The Planet's Party

Submitted into Contest #93 in response to: Set your story at a party that has gone horribly wrong.... view prompt


Funny Science Fiction Teens & Young Adult

"Hey, everyone, thanks for coming."

Sun unleashed his clipboard and stared at it for three seconds. "Is everyone here? I don't see Pluto. Pluto? Pluto you-?"

"I'M HERE!" Pluto screeched loudly and rolled in. Sun winced a moment then continued.

"Th-thank you, Pluto. Um. We have snacks, water, games, enjoy."

"I'm FULL of water! I've got an OCEAN!" Earth shouted.

Sun rolled his eyes. "We-"

"And not just that, but I'm BETTER than all of you!" Earth pointed to all the planets around him. "I've got land, water, animals, humans, and more!"

"What's this about?" Mars whispered to Venus. Venus shrugged.

"You guys don't even have LIFE!"

"Okaaaay Earth! Shut up, dude!" Jupiter barked. "Don't make us vote you into a dwarf planet, because you're acting like a child!"

"Fine, I'll stop. Jeesh," Earth mumbled under his breath.

"May I continue?" Sun asked, closing his eyes tightly, his tone of voice off-edge. "And Earth, if I didn't exist you wouldn't even have all that stuff."

Earth was about to say something but stopped himself.

"Anyways, I'm going to continue now-" Sun said, tapping his pen on the clipboard.

"Go ahead! I'm not stopping you," Mars replied. "I just want this thing to start already."

"Okay. As I was saying, welcome to the party. We're here to discuss the matter of Uranus--"

Before Sun could finish Earth snickered.

"What?" Neptune asked.

"Uranus!" Earth started laughing. Jupiter rolled his eyes in utter disgust.

"Am I missing something?" Neptune looked around at the snickering planets.

"What's wrong with my name?" Uranus asked, frowning.

"I like your name, Uranus," Pluto smiled.

"HAHAHAHAHA!" Earth burst.

Sun immediately got irritated. "Earth PLEASE, what happened to you 3 billion years ago?"

"He's more immature than when he was a rock," Saturn muttered.

"WEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Pluto was rotating and revolved around all the planets, acting like an insane maniac.

"GUYS!" Sun shouted. "Can I PLEASE continue?"

"Yes, let Sun finish!" Mars joined in.

Most got quiet, but Earth still snickered in the corner.

"You know, no one cares about Uranus, let's just go on."

Uranus gave a shocked look and stared off, completely offended.

"Ha!" Earth taunted.

"As you all know, I've been getting a lot of spots lately-" Sun said when Saturn interrupted.

"What kind of spots?"

"Sunspots!" Earth joked.

"Hahaha!" Venus laughed.

"Sure, whatever. Anyways, does anyone have any treatment I could try?"

"You're old, Sun, there ain't nothing we can do for you," Mercury tsked.

"When did you start talking in a country accent?" Earth asked.

"I ain't got a clue what your talking bout, y'all."

Earth rolled his eyes.

"Thanks, Mercury," Sun said sarcastically. "No one has any solutions? Great. Anyone else got any news before we start?"

Everyone was silent. Uranus still stared off into the distance.


"What was that for, Pluto?" Neptune asked.

"Maybe Sun needs a hug," Pluto replied, unrelated to the odd giggle that erupted from him.

"I don't need a hug," Sun said, very sure.

"Everyone needs a hug."

"You know I've got a problem," Venus said.

"And what would that be?" Sun asked, looking directly at Venus.

"Well. . ."

Venus was silent for a couple seconds when Earth urged him to go on.

"What is it?" Jupiter asked.

"There's something different about me. . . that makes me feel out of place," he sniffed.

"Oh great, emotions," Earth said bitterly.

"And can you tell us more about this thing you feel, that creates a gap between us all?" Sun asked.

"Well, it's that-"

"Don't worry Venus, I support you all the way," Pluto said.

"I. . . I don't have any moons," Venus said and burst into acid tears.

"Oh, great," Earth whispered.

"He's at it again," Neptune said, giving himself a face-plant. Sun gently comforted Venus, as Venus's acid tears streamed down his face.

"Man," Mercury said.

"I mean, Mercury doesn't have any moons but-that's only because of you!" Venus cried, and pointed to Sun.

"Well-I-I got mad, okay?" Sun defended. "Look Mercury is totally fine with it."

Mercury shot Sun a deathining look.

"I don't know why I don't have any moons. . ."

Earth simply rolled his eyes. "Cough. I'm better than you. Cough, cough," he said, covering his words up with unrealistic coughs.

"At least Venus is brighter than you," Jupiter snapped.

"Humph," Earth turned away from them.

"Don't worry Venus, I'm sure there's some logical explanation," Sun comforted. "And I don't have any moons!"

"No, you have planets, and that's so much worse," Venus said angrily then sniffed.

"Well my atmosphere is better than Venus's," Earth said, finally figuring out another comeback.

"He doesn't have pollution," Jupiter said.

"I think BOTH of you are great," Pluto said with stary eyes.

"Pluto, no," Earth lashed out.

"Well if one of you has to be great then it's Earth," Pluto muttered.

"Pluto, not helping!" Jupiter barked. Venus was still crying over the fact he had no moons, while Sun was casually watching the fight.

"HA! Pluto said I was the best," Earth mocked. "I'm better than all of you!"

Jupiter fumed.

"ACHOO!" Earth sneezed.

"Bless you," Pluto peeped.

"SHUT UP PLUTO!" Jupiter shouted.


"Earth what's wrong?" Sun asked, his attention turning to Earth.

"Sorry, China did something, made me sneeze," Earth replied.

"Oh, you good?" Mars asked.

"Y'all I'm leavin' I'm bored," Mercury got up and left the other planets.


"Ohnoohnoohno Earth is SICK!" Mars panicked.

"Calm down I'm sure he's not-"

Earth coughed several times before a snotty sniff.

"Yup, he's sick," Sun said with a slight nod.

"What do we do?" Saturn asked, peering down at Earth.


"WHAT DO WE DO!" Saturn started to panic and ran around the room.

"Ew, don't cough on me," Mars said, backing away from Earth.

"Man everyone is going crazy back at Earth. They're all getting sick, too," Sun said, reading new charts.

"Maybe we can give them all hugs!" Pluto said.

"Earth is running out of toilet paper. . ." Jupiter read, peering over Sun's shoulder.


"Vaccines, we need vaccines!" Saturn ran around.

"Where's Cleanex when you need them?"

"Here's a mask, Earth," Mars handed Earth a blue mask, and Earth took it.

"Yo I'm out," Saturn ran out of the room, rings spinning out of control.

"I think we all just need a hug-"


The End.

This story was super short- I wasn't sure what else to add. It's. Oh, I don't know what this is. It funny, with some science humor snuck in there. I'm no science geek though, that's certain. But if planets could talk, don't you think Earth would be all snotty? Since he's the "best" planet? I thought so. Comment below any suggestions/feedback, it's all appreciated. Thanks for reading, I hope you liked this funny short!

May 14, 2021 11:00

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Aiden Otaktay
08:52 Jun 07, 2021

Fantastic job!!!


Aiden Otaktay
16:30 Jun 07, 2021

NP :)


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22:04 May 14, 2021

Hahahaah I love this story!! I found it great how you used the planets as characters and that last bit about the vaccines and cleaned!! Awesome job!! XD


Thank you! I'm usually bad at comedies but I love them. Thanks for the feedback! :)


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