
I’m so thankful that I’m not writing you this serious message from  92 miles below the surface of the earth just like the Oarlocks a humanoid species which were once descended from humans, particularly low-class underground machine license plate operators. They exist in several future timelines, notably in Oaror. They were subterranean and prefer dark, as their eyes were sensitive to light.

After the Covid-19 or Coronapocalypse as it was called in the hood wiped out 27% of the world’s population in 2020. The aliens from our real and true sister planet Novagorodian Star 15. It was discovered by Astronomer Galileo Galilei in 1588. He was threatened to be beheaded if he revealed that planet to anyone. It’s roughly the same size and mass as Earth, it’s our closest planetary neighbor. Came back down to earth to rescue us with an instant cure. Just like they did  when the Antonine Plague of 165 to 180 AD, also known as the Plague of Galen (from the name of the Greek physician living in the Roman Empire who described it), was an ancient pandemic brought back to the Roman Empire by troops returning from campaigns in the Near East.

History has a unique way of repeating itself.

The president of the United States at the time couldn’t handle the political pressure and committed suicide by over dying his hair and face a bright orange. Well let’s just say it was rumored or alleged he committed the most selfish act of human mankind while still almost in office of taking his own life by presidential suicide.

Them Nova aliens looked worse than the ones depicted in the movie District 9.

Our Nova alien saviors brought their own language called ackadakka. It took most of the world population 11 years to learn how to speak ackadakka clearly and concise because it was the only language the Nova mind reading aliens would allow us to speak. The Nova aliens mandated by zenact decree that if anyone were caught speaking in their native tongue they would be immediately shipped to the planet Mercury. A runaway greenhouse effect makes it the hottest planet in our solar system, with an average surface temperature of around 462°C (864°F). The temperature is not the only thing you have to worry about though, as the atmosphere also provides a crushing pressure on Mercury’s surface which is about 90 times what we experience on the Earth. Clouds, made up of droplets of sulphuric acid, line the skies and are responsible for frequent, intense lightning storms.

Somehow or someway they had the capability to visit any place in the entire galaxy. Albert Einstein was right when he talked about time portals and H.G. Wells knew what he was talking about when it came to time travel.

The only good thing I’m going to say about them Nova aliens is that they unknowingly ended racism. Everyone in the world was so angered by their presence that they forgot to hate any other race because of the pigmentation of their skin. It took some time to get used to seeing the Jewish race getting along with the Ayran Brotherhood. Many believed that Adolph Hitler must have been doing somersaults in his bunker grave. Roll over Beethoven.

What most people refused to except was the fact that the Nova aliens were now starting to look like humans. Their technology was far more advanced than mere cloning. They could restructure DNA.  If it weren’t for the stench of there breath you couldn’t tell a Rastafarian from a Iranian in Bagdad or Jamaica.

All this could have been avoided had the United States came clean as far back as Roswell. The Roswell incident, events surrounding the crash and recovery of a U.S. Army Air Forces high-altitude balloon in 1947 near Roswell, New Mexico, which became the center of a conspiracy theory involving UFOs and Nova aliens. The U.S. military eventually revealed that the balloon was part of a top-secret program. Sometimes it isn’t good to keep secrets. I got a big secret though. I know how to kill them Nova aliens.

They ordered me to work at a Fossil Fuel Plant. A fossil fuel is a fuel formed by natural processes, such as anaerobic decomposition of buried dead organisms, containing organic molecules originating in ancient photosynthesis that release energy in combustion. Such organisms and their resulting fossil fuels typically have an age of millions of years, and sometimes more than 650 million years. Fossil fuels contain high percentages of carbon and include petroleum, coal, and natural gas. Commonly used derivatives of fossil fuels include kerosene and propane. Fossil fuels range from volatile materials with low carbon-to-hydrogen ratios (like methane), to liquids (like petroleum), to nonvolatile materials composed of almost pure carbon, like anthracite coal. Methane can be found in hydrocarbon fields alone, associated with oil, or in the form of methane clathrates.

