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Adventure Drama Funny

My bed rumbles as I swiftly escape my cold room. I’m just any normal kid… I tell myself that even though I know it’s not true. You see I live in the apocalypse. The world is a mess, I have no clue what day it is, and I don’t want to. I thrive in the confusion, In fact, I always thrive! Most people feel bad for me when I drop the sad backstory bomb, but most of them don’t know that I’m amazing. If I couldn’t handle a sad backstory, Id be doomed in the apocalypse! 

 you see this is no normal end of the world alien invasion, These aliens are from earth, they are all engineered by scientists. They had originally been a synthetic army made to fight wars. but when they decided they had enough fun killing half the world, They went to kill the other half. I live in Canada… and of course, the aliens save the best for last, we had a heads up because we were the last place attacked. So I had time to prepare.

What did I prepare, you ask? My never-fail survival home, It’s full of stuff that helps my chances of survival. Such as my “How to not die book”, I know the name isn’t very catchy, but it’s the apocalypse, nothing sounds good! Nothing except some waffles and syrup, And yes I know, that’s a very Canadian thing to say, but what do you want from me! Anyways my “How to not die book” contains all of the information a kid in the apocalypse could ever need. And It has info about where “The Invaders” lurk. “The Invaders” is what I call magic aliens that kill each other for sport.

I don’t feel very lonely despite what you would assume. I had grown up on my own and in the end, it couldn’t have benefited me more! Being in the apocalypse is even easier now that I’ve been used to trying to survive by myself

. But don’t get me wrong, I’m not happy my dad walked out on me. But id rather learn how to fend for myself than be stuck with a drunk mom and a dad too lazy to take care of one child.

That’s all besides the point, Anyway I’ll tell you more about me and what I do in my time off in the apocalypse. I have a lot to do, and even more, time to do it! I spend most of my time making weapons and scoping out the area, but I do other stuff as well. In all of the apocalypse movies, I’ve seen the protagonists wear the same clothes, but not me! I don’t have any clothes left from the war, so I make my own clothes! In fact, I’ve grown to enjoy making myself clothes, and even if it turns out bad no one can judge me! But who am I kidding, my clothes always turn out perfect!

As I was saying, life in the Apocolypse can be what you make of it. And I can make good out of everything! But not just because I’m an optimist, me being around a bad situation can make it better, I assume this is because everything I’m around turns perfect just like me. Speaking of perfect things, meet my cat, Nitro Von Sparkles the Third. Nitro is the cat I’ve had the longest, hence the third in his name. Nitro’s ancestors lived a short life, but he certainly didn’t follow in his family’s footsteps. After all, Nitro is 10 years old! In fact, today is his 10th birthday! Were eating two rats today instead of one, which sounds gross...but it’s better than you’d expect.

“This is so good!... Nitro, why aren’t you eating?” ...weird, Nitro always eats everything whether it’s my shoe or bugs. “Nitro please eat!” You know, I never thought I’d be pleading to a cat, but here I am. And I want to help but…I don’t really feel like going anywhere, And to help I kind of need to go to the vet. But it’s probably a party ground for the Invaders. Besides I’m sure they love the kibble, it’s really good! And I’d like to say I only ate It because I was starving but… I try not to lie. 

Well I know I said I didn’t want to go but, here I am risking my life for a cat older than dirt. You see, Invaders aren’t like movie zombies, their extremely strong, fast, and violent creatures. And they wouldn’t hesitate to kill me and spit on my grave. Doing this, risking my life, and basically committing suicide is all for a cat, but then again it’s not just any cat it’s Nitro Von Sparkles.

I sprint to the extent of my speed, I know I can’t outrun any Invaders but If it’s for Nitro, I can try. I duck in the shadows and swerve past anything that risks me getting heard by Invaders. Quickly and quietly I scurry my way to the back door. I can’t go to the front door because the noise of the automatic door opening risks me getting caught, so instead, I use the back door. 

I always wanted to work at a pet store but never got a chance to interview. 

This was probably the closest thing to working anywhere I could get nowadays. And anyways working at a job now is pointless, even the thought of invaders acting civilized sends a shiver down my spine.

I walk slowly through the store, the isles were all empty. At this point, the only chance I have is medicines in the backroom. Unfortunately, the backroom is on the other side of the store, may I remind you said the store is packed with Invaders. I could turn back now...I could even live ‘till I’m an adult! But then again what's a life worth if Nitros dead.

I manage to pull myself out of my state of regret before I turn back completely. I duck behind counters as I make my way to the back of the door. To be honest, I rarely see Invaders so being close to an Inky dark mist with claws is pretty weird, But nothing surprises me anymore. I have to be extremely silent, Invaders have amazing senses. But something makes me think being quiet doesn't matter when I haven't showered in months.

Thanks for reading chapter one! I will try to update every week, enjoy!

March 12, 2021 15:32

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1 comment

13:47 Mar 17, 2021

lol, I guess I can't update, Sry!


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