross
18:42 Apr 01, 2024



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Diana Jo Filip
15:52 Mar 31, 2024

Easy Street, here we come. Accommodating every single writer?


Mary Bendickson
19:35 Mar 31, 2024

Sure. Take a number.


Diana Jo Filip
23:32 Mar 31, 2024

Got it. Now waiting in line, while biting my nails!


Mary Bendickson
16:06 Apr 01, 2024

Wish I could offer you a donut while you wait. Thanks for liking my donut story.


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J. I. MumfoRD
13:55 Mar 31, 2024

A heartwarming message, universal and easy to read. Well done


Mary Bendickson
19:05 Mar 31, 2024



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04:54 Mar 31, 2024

Very funny. Took me a while to realize that, 'Easy', is the name of the street. Nothing to do with the figurative meaning of the expression, 'Easy Street'. You are right. Having it all does not lead to happiness even though those grasping for that sort of life, imagine it does. It's all in the name. Interesting twist to the prompt.


Mary Bendickson
19:01 Mar 31, 2024



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Daniel Rogers
03:36 Mar 31, 2024

Definition is key. Faith in Christ, family near by, good friends, and being part of a community is the real "easy street."


Mary Bendickson
04:20 Mar 31, 2024

Thank you!😁


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Irene Duchess
02:05 Mar 31, 2024

So true. Good family, good friends, good life, a good Savior, and that's all you need. :) When put this way it makes me think, is there ever actually an Easy Street in life? Thank you for sharing. :D


Mary Bendickson
04:19 Mar 31, 2024

Thank you.😁


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Cindy Strube
22:48 Mar 30, 2024

Unexpected second-person works well here! I like it. You do indeed portray a strong sense of place, and the message is on point. “I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.” : )


Mary Bendickson
23:06 Mar 30, 2024



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Mazie Maris
17:32 Mar 30, 2024

It's all in our perspective, isn't it? I really enjoyed reading this story, a beautiful reminder to count our blessings and appreciate what we have instead of pining for what we do not. Wonderful story, Mary!


Mary Bendickson
19:31 Mar 30, 2024



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17:06 Mar 30, 2024

The ending with the use of 2nd Person - my favorite... I loved this testimony to a life well lived. Words to live by, indeed.


Mary Bendickson
19:31 Mar 30, 2024

So glad you appreciated it.😊


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Kristi Gott
21:30 Mar 29, 2024

As always I enjoyed this well thought out writing that engages my mind. It is a unique and original approach to the prompt and includes ideas we all think about. I felt inspired by this to think about what street or path I am seeking. Good job!


Mary Bendickson
23:15 Mar 29, 2024

Thank you.😊


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Darvico Ulmeli
15:31 Mar 29, 2024

Like always, nice moral story. I dreamed of Easy Street. How is gonna be? But every time I try to imagine it - is different. Every time. It's hard for me to live on Easy Street. Maybe because it was never easy for me from the start. I learned to be happy on Hard Street. You write nicely.


Mary Bendickson
16:21 Mar 29, 2024

Thank you.😊 I remember my mom talking about traveling into town by way of the hard road, meaning paved. Once when on one of my husband's work projects we lived next to 'Hard Road'. So it must have been a common term when roads became paved. Many of us have been there.


Darvico Ulmeli
17:02 Mar 29, 2024

So true. I remember living on a road that wasn't even paved. Mud and rocks. Feels old just remember that.


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Trudy Jas
19:30 Mar 27, 2024

Teaching us to count our blessings. Thanks.


Mary Bendickson
23:08 Mar 27, 2024



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Alexis Araneta
15:28 Mar 27, 2024

Ooh, such an adorable one, Mary ! I love the juxtaposition of the name with the reality of the situation. Very creative ! Great job !


Mary Bendickson
16:30 Mar 27, 2024

So pleased you found it pleasing.😊


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Hannah Lynn
12:18 Mar 27, 2024

Mary, I really love this story! It’s easy to think the grass is greener but we have to remember how truly blessed we are! Thanks for sharing!


Mary Bendickson
16:08 Mar 27, 2024

Thanks for liking.☺️


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