 You see there was no longer any unemployment. Everyone worked. Somehow or someway the Nova aliens were able to sterilize every human being so that since 2021 there were no new babies being born. It was put into Nova alien law that you work until you die. People didn’t even have time to do drugs anymore. What a confusing world with everybody being as sober as a judge. If it was deemed that you suffered from any mental illness you got turned into fertilizer for wheat and corn. Those Nova aliens just couldn’t get enough of those two plants.

At first they made us grow them nothing but mushrooms until they discovered human beings weren’t as dumb as they thought. Especially when we started germinating LSD into the seeds. People are so scared today that 99% of the real human population whispers when they speak. Anyway, I was telling you I know how to kill them Nova aliens and I found out through trial and error.

I’m one of the 1% what many can’t believe will always be a nonconformist. I didn’t pay heed to human beings so you know full well I wasn’t gonna listen to no Nova aliens. If it wasn’t for  one of the 20,000 big foots or Nittaewo in which they like to be called who finally revealed themselves I would never have solved the mystery of knowing how to kill them. I thought about ways to kill them long before they showed up on the scene. If the government hadn’t forcibly locked me up in a mental institution we would have never needed their Nova Alien assistance. Back in 2018 I wrote a trilogy Titled: A Mental State of Affairs:190 Proof Vodka. 93% of what I predicted came to fruition. Well except that I had the 46th President to be Oprah Winfrey. She too was instrumental in having me locked up as well and my book never got published.

I’m now fluent in speaking ackadakka.

Oh, yeah about how to kill them Nova aliens. I have trouble thinking these days because the Nova Aliens insist on thinking for everyone. If it weren’t for me secretly wrapping my head with aluminum foil I probably couldn’t write this. Writing and reading and thinking was outlawed back in 2033. Gheche dumbata daycouta bekkeya. That means I’m gonna kill an alien with a drop of Iodine. A chemical element with the symbol 1 and atomic number 53. The heaviest of the stable halogens, it exists as a lustrous, purple-black non-metallic solid at standard conditions that melts to form a deep violet liquid at 114 degrees Celsius, and boils to a violet gas at 184 degrees Celsius. However, it sublimes easily with gentle heat, resulting in a widespread misconception even taught in some science textbooks that it does not melt. The element was discovered by the French chemist Bernard Courtois in 1811. It was named two years later by Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac, after the Greek ἰώδης "violet-coloured".

Remember when I told you that I worked at a Fossil Fuel Plant alongside of a Sasquatch. I cut my finger with a pair of scissors while helping him cutting the hair away from his eyes so he could see. I went to the first aid kit on the job and got out a bottle of iodine to put on my cut. I got to thinking that maybe I should see what would happen if I put a drop of it on an Nova alien. To my surprise one drop made him or her I could never tell the difference of their sex. It evaporated into thin air.  

We were no longer allowed to use Computers or iPad or smart or dumb phones. I needed to know who manufactured iodine. It took me 8 months to discover with over 30 years of production experience, IOCHEM Corporation was the largest iodine manufacturer of medical-grade iodine in North America. They were dedicated to producing the highest quality of flake iodine, prill iodine, resublimed iodine and recycled iodine on the market. IOCHEM Corporation began production of iodine near Vici, Oklahoma on October 2, 1987. Production had been immediately stopped the day the Nova aliens returned to earth. IOCHEM was the largest producer of iodine in North America, manufacturing about 1200 metric tons per year in a modern facility.

I found a way to dispose of those foul mouth smelling Nova aliens and now all I had to do was to convince the petrified human beings of the world to join me so that we could seriously get back to some old fashion racism. Further secretive research by me revealed that about 320 million years ago, much of the region was under water and that a large river or estuary existed that contained a type of seaweed that concentrated iodine from the seawater. Great movements of the earths tektonic plates and erosion of the nearby Washita and Arbuckle mountains eventually completely filled the river and created an iodine rich layer of sandstone that now lies deep beneath the surface.

The Nova Aliens knew this along time ago and I believe God laid His wrath upon them Nova Aliens with the notion He would flood the ocean with iodine. Knowing that God was the only true being they feared they fled the planet earth and let earthling be, to destroy ourselves. Noah knew to. Shinkeka fumddata ty vorooma canasticka druum. (History has a way of repeating itself).

May 10, 2020 11:45

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