Mr.Smith decides to camp out in the backyard around a Cave during a power outage.

Submitted into Contest #58 in response to: Write about a family who decides to camp out in the back yard during a power outage.... view prompt


Mystery Adventure

The story is entitled Mr. Smith decides to camp out in the backyard during a power outage.

One Friday , during a power outage,the family of Mr. Smith decided to camp out in the backyard .

Also around the backyard was a cave,the family of Mr. Smith all together encountered an adventure.

Again the family of Mr. Smith came down into a valley ,where the dark clouds caught up with them once.

At the backyard ,there were tall trees around. It became dark even faster than it had done earlier on the main road.

Again it also became very windy.There were dry leaves floating down in heaps around the backyard where the Cave was entirely.As can be observed twigs were snapping off hand and then branches were hissing around the vicinity of the backyard. Also the family of Mr.Smith noticed walked around the backyard with their torch light on.

As noted the family of Mr. Smith saw the tree trunks were groaning and could almost fall and crush the four children then.

Also do make us rest under the iroko tree until the wind calms down,with the family of Mr. Smith. This happens to be a very big strong tree, that won"t fall possibly on the family of Mr. Smith.

Again, the wind will pass to other places close to the cave, the family of Mr. Smith observed that it was always getting cold and they looked almost subdued and uncertain.

Also they heard a movement and turned to see what it was.

The family of Mr. Smith then witnessed a tall dark man, with a moustache , hurrying by carrying almost two calabashes across his back , hanging from his left shoulder with chisel dangling from his belt around his waist. He again stopped suddenly as he nearly ran into other children.

He asked ,What is the family of Mr. Smith doing here.?

The family of Mr. Smith ,then answered that,They were on their way to the Cave behind the backyard due to the fact that they experienced power outage in their family house.

They politely asked ,"Who was the head of the family.?

Mr. Smith was the head of the family the man you spoke to at first when you instantly met us.

The distance to the cave is not all that far. The entire family came and encountered the adventures at the cave , together with a man leading them in all possibilities.

Mr. Smith was also known as a good man , he was a cocoa farmer who exports to other countries for foreign exchange.

Also Mr Smith never left his son and daughters to go all alone to the cave, because they were afraid of Scarecrow, Tin man, and Cowardly Lion.

The Wizard of Oz ,warned them especially the kids including Mr. Smith not to be afraid of Scarecrow ,Tin man and Cowardly Lion.

The Wizard of Oz, lives behind the Girls school around the neighborhood on top of the hill around a mountain.

Again, by the time I came back the wind should have passed entirely.

The man also turned rather surprised about what happened actually.

Also the rain will not fall during the time that the family of Mr. Smith left to the Cave during the power outage.

The wind was also too strong to let the clouds settle. It was observed that the wind was dispersing in the clouds yet it never rain.

Later the family of Mr. Smith walked straight ahead on the pavement until they got to the Cave. At the premises of the Cave ,there was light and a generator . Also issues about power outages does not occur mostly around the Cave.

Mr. Smith then realised that at the premises of the Cave,there was a resting room, mainly for accommodation purposes , together with a Cinema.

The family of Mr. Smith had no better option but to find accommodation in the Cave for a days rest,until the light comes back.

Again the family of Mr. Smith realised the opportunity to rest and watch movies at the cinema.

Mr. Smith together with his children had to rest and watch movies with his family in the Cinema.

Mr. Smith family had a good time together at the Cave because there was lights. They all ate in one Restaurant in the Cave and enjoyed watching movies with popcorn and drinks.

The premises of the Cinema was Airconditioned in order to withstand the harsh and hot weather conditions of that neighborhood.

Mr. Smith family enjoyed their stay in the Cave until they became tired and left the Cinema ,to rest in a bedroom in the Cave.

Also in the bedroom within the Cave, family of Mr. Smith slept after watching the Television News for the day.

Again ,the Wizard of Oz did not foretell or commented on the time when the light or electricity will be put on due to the power outage.

The main cause for the power outage was because the family of Mr. Smith were misusing electricity.

The family of Mr. Smith used to leave the television on for twenty four hours in their bedroom and the Hall whilst nobody is watching only to waste electricity.

Also due to the power outage, the issue about the waste of Electricity was being controlled in order to export Electricity to other countries so that they will become wealthy with resources.

Again the issue about power outage can be controlled when electricity is used wisely within the household and community.

During instances ,where there was power outage ,the family of Mr. Smith never liked the issue of the black out and the calamity they encountered.

However, the Electricity Corporation advised the family of Mr. Smith not to waste electricity but to rather use electricity wisely.

Also the Electricity Corporation advised customers and Mr. Smiy that not using electricity wisely within a community of household could result in a continuous power outage of some sort.

The family of Mr. Smith could not always solve the problem of the power

outage by visiting the backyard cave to spend some time in the Cinema and bedrooms.

Also the family of Mr. Smith had another option of. buying a generator for the household. This did not however solve the problem because the generator creates excessive noise to the hearing of the entire family that the kids could not withstand and even sleep soundly.

Again the family of Mr. Smith employed another means of using solar energy to generate electricity for the household.

Finally to stop the power outage problem the family of Mr. Smith decided to take the advice of Electricity Corporation not to waste electricity and to switch off all appliances after use.

Lastly since, Mr. Smith family decided on using electricity wisely and putting off all electrical appliances after use ,the issue about the power outage was solved entirely, that enough electricity was exported to other countries for foreign exchange.

The Electricity Corporation demonstrated excellence at work when electricity is used wisely and also gave the leeway for other people to testify about the wise usage of electricity.

This mandate however made Mr. Smith very wealthy because the country was able to earn foreign exchange from other countries by exporting electricity.

September 07, 2020 06:01

